1st grow, is there a problem with this?

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
okay all of the new growth looks good, no new leaf curling. the older leaves are not getting any worse since i changed out the water. hey what is the hottest that your res water can get before hurting your plants? ne body know. i can't find anything on the site about water temp.
Should be mid to low 60s. If your roots are in the water you can take out the water pump and the bubbler lines the pup will raise the water temp in your res...


Well-Known Member
Should be mid to low 60s. If your roots are in the water you can take out the water pump and the bubbler lines the pup will raise the water temp in your res...
thanks old hippy, i"ll turn the water pump off. but shouldn't i keep the air stone in there to keep the water oxygenated? and from getting stale.


Well-Known Member
i know nothing about water growing seeing as i grow only soil for now so yea lol,and ur puppy does have a hitler mustache thats hilarious!!!


Well-Known Member
does she like to put her paws on your shoulders when your standing up to give you a hug? mine does. and she is sooooooooo tolerant of the kids too.


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Well-Known Member
good choice on the topping,and the nutes can show the very first day or nto until a few days later.But yea good choice on topping ur baby its lways the best thing to do especially with not that much space to begin with!


Well-Known Member
wow i was looking at the 1st pics to today and i did not realize that she had grown that much. holy moley. i'll have pics when she wakes up.


Well-Known Member
you can see where i topped it and how the new growth looks awesom. i will probably cut off the damaged leaves from the nute burn , heat stress from the res being to hot from the pump, and the ph being to high. what do you think? should I cut those damaged leaves off? all of the other stuff seams to be under control now, now I know what the problems were. lol hopwfully it should be smooth sailing from here on out.



Well-Known Member
she is looking good and fuzzy.
2nd pic she is really having a hard time coming out of her seed it seems to be stuck on her back for about 2 days now. Has anyone ever tried to help them out by gently pulling this seed husk off?

3rd pic the ph looks to be right at where it needs to be.

4th pic the temp is a tad low but will get up to about 84 deg. F. and the humidity is good.

5th pic dad gum look at the stock on that thang already.
I have read all the pages to this grow and you are doing great so far congrats. I thought I should let you know that your temps are almost perfect 75-82 degree is what i consider good temps. Your plants are looking good you should be proud. You asked a question about on the seed bank it said 8-9 weeks flowering well I will explain what this means. Flowering is when you start to bud your plant by changing its photoperiod to 12/12. This can be done at anytime during your plants life. You can make a plant veg for as long as you want or as short as you want unless its autoflowering, at anytime during the vegitative cycle you can induce flowering just by giving your plant 12 hours of light on and 12 hours off. OH yea its awsome to meet a female grower lol. Just one more question what is your ph.