1st grow, is there a problem with this?


Well-Known Member
i'll be waiting, lol, that plant in the pic looks like its just about ready to really pick up on its growth rate, its looking right on track.


Well-Known Member
ok here are the picks the dimensions are 2x2x4 1/2 foot.

i used only the things that were already in my garage.

the walls are peg board (don't freek out just wait) and the thing that i hang my lights on has a nail in each end so that i can move it up or down by putting the nail through the holes in the peg board. i put a fan and a humidifier in there too. i have a heavy duty tarp that i put all around obove and in front of it so that the light will not get in when they are sleeping. i know that it does not look like a lot of lights but keep in mind that there are 3 in the hood of the AG that you cant see. once the bigger plant gets bigger and I can rais the hood of the AG then i will put my party cup grow under there to with addition lights. well thats it tell me what you think? a lot better than just the tarp. lol



Well-Known Member
It looks like she is doing sooooo much better. the new growth color is definitely better and no new spots. I gave her some seaweed and some orchid nutes yesterday morning. guess it worked. all though i have to keep dropping the ph, no biggie its easy to do. the humidity is a lot better now that i put the humidifier in there. its a cool humidifier and it makes a nice breeze on my little darlin so i took the fan out. take a look at my temp and humidity, does it look good? anyway it also looks like she is growing a lot faster now. the little seedling is taking forever. but her coloring looks good too. i got a soil moisture moniter so i know when to water her. well thats it for now, if ya'll have any suggestions then let them be known. love ya'll.



Well-Known Member
all seems to be well, no further damage is going on as far as i can see on the new growth and the damage has stopped on the second set of leaves and is just at the tips. should i pinch off the first set of real leaves since they are all ugly and damaged so that the energy of the plant will go to the new healthy growth?

i do have to adjust the ph (lower it ) like 2X a day now) must be the nutes.



Well-Known Member
awww so much growth compared to mine.my babies going so slow but yet so cute,like urs so adorable sorry i havent been on in a bit i havent had a computer,still praying for th ebest stoner barbie


Well-Known Member
awww so much growth compared to mine.my babies going so slow but yet so cute,like urs so adorable sorry i havent been on in a bit i havent had a computer,still praying for th ebest stoner barbie
thanks man no problem. i couldn't get on at all yesterday after i posted my picks. rui was all f*&%ked up.


Well-Known Member
Damn this thread has just blown up, i'll be watching from a far, seems like you got more then enough help


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SICC";3484518]Damn this thread has just blown up, i'll be watching from a far, seems like you got more then enough help[/QUOTE]

thanks man, she looks better right?



Not sure about this, dude, but the fact that the leaves are curling a bit sort of worries me. And I can't quite tell if that leaf in the bottom left is drying out. If so, grab some sharp scissors and take it out close to the stem. Feeding a dying leaf just takes energy from the plant.

Anyone else with more experience wanna put in their $0.02?