Some Photos I Took : )


Well-Known Member
cool link CJ.. btw on monday nov 16th theres gonna be the Leonid meteor shower. from 11pm to 4am. they say you should be able to see about 500 per hour.


New Member
dude that orchids some straight up FIRE man did you fuck with the temps to make it purple???? :lol:
No, but she is a bit lighter than that.... I took the pic at sunrise so the colors didn't bleach as much.

Most of all of my best pics are either in shade, sunrise or sunset. In Florida, the top of the day drains the color right out of the pics.

budy budman

Well-Known Member
Here's a bit of eye candy.... yes there are still outdoor grows going strong .. :wink::razz:

And an Orchid (of course :lol:)

:weed:Nice CJ and way cool link, Do Orchids attract aphids, These Hibiscus sure do, thats another reason I want to get alot of Lavender going.

Purple sage and Impatiens clones lol:)

And some Fall grow........Purple Bubba,Haley's Comet,Cinderella99,SSHaze



New Member
No, surprisingly, most Orchids are quite sturdy and mine so far have been pest free. I do get an occasional grasshopper bite, but that's about it. That one I took earlier with the yellow center has the most amazing smell. Ginger, vanilla,cinnamon, strong and heavy scent.


Folks, follow this link and then click on J-TRACK 3D. It will show you all of the satellites in orbit in 3D. You can move the plane with ur mouse and get info on everything shown.

Pretty cool.
Awesome link, thanks for sharing! I knew there were lots of satellites out there, but had no idea there were THAT many... And there are so many other cool features on that site.
No wonder things keep falling out of the sky....


what up. I live in fort myers, I have been here for almost 2 years and have not been able to find a single sack worth smoking. I need help badly. I need some DANK, Dro, Crip whatever it is called down here. I noticed you said you were here in fort myers. If you are willing to help me today and me please at I am desperate at this point. I have been getting from GDS, but it is sooo expensive, not worth it anymore. HELP!!


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I agree, and I feel violated!
That's some sad, obvious, shit.
I can see the rod, reel, and line...

Yo doobydoo? Like many people who enjoy brewing there own beer, most of us here, just enjoy growing our own weed for our own private consumption.

There's no real difference between the two.

Pull ya line in, re-bait, and try another pond fella.
Or... pull ya head in, re focus, and realize there's no-one selling weed here!
Most of us here are selfish creators, of our own brews, and we share, and sell, to no-one! ;)


Well-Known Member
Hmmm... I agree, and I feel violated!
That's some sad, obvious, shit.
I can see the rod, reel, and line...

Yo doobydoo? Like many people who enjoy brewing there own beer, most of us here, just enjoy growing our own weed for our own private consumption.

There's no real difference between the two.

Pull ya line in, re-bait, and try another pond fella.
Or... pull ya head in, re focus, and realize there's no-one selling weed here!
Most of us here are selfish creators, of our own brews, and we share, and sell, to no-one! ;)
couldnt have said it better maself :lol:.

Who put's their email in a post??? Internet 101 for dummies.
a cop as they got nothing to worry about, otherwise the only answer is a complete idiot. lmfao


Well-Known Member
not to mention his 3 post and just joining. to ask that.
Saw it posted on Dr G's thread.....mmmn.

This is a cool thread.:blsmoke:

Heres some pics i like of our Sansevieria Trifasciata (or Mother-in-Laws Tongue or Snake plant) that is forced to flower through being root bound. But I like it so it stays root bound and these flowers appear every so often.

Peace, DST