Wtf is up with riu?!


Well-Known Member
Why would FDD even comment? He's a mod, not the owner. I understand that the ads are the reason the site is able to stay free and available, I'm just always curious how these people make any money?

It can't be pay per click 'cause I don't think people click on these. If they were legit companies I would click them and support the site, but this is all spam and scams, how can we support that?

More likely to contain spyware or other malicious code than anything else.


Well-Known Member
my skin is gone too. blazin o7 is the best and i cant get it back. my computer is fucked up anyways lol.


Well-Known Member
Debt looming over you?
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I'm having a hard time even navigating this page right now. It keeps popping up a notifcation of a new private message. I deleted the message, so now it's notifying me of an older message. So I deleted all of my messages, "I'll show you!" so now it notifies me of a perfectly invalid message. Brilliant!

And I've closed and come back multiple times. This could get annoying.


Well-Known Member
Dude, WTF is up with this site lately? I keep getting 'bad gateway' errors, server overload errors, and now my forum skin is gone and the options aren't even there anymore.

Is anyone else getting this? I've e-mailed RollItUp, but haven't received an answer...

i got a 502 earlier this morning while trying to respond :eyesmoke: it`s effin crazy man, and full of bad teeth too, WTH??


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm having a bit of a hard time passing my time through the day. The listings aren't updating, my subscribed threads aren't updating, it's all bonkers right now. Hopefully they get it sorted, I'm looking for other ways to fill my time.....'nother forum maybe?

I have always wondered why people don't test.

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
I feel the handling of the issue here by system administration could have much better than what users received. At least send one broadcast message to users or put up a banner stating there are issues that system administration is working diligently to resolve. One should never just leave users hanging with no notification.