15 bagseed grow in beer pong cups 12/12 from seed


Well-Known Member
put this in there..this is from World of Seeds SeedBank.The EXACT ones you gettin.

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Afghan Kush (12 Feminised)

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Availability: Out of stock

100% Indica
Origin: Afghanistan
Harvest Time: 45 -55 days
THC: 21.6%
production: 450gr/m2 indoors, 500-600gr per plant outdoors.
Number of seeds per bag: 12



Well-Known Member
put this in there..this is from World of Seeds SeedBank.The EXACT ones you gettin.

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Afghan Kush (12 Feminised)

Sign up to get notified when this product is back in stock
Availability: Out of stock

100% Indica
Origin: Afghanistan
Harvest Time: 45 -55 days
THC: 21.6%
production: 450gr/m2 indoors, 500-600gr per plant outdoors.
Number of seeds per bag: 12

yall see this? my nigga commin thru for his dog thats how shit works all yall give purp some rep. but for reals i will have a new thread up soon it may wait till later in the month or the beginning of december because i want to wait till i get my other 150 hps and then ill order a 400 watt and veg one of em in a new box im gonna build for a bonsi mother and ill throw one in 12 12 i prolly wont even throw one in 12 12 man keep em both as mothers but in the closet ill have a 400 watt hps cooltube and the 150 i got in there now movin on up but remember this wont be till the end of this month.


Well-Known Member
ok i checked on the plants this mornin dident go to school or work today my girl is sick they r doin great the one that is the tallest is startin to have some red hairs appear im gonna have to go lookin for a scope pretty soon but im up to 13 i beleive im gonna take pics with my dads digatal camera today and get em posted for yall


Well-Known Member
yall see this? my nigga commin thru for his dog thats how shit works all yall give purp some rep. but for reals i will have a new thread up soon it may wait till later in the month or the beginning of december because i want to wait till i get my other 150 hps and then ill order a 400 watt and veg one of em in a new box im gonna build for a bonsi mother and ill throw one in 12 12 i prolly wont even throw one in 12 12 man keep em both as mothers but in the closet ill have a 400 watt hps cooltube and the 150 i got in there now movin on up but remember this wont be till the end of this month.
Hell yea bro no later than 3 pm tomorrow. They grow really fast and the smoke is amazing


Well-Known Member
hell yea dat kush looks dank as shit cant wait to see it get started!!!! that was the shit purp hooked u up man i just tryed to rep him but i allready did the other day hahahah
let me know when u get the new thread up:)


Well-Known Member
man i was jus lookin at those seeds too haha i wanna see you grow em too and purp you got any pics of em, oh and i was thinkin bout gettin pakistan valley seeds too and eventually cross em but idk what ya think


Well-Known Member
man i was jus lookin at those seeds too haha i wanna see you grow em too and purp you got any pics of em, oh and i was thinkin bout gettin pakistan valley seeds too and eventually cross em but idk what ya think
sounds good to me well i got my 5 blue mystic seeds today and in the process my dogs tried to attack the mail lar=dy i wasent home i had went to get a toggle switch for my amp in my truck cuz i blew the other listin to some bun and pimp and i forgot to telll my old lady to latch the screen door cuz she was leavin the wooden one open and she called as i was checkin on another female dog of mine who is about to have puppies so i drove home and the mail lady was outside pickin up her mail the dogs were inside my puppy is what caused it she isnt balanced and duke went out and realized the mail lady wasent a threat so she dident get bit we talked and she dident call the police or the animal control wich would have resulted in the killing of my dogs but i showed her what they could do and it was cool and to topp it all off the only mail i got was my seeds so hell yes boys got 3 of em germin one is my girls and she is gonna throw it in to the 12 12 closet as soon as it gets a good healthy start and the other two are gonna stay in the mother box and ill take cuttings every 2 or 3 weeks same with the afghan kush except i wont waste any of those beans just one at a time and ill make clones out of it too but i plan to keep one for a while and once i get it perputal ill start the other and make a mother out of it also have a good varity and steady supply thats what im talkin about ya heard catch yall on the flip flop:leaf::leaf::leaf:


Well-Known Member
man i was jus lookin at those seeds too haha i wanna see you grow em too and purp you got any pics of em, oh and i was thinkin bout gettin pakistan valley seeds too and eventually cross em but idk what ya think
Seeds or buds? I got afgan buds in my thread.


