back when i was on drugs real bad i had one come to my door. i washigh on coke and meth and had religious nutjobs talking to me through the door telling me"i know your there". reaked me the fuck out. glad i dont do drugs anymore.
I remember those days, I told them everyone on my road worshiped satan and good im sittin on the couch today, rolling a j smoking with about 4 of my college buddys, and 3 jahova witness' knock on the door, instead of turning off the lights and being really quite untill they leave as usual, i decided to fuck around with them a little bit, first thing out of one of there mouths was, have you heard about our savior, jesus christ, how could i resist but to go along with this, in reply i said, yes, but the question i have for you is, have you heard of my savior, the eternial damned lucifer? it was kinda corny for me to say so i didnt think they would take me serious and would just walk away, but one dude dropped his little mini bibles and started praying and speaking in tounges, so i just said, shamanhia, shamanhana, and closed the door and continued with my toking
shit, how funny!i know a kid who was trippin on mescaline when they knocked on his door... he answered and long story short they convinced him to become a mormon. the next day he threw out all his drugs, bongs, pipes, everything. changed his clothes to a blue suit and tie and now hes a full blown mormon.
dont answer the door while your trippin.
I wanna answer the door with a dildo hanging outta my jean zipper, think that would b funny¿When the witnesses come, I just tell them I didn`t see the accident