A grow journal, nuff said.


Well-Known Member
I just got to shove the 4 cheeses i have ready to flower in the pots and i'm away lol
i think i'll have to put the res outside the tent coz i need the room for my psychosis


Well-Known Member
nice stuff os....autpots! v COOL!!! :)

That cheese is gonna be soooooo DANK!

Look forward to the smoke report on the SSH. Mine are still swelling up loads. One of my phenos in particular. The calyx formation and swelling is actually overtaking my Trainwreck! Incredible!!!


Well-Known Member
I've repotted the 4 cheeses into the autopots but i haven't started using them properly yet coz i've gotta wait for the roots to get near the bottoms of the pots. They are in the flower tent though so i've now got 5 e cheeses in flower.
I'll do pics when i can be arsed lol.
The good SSH is in the jar now but i didn't burp it over the weekend and it smells a bit like hay now but that'll go when its fully cured.
It still smell really lemony mmmmm i haven't smoked any yet i wanna wait until its REALLY ready, it'll be my xmas smoke, a month curing should do it lol

mr west

Well-Known Member
looking like a million dollars, wish i had a cheese in my tent that looked like ur mum. Lol that sounded bad lmao u kno wot i mean tho ur cheesey mum.


Well-Known Member
Cheers guys, the cheese is starting to get smelly, i smelled it when i got in from work. methinks a new filter is needed


Well-Known Member
One of my psychosis has snuffed it. I've got one left and i haven't taken a cut yet. I hope i can keep it alive long enough to take one coz its been a real slow grower (my fault). Its gone really droopy and i mean really droopy. I'll do a pic later. gutted.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
could just need a watering man most plants look so sad n droopy when they get a watering. hope you can keep her going she's probably the finest ive toked


Well-Known Member
It don't need water. The pot is still really heavy. When i show you a pic you'll see its had its chips. The stems are droopy lol


Well-Known Member
I'll do a proper update tomorrow with cheese porn lol i really can't be arsed i've done 73 hours this week and i just wanna sit back and get stoned on my ssh


Well-Known Member
I'll do a proper update tomorrow with cheese porn lol i really can't be arsed i've done 73 hours this week and i just wanna sit back and get stoned on my ssh
Shit mate there's only 7 days in week!
You gotta slow down fella.
Ever hear of the words burn-out?

mr west

Well-Known Member
we wen i was 19 just b4 i was diagnosed I was working 12 hrs days 7 days a week and also working in a pub on times off. Then my left leg stopped working and i was draging it round like a dead piece of meat. What im trying to say is, live more work lesss and enjoy ya life, this is it. it aint a pre-run or rehersal the starting gun went years ago.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah i forgot to say that plant isn't even 2 feet tall. The other 4 e cheeses are one week 12/12 today, the autopots ain't doing there thing yet coz the roots need to grow down into the bottoms of the pots. I only repotted 'em last week