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me well i got my 5 blue mystic seeds today and in the process my dogs tried to attack the mail lar=dy i wasent home i had went to get a toggle switch for my amp in my truck cuz i blew the other listin to some bun and pimp and i forgot to telll my old lady to latch the screen door cuz she was leavin the wooden one open and she called as i was checkin on another female dog of mine who is about to have puppies so i drove home and the mail lady was outside pickin up her mail the dogs were inside my puppy is what caused it she isnt balanced and duke went out and realized the mail lady wasent a threat so she dident get bit we talked and she dident call the police or the animal control wich would have resulted in the killing of my dogs but i showed her what they could do and it was cool and to topp it all off the only mail i got was my seeds so hell yes boys got 3 of em germin one is my girls and she is gonna throw it in to the 12 12 closet as soon as it gets a good healthy start and the other two are gonna stay in the mother box and ill take cuttings every 2 or 3 weeks same with the afghan kush except i wont waste any of those beans just one at a time and ill make clones out of it too but i plan to keep one for a while and once i get it perputal ill start the other and make a mother out of it also have a good varity and steady supply thats what im talkin about ya heard catch yall on the flip flop:leaf::leaf::leaf:
Sounds like a plan to me.Kush motherload commin in..it aint dry no more my neezy.


Well-Known Member
man good thing that lady understood she still coulda been a bitch and called anyway for aggresive dogs .... but thats cool she took the time to be cool with it .... and thats awesome your girls really gettin into it too,

oh and purp i was talkin bout plants and buds but ill go check out your thread again lol im sure ive seen em bout fifty billion times haha and my stoner ass cant remember shit haha oh and i was lookin at attitude and i also like SEEDSMAN skunk haze or jungle wreck, and a pack of NIRVANA ice, they have the afghan kush and the pakistani there as well thatd put the total over 130 for bout 30 seeds( they give the ufo offers, plus the coupon code 420 takes like 10 percent off) think i should go with them or nirvana i jus cant decied haha


Well-Known Member
man good thing that lady understood she still coulda been a bitch and called anyway for aggresive dogs .... But thats cool she took the time to be cool with it .... And thats awesome your girls really gettin into it too, yea me too man and it is cook she is gettin into it im happy

oh and purp i was talkin bout plants and buds but ill go check out your thread again lol im sure ive seen em bout fifty billion times haha and my stoner ass cant remember shit haha oh and i was lookin at attitude and i also like seedsman skunk haze or jungle wreck, and a pack of nirvana ice, they have the afghan kush and the pakistani there as well thatd put the total over 130 for bout 30 seeds( they give the ufo offers, plus the coupon code 420 takes like 10 percent off) think i should go with them or nirvana i jus cant decied haha
id go with both!! But ive heard nothing but good from attituude and i just received from nirvina been germin since 8 36 last night.


Well-Known Member
i kno those buds look so damn good im def gonna get it and i changed my mine on the skunk haze and jungle wreck for seedsman sugar haze and the ice and the other 2 haha ill find the write up on it again but it says that the sugar haze is 23% and the afghan 21.6% and the othewres they dont have it listed? i think i decieded on the attitude cus the ufo offers are power kush lemon skunk and blue something cant remember haha


Well-Known Member
sweet man well heres the rundown guys everythin is lookin wonderful the biggest one is soo dank and fat im lovin it the other one is flowering awfully fast bein that short i need to measure it for yall but the other one is doin well also and great news 3 of em i fimmed worked finally ive got 3 tops for em i cant belive it this time i pinched em with my fingers instead of a pair of sicirrors also if you rnt following my other thread ive received the bluemystic dont know if ive posted it but they came wendsday i started germin em at 8 45 on thursday and they all had tap roots long enough to be planted in jiffy pods today so let the new journey begin the afghan kush is here also but i missed the post lady since my dogs got after her they sent me a notice and ive got to go pick up the package on monday my girlfriend was asleep i guess and dident hear em knockin and my dogs dont bark when people knock they rnt allowed to if someone breakes into my house they will knock first to see if there is dogs or people in the home so i teach mine to not bark and if someone is dumb enough they can get in im sorry for em when they do tho lol. here is an awesome quote i read everyday and i wanted to share it with you, may God grant us egear imaganitions, guided minds and green thumbs!!!