Jimi Hendrix's First Grow!


Active Member
Okay, so this is my first grow.

My Setup:
3 60 Watt CFL
1 40 Watt CFL
6" Desk Fan
All in a cardboard box with aluminum foil lining.

Bio Bizz Bio-Grow (for vegging)
Bio Bizz Bio-Bloom (for flowering)
A mist bottle full of rain water.
Spring water at my disposal
Odour-Eater Odor Killing Gel

I only had some random bagseed so I started germinating 6 of the best looking ones. Around 30-40 hours later I discovered 4 have cracked open, and the sprouts were coming out. I discarded the other 2 seeds and planted the 4 in Miracle Gro.


Active Member
8 days later...

I totally didnt take pictures of the other ones.

I just purchased some Black Gold organic soil, and some Bio-Grow nutrients, along with some perlite. I also bought a 150 Watt CFL, but I dropped it earlier when I was trying to hang my light and it broke:wall:



Active Member
Okay, so the first one is Roxanne at day 11.

The second one is Roxanne at day 13.

And the last two are different shots of Roxanne at day 18.

Today is now day 21 (Its also Thanksgiving Day!!!!!! Smoke a shit load and max on some dank food:bigjoint::bigjoint:)

Sorry there is such a clutter of different photos of different days at once, I was busy for a while and couldnt take the time to take photos of all the other plants. I have been giving my plants 1/2 a teaspoon of Bio-Grow mixed with 1 pint of spring water.

I just started 12/12 yesterday because I just want to get my first grow under my belt. I also am running out of room and I need to get rid of possible males to make room.

I also topped my smallest plant (Stimpy), and my biggest plant (Roxanne). I know that I have 3 indica's and 1 sativa, so I am psyched on seeing the results.

Tomorrow I am going to post new pics.



Well-Known Member
cool so your gonna SOG roxanne. get that 1st on under your belt player, im all for it! you should see sex soon! all ladies i hope, check out my grow if you get a chance, good luck to you!


Active Member
Okay, so here is some new pics I just uploaded today. Roxanne (1st), is at day 21, day 2 of flowering, Izabella (2nd), is at day 16, day 2 of flowering, Ren (3rd), is at day 15, and same as Stimpy (day 15).

Okay, so I woke up this morning, and I found my light on top of my plants! :cuss:Izabella and Roxanne got a little burn, but not too bad..

Also, Izabella's nutrient burn got worse, so I flushed it out really good. It is now the second time I flushed it out so it should be good by tomorrow hopefully. I also flushed out all the other ones, just to make sure they dont get nutrient burned.

I noticed some new growth on the top of Roxanne and Stimpy, and it has only been one day after topping them.

I got a question for all you veterans out there.. If I veg for 2 more weeks after I find out the sexes, how much more will I yield (just ballpark it).

Thanks, rep for good answers.



Active Member
Also, sorry the quality is soo shitty, I took these pics off my phone....

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!FEEL FREE TO COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
ditch the foil and go get some mylar at your local hydro store...world of difference

Well, Im kind of on a tight budget right now, with christmas coming along and all, and also I spent nearly $175 in the past couple weeks. Do you think I could just tape white computer paper up?


Active Member
They look like they have been under some heat stress from the CFL's....how are your temps and how close are the lights? And dude, you've been told many times that we cannot judge the yield this early on...what's so hard to understand about that? We can give you an estimate when you're halfway into flowering. :leaf:

Edit: White paper works. But seriously, it's like $20 online for a decent sized roll of Mylar.


Active Member
They look like they have been under some heat stress from the CFL's....how are your temps and how close are the lights? And dude, you've been told many times that we cannot judge the yield this early on...what's so hard to understand about that? We can give you an estimate when you're halfway into flowering. :leaf:

Edit: White paper works. But seriously, it's like $20 online for a decent sized roll of Mylar.

So you think that white paper would be better than the tin foil?