336W Super Small Cabinet, Chocolate Chunk LST


Active Member
scrog is definately worth doing i planned on it but going from random seeds have to weave out males first :( scrog just needs more training early and a longer veg to fill up the screen but totally worth it in the end from what ive seen especially in small areas. instead of a decent top or 2 and a crappy bushy bottom that doesnt bud well you get a nice even area of tops :) how are them pc fans working out it looks a little thicker then the normal ones i have and look like they would move air better


Active Member
scrog is definately worth doing i planned on it but going from random seeds have to weave out males first :( scrog just needs more training early and a longer veg to fill up the screen but totally worth it in the end from what ive seen especially in small areas. instead of a decent top or 2 and a crappy bushy bottom that doesnt bud well you get a nice even area of tops :) how are them pc fans working out it looks a little thicker then the normal ones i have and look like they would move air better
Yep, these are a lot more heavy duty than your regular PC fan...moving tons of air and keeping that box nice and COOL :)

I bought six of them, and plan on using the other four for my tent this week :D :D :D


Active Member
are they loud at all or comparable to a normal pc fan? im using one right now i bought from best buy long ago and anything over 6v it starts to sound like a jet. 6v or less it still moves air nice but only half its potential. kinda interested in the ones you have but if i only buy 1 instead of 6 its 20$ with shipping ^^ if their quiet might be worth just grabbing the 6 and and use the leftovers for my computer


Active Member
are they loud at all or comparable to a normal pc fan? im using one right now i bought from best buy long ago and anything over 6v it starts to sound like a jet. 6v or less it still moves air nice but only half its potential. kinda interested in the ones you have but if i only buy 1 instead of 6 its 20$ with shipping ^^ if their quiet might be worth just grabbing the 6 and and use the leftovers for my computer
They're pretty thick...maybe an inch or inch and a half thick. They are definitely not very loud, in my opinion of course. Moves 62CFM...which is GREAT for my small box, and two in and two out will be AMAZING for my tent :) You can get six for $59.99 with free shipping...so you could have enough to put more than just one for your box...? :)

For a computer, they'd be wonderful.


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear about your male ratio... i think that was one of the saddest piks i have seen on here.... all those plants in that bag like dead bodies and shit... reminded me of the war... you most def should get some clones going due to your male ratio... that way you can sorta garuntee youself a way to sorta continue your grow without having to deal with all the males... i would prolly start cloning on mine, but i am no that worried about preserving the strains being they were shwag... i did get my legends ultimate indica, the purps, and some granddaddy purp seeds in this weekend from a homie out on the west coast... those, i will prolly clone off of and keep some mothers and pollen and try to garuntee myself some seeds of these strains... if i dont get a male and female of each strain, then i will just have to cross polinate some shit and maybe try to stabilize the strain... what do ya think of the name of this strain "grandaddy louie"? that was one of my ideas... i mite end up letting riu decide what to polinate what with and make a poll on the same thread to decide a name... that would be fun...


Well-Known Member
Hey omega! thanks again for the link, the wiring worked out perfect.
Sorry to hear about the males bro, love those pics though! i'll stop in again soon and check up! keep up the good work!:bigjoint:


Active Member
any new piks yet?
Yeah, I will post some tonight after my band practices... :)

The female is pretty big. I have three other seedlings running on 12/12 light right now ... but once that tent shows up, they'll be back on 18/6!

Nevermind on the pics. Didn't get into my box before the lights shut off. Maybe tomorrow ... :)


Active Member
Today begins the third week of flowering. I bought some Alaska Morbloom (0-10-10) fertilizer that I have been mixing in with the Alaskan Fish Emulsion (5-1-1). I feed about once every three waterings. My only female plant is looking wonderful. I accidentally burned her apical bud...whoops. I feel pretty bad about it, really. My last batch of plants, I burned the tops of two females. I really need to pay more attention to the plants. Once they get real big, I kind of let them go into autopilot and I only check them every couple of days...I'll stop that next time around.

I got my 400W HPS last week. I am still waiting on my tent. UPS attempted to deliver, so I called them, and they said they would come back, but never did. That was on Friday. So, I need to wait until tomorrow before I get my tent. Pretty stoked to flower with an HPS system. Looking forward to getting some real big buds!

I received my Short Rider feminized from Nirvana last week, as well. I am waiting to start those simply because I need to have both my 18/6 cabinet and my 12/12 tent ready to go. With Short Rider, since it is automatic flowering, the lighting schedule should be 20/4 or 18/6. I plan on doing 18/6 so I can vegetate other strains, or more Chocolate Chunk in the box. I plan on crossing Chocolate Chunk with the Short Rider. It may make for an interesting thing. It will only be the first generation, so maybe nothing big.

