First Grow…So Don’t Harsh my Stoke


Active Member
Outdoor all Cut
The one Green Crack has nearly disappeared already. It only came out to about an ounce, and it never got a good cure. The two Super Silver Haze came down early because I just didn't wanna fuck with the caterpillars anymore. It went 54 days, and I found out my Super Silver is 56-65. It looked really done though, and it's a great smoke, even when a little wet. It's still drying, but every time I smoke it it blows me away. It's better than the two other top shelf buds I'm holding right now. REALLY potent. Stoked. The indoor is gonna be AMAZING. Real update coming soon.


Active Member
Super Silver Haze is SO POTENT
Even though the stuff just finished drying, was overdried slightly, was grown outdoor in a spot with little sunlight that was still very hot day and night, it is still more potent than any of the top shelf kushes, etc. that I happily pay 55/eighth for. The smell is strong, but strange to me. Some people love it - just stick thier whole face in the jar. Not me, I love the "high pitched" so-to-say smell of like a lemon kush. Or like the robust, musty, beffy smell of a good OG kush. So for a few days I've been showing around the Super Silver really eagerly - knowing when I smoke it that it's the shit, and definitely compares, but feeling insecure about the aroma and the small (though very dense) buds. Was I crazy? Is this bud as good as I think it is or do I just want to think that cause it's mine? Nobody thinks thier own baby is ugly, but there are some ugly babies. It looks like I'm not crazy. I've had nothing but good reviews, spoken through gasps for air and squinted eyes. It kinda stinks that I don't like the stink of it. Even though I now believe what people say about the old school hazes being better than the trendy new kushes, I will still be growing only kushes next round I think.


Active Member

This is my first indoor harvest. Four Super Silver Haze under a 400 watt light. It should be around 4 ounces dry which is the upper limit of the highest amount I thought I could get from this grow. I didn't do anything special; it's just the strain I'm pretty sure. It's very very good and I'm not just saying that. I surprised my mentors to say the least. I keep hearing about it from different friends how good one guy or another said it was. I think I'm about to shed a tear, lol. So happy.



Active Member
They were cut at day 60. SSH is supposed to be 56-65 according to Oaksterdam, where this strain originally came from. I had an expert eye take a look before I cut. It was definintely ready. Could've even been cut early. I know that's unusual but it's true. One of the plants' trichs did get a little overdone. It matured early. It's more couch-lockey than the others and you can see the difference easily.



Well-Known Member
Hey it looks like you finally worked your issues out, congrats on harvest, I harvested mine recently too so im perma baked daily. bongsmilie:lol:


Active Member
Actually after drying/SMOKING for 2 weeks it is 5.54 ounces; 155.2 grams. I prob smoked/shared at least 10 grams, and prob closer to 12 or so. And it's all fire, as the kids would say. I think that's pretty good for my first indoor flower, second grow.

Setting up for the next round. Finally almost ready. More nutes and different soil, smart pots, Designed and built a new tent that fits like a glove into the same closet space. My roommate's an engineer and he was really impressed. I'm proud as fuck of it. I can't test it till I get my stanley blower in the mail, but I think I should be able to run the hps with it closed, so I won't have to be there twice a day, every day, ever again. I'm gonna have my grow and my life too. I'm stoked. Too tired to get into the pics and everything and I'd rather wait till it's totally finished. Tired as fuck. Peace


Active Member
Oh and THANK YOU PURPLEKRUNCHIE!! Indeed things have been going much better for me. Glad to hear your harvest went well. Lets see some pics, yeah?


This is a dope ass journal man. what a nice indoor harvest! I am the same, I have had one prior outdoor grow, but nothing indoors. Your buds looked real healthy!..

Looking forward to the next grow man! keep that shit up


Active Member
Thx watajob I see you've got some stolen booty there, very nice! wow wow weewah! lol. My chick made me change my avatar but it was an excellent booby bud pic.

Here comes some update shit...


Active Member
Here's the skinny:

Harvested Blackberry ScrOG from under the HO T5 Floros. I thought it looked like about 14 grams when it was on the tree but it turned out to be over an ounce (28 grams). It gets "oooo" 's when people smell it. It's all fruity like a jar of jam and it fully tastes that way. Thank God I gave it those heavy flushes. It's not as stoney as some of my other buds but I like it. It got really cold here at night toward the end and it got purple on top. Cool.

The new setup is the same space used more effeciently. Tossed out plans for a tent that would leave almost no room for even my bed. It's built for smart pots by my own theory. The shelf the plants sit on is just above the intake. The tent can be left closed for days at a time without temp problems. I've rigged the intake to the light and the intake to the tent to be ducted to my portable AC. And all exhaust goes outside. There's 620 cfm's of exhaust. One moment please while I give myself a hand :clap: had to do that. Purp temps are easily attainable and maintainable. Bringing me to...

The new strains: Sour Grapes, Purple Kush, and Blue Dream. Unfortunately I'm still waiting on those special strains, the guys who were both stoked about giving them to me are now holding out. We'll see. The Blue Dream is the smaller 6 ones, cuts from one of those guys, originally from Oaksterdam. The others are I think from Blue Sky but they come from a club local to me. They are obviously cut from very big moms. The 2 Sour Grapes are in the front of the far right row. The right six have some light shock from moving to MH suddenly. Only flowering 6 here. Havn't figured which ones yet. The others will go to a friend who is setting up now. He will either keep the strains for us for the future or flower some of it. Not really concerned cause I can buy all these strains again quickly. Very stoked about the purple kush, but I'm gonna try to get everything a little purpley.

PICTURES WON'T UPLOAD. Cmon RIU this shit is still going on?? Get it fixed already. I'll be back..

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Great job bro! Love your pics and that's a great pull for your first harvest. Should be even better this time around with the upgrades. I hear that SSH is the shit, my boy has it and I'm trying to get ahold of some cuts off it but I think he wants to keep that stuff to himself on lockdown. Everybody wants to buy that shit!


Sour grape?.. blue Dream? lol wow pretty sick.. I just sprouted some Crimea Blue. But yeah your grow area is so solid man I wish I had that much space.. I thinknext im going to change my avatar to my girl with her tits around my Illadelph lol.. real pumped about that.. No stole booty just the good ol gf!. excited to see pics bro!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Great first go round. Well done in FF, I used FF
early on, but there is a flavor which always comes
with the FF, I could never get over it, I run Soil-Less
mixes now, you should do some experimenting
on the next grow, coco and soil-less is the bomb.
The control of Hydro, the ease of Soil.

Bravo on your first harvest!


Active Member
Photo upload is working again so here's a bit of a show. These go with my last post. Check out how some of the blackberry got purple on top and some didn't.

..and replies.

Great job bro! Love your pics and that's a great pull for your first harvest. Should be even better this time around with the upgrades. I hear that SSH is the shit, my boy has it and I'm trying to get ahold of some cuts off it but I think he wants to keep that stuff to himself on lockdown. Everybody wants to buy that shit!
Thanks dude I'm stoked on getting 6 0z from such a small area. SSH is a REALLY solid strain. If I was growing a lot it would be my staple. But for now I let it go in favor of some more flavor. Plus it would be a pain in the ass to grow such