Obama Muslim?


Well-Known Member
dude, you showed me where to find the damn thing... not the thing itself...

i would say that falls under trying to conceal what's really on there... which must mean bush is a MEXICAN.... i can't believe it.....

i'm sure i can find a nice, old, honest, mexican lady that will say bush was born in mexico... which is all the proof you would need to "assume he is mexican until you see a birth certificate"....


Well-Known Member
dude, you showed me where to find the damn thing... not the thing itself...

i would say that falls under trying to conceal what's really on there... which must mean bush is a MEXICAN.... i can't believe it.....

i'm sure i can find a nice, old, honest, mexican lady that will say bush was born in mexico... which is all the proof you would need to "assume he is mexican until you see a birth certificate"....
And she really named him...Jorge!


Illegal Smile

It would be very satisfactory if Obama were to place his bc in the Hawaii state library where it could be seen. I would not have to see it myself. BUT - he doesn't have one. And he is forced to cover up the fact that he doesn't have one.


Well-Known Member
Although I believe in some crazy sh!t...I am a little slow to jump on the band wagon...I have always thought that the BC thing is THE most ridiculous thing ever (more than 911 conspiracy and fema death camps) I mean...he made it to the whitehouse and no one bothered to check his ID?

But I have given Mr. Obama 11 mos, and though I truly appreciate the lip service regarding Cannabis (raids have kept right on...just local yokals instead of the feds, and they are not as concerned with only the big fish), he has just done business as usual behind the smokescreen of the healthcare deb(acle)ate...So I remain open to possibilities...

But, Someone posted a nice pic of his BC from Hawaii...what is wrong with it? Is Faux News saying it is a forgery?



Well-Known Member
It would be very satisfactory if Obama were to place his bc in the Hawaii state library where it could be seen. I would not have to see it myself. BUT - he doesn't have one. And he is forced to cover up the fact that he doesn't have one.
obama is an illegal immigrant


Well-Known Member
So what if he is a Muslim or not as long as there peaceful. Religion anyway is just another form of gangs like the bloods and crips WHAT SET YOU CLAIM FOOL?The Masons push religion on americans to make us weak while we pray for bread there making bread. There the Sellers and religion is the buyers like X-mas and all the holidays was created to make us weaker than they are finacial and knowledge wise, thats called illumaniti all this was predicted centries ago the masons are wickedly smart they knew if everyone was as smart as them or have to much time in there hand to think like them the world would be CRAZY so they make religion and chaos to keep us in tact or weak we worry about other things WAR religion etc etc than worrying about improving MAN! They know humans have the power to do pwerful things with the brain make your hair grey within seconds all types of Chris angel shit and that is dangerous for MOST ppl to know how to do so they(Masons) create other situations to keep us from focusing on advancing MAN KIND!


Well-Known Member
So what if he is a Muslim or not as long as there peaceful. Religion anyway is just another form of gangs like the bloods and crips WHAT SET YOU CLAIM FOOL?The Masons push religion on americans to make us weak while we pray for bread there making bread. There the Sellers and religion is the buyers like X-mas and all the holidays was created to make us weaker than they are finacial and knowledge wise, thats called illumaniti all this was predicted centries ago the masons are wickedly smart they knew if everyone was as smart as them or have to much time in there hand to think like them the world would be CRAZY so they make religion and chaos to keep us in tact or weak we worry about other things WAR religion etc etc than worrying about improving MAN! They know humans have the power to do pwerful things with the brain make your hair grey within seconds all types of Chris angel shit and that is dangerous for MOST ppl to know how to do so they(Masons) create other situations to keep us from focusing on advancing MAN KIND!
okeedokee, then

Illegal Smile

obama is an illegal immigrant
Of course he is not. He became a citizen when his parents brought him to Hawaii, but he did not become a natural born citizen which is why he does not have a long form bc and only a colb which Hawaii issued to children born abroad.


Well-Known Member
Of course he is not. He became a citizen when his parents brought him to Hawaii, but he did not become a natural born citizen which is why he does not have a long form bc and only a colb which Hawaii issued to children born abroad.
I just looked at my 39 year old original..."Certificate of Live Birth"...I wonder where I was REALLY born??????????????



Well-Known Member
Of course he is not. He became a citizen when his parents brought him to Hawaii, but he did not become a natural born citizen which is why he does not have a long form bc and only a colb which Hawaii issued to children born abroad.
i've never seen any naturalization papers - so he's illegal

Illegal Smile

Well, he is certainly an illegal president if not an illegal alien, so sure, he's illegal.


Well-Known Member
Well, he is certainly an illegal president if not an illegal alien, so sure, he's illegal.
yea, right on!
and you know what else
fox news says he's holding the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial in New York Al Queda has a platform to spread propaganda


Well-Known Member
yea, right on!
and you know what else
fox news says he's holding the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed trial in New York Al Queda has a platform to spread propaganda
It could possibly be used to screw up the legal system.

What about my COLB???? Am I Nigerian????