And FINALLY...I have started more Chocolate Chunk plants in my cabinet. They are under 12/12 lighting right now, but they are only seedlings, and once the tent shows up, they'll be back on their regular vegetative light cycle.

Temperatures have been better controlled as of late. I'm nervous to see how the temperatures will get inside the tent with a 400W HPS. The room they are in stays at about 65-66F so the box stays at about 80F. However, I can't be having that with my Short Rider, as they may turn hermaphroditic. I am planning on isiolating the heat in the box using two pieces of plexiglass to create dead air, then exhaust the heat coming from the CFLs. This way, no heat from the CFLs get into the growing space of the box, only the light. I'll be posting some pictures of that in the next week or so.

The vegetative cabinet has 504W of mixed spectrum light -- about 33,600 lumens.



Active Member
I have all of my stuff set up now: a tent with a 400W HPS for flowering and smaller box with 504W CFL mixed spectrum for vegetative growth.

I will begin germinating my short rider seeds tomorrow. I am only going to start out with two at first to make sure I can grow them decently!

Anyways...maybe some more updates later. No one is really posting in this thread, so I might just start updating only every couple of weeks.


Well-Known Member
damn homie... that hood looks sik.. what is the actual wattage of each bulb? like 26 or 42 or what? the was a lot of fan talk earlier... i didnt really have anything to chime in with... your shit is looking good minus the burn here or there... but shit happens and your gonna be smoking some chocalate chunk soon enough... humm... i got a chance to smoke a bowl of some choco thai with a homie.. i didnt get the green hit on the bowl, so i didnt notice a hole lot of chocolate flavor in it, but it was some dank ass killah kill b... wouldnt mind growing some out for myself one day...


Well-Known Member
oh and congrats on the the new setups... cant wait to see some piks of the tent, hps, and all the other sweet shit you got going on...


Active Member
damn homie... that hood looks sik.. what is the actual wattage of each bulb? like 26 or 42 or what? the was a lot of fan talk earlier... i didnt really have anything to chime in with... your shit is looking good minus the burn here or there... but shit happens and your gonna be smoking some chocalate chunk soon enough... humm... i got a chance to smoke a bowl of some choco thai with a homie.. i didnt get the green hit on the bowl, so i didnt notice a hole lot of chocolate flavor in it, but it was some dank ass killah kill b... wouldnt mind growing some out for myself one day...
Yep, they're all 42 watt bulbs. It actually gets kind of hot in that box :/ I am working on creating a buffer between the growing space of the cabinet and the lighting area of the cabinet in order to keep the heat seperated from the growing space. I'm not really sure if it'll work, but hopefully I'll have it set up this afternoon or tonight.

Glad at least someone is keeping up with me here. Your plants are looking pretty good! I'm sure you're pretty stoked this time around having a lot more plants!


Well-Known Member
damn homie... i just typed so much shit that i really thought about and put some time and effort in too... when i went to post, my browser lost connection... so i will try my best to iriterrate all of what i just typed... let's see...
i am pretty happy to have more plants, i just hope my fem ratio is high, if not scrog is always my next option... i considered putting plexi-glass between the "light" layer and "plant" layer... have some cool intake going on with lights and some freh air intake for the plant... that way i wouldnt have to worry about heat being an issue for my plants... that hps is gona treat you rite homie... i am glad to see you are upgrading your grow tools as you go... your future is gonna be big and green one day if you stick to it... you have the ability to realize what you need to do better... alot of people dont... i do, i just dont have the funds to do better rite now... if i did, i would be running hps and foxfarm nutes as of last grow...lol... but i dont, so i manage with what i have... like the mcguyver of growing in a since... like i said at the beggining of your journal.. i'm scribed homie... i will follow as long as you update... just dnt let this thread die out with no pik updates or i too may get bored with this.. i'm a visual person... also.. i too will be using as many 42w and 26w as i can fit in my flowering area... i still have a ways to go before i get there, so i have time to get muh lites... anyways homie.. stay green or go home...


Well-Known Member
hey bro! where did u pick up the tent?? that looks awesome! looks pretty light proofed, is it air tight? what about the deminsions of it, your runnin a 400watt hps in there? what are the temps like! Shes looking very good, noticeable growth on the future bud sites especially. Your on about the 4th week of flowering? how long left do you expect.


Active Member
hey bro! where did u pick up the tent?? that looks awesome! looks pretty light proofed, is it air tight? what about the deminsions of it, your runnin a 400watt hps in there? what are the temps like! Shes looking very good, noticeable growth on the future bud sites especially. Your on about the 4th week of flowering? how long left do you expect.
I got the tent from eBay for $90 shipped. GREAT deal. 4'W x 2'L x 5'H. Air tight? Not necessarily...there are a few vents on the bottom of the tent. With the 400W HPS, its only about 76F - 78F!

I think I have about four to five weeks left...REALLY excited to see some fat nugs on this girl!
