yes i saw. i dont have an iphone 7 but thats a pretty old model . sometimes tech gets too old we cant continue to support it.
yes i saw. i dont have an iphone 7 but thats a pretty old model . sometimes tech gets too old we cant continue to support it.
Wow. Not only does apple suppress the batteries to make you buy a new phone but RIU now is involved saying phone is to old to support.
Thought I’ve heard it all
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Wow. Not only does apple suppress the batteries to make you buy a new phone but RIU now is involved saying phone is to old to support.
Thought I’ve heard it all
were a small free website, not everyones old devices can be supported. we are the limits of the software we have to provide free content to you.
Look buddy im not here to be someones punching bag because they're frustrated with whatever in their life. I have my own life problems too, and I dont take it out on others.

I suggested MAYBE your phones software isnt compatible with our website at this time due to its age

You don't get to treat me like a piece of garbage because that makes you feel upset. This is a free website I work as a volunteer on but behind this computer I am a real person.

No i dont need "thicker" skin, I need you to talk to me in a manner of a decent human being while I assist with your issues. If you cant do that Im not going to stand here and help you.
Look buddy im not here to be someones punching bag because they're frustrated with whatever in their life. I have my own life problems too, and I dont take it out on others.

I suggested MAYBE your phones software isnt compatible with our website at this time due to its age

You don't get to treat me like a piece of garbage because that makes you feel upset. This is a free website I work as a volunteer on but behind this computer I am a real person.

No i dont need "thicker" skin, I need you to talk to me in a manner of a decent human being while I assist with your issues. If you cant do that Im not going to stand here and help you.
Sorry to clutter the thread, but most of us really appreciate what you do. Thanks!
Hey sunni, quite often I don't get a notification of a new post in threads I am watching. I'm using a laptop with Win 10 and google. I'll reload the page and still no red bell...???
Hey sunni, quite often I don't get a notification of a new post in threads I am watching. I'm using a laptop with Win 10 and google. I'll reload the page and still no red bell...???
I believe it goes just directly to watched threads from my understanding unless you’re alerted as in someone quotes you or @ your name
Sorry for not reading all 7 pages

But are uploaded images stripped of all meta know, owners data, location,IP, etc

Thanks all

Hi @sunni,

A quick one here. I have noticed some links go to the www and non-www version of the website. This requires either manually logging in again or adding or removing www in the browser. I am assuming you are using apache so the fix for it is relatively quick and easy. You can add this to you .htaccess file and it should fix the issue;

Apache config:
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
    RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\. [NC]
    RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L,NE]

This will force https and www.

Peter @ Oeck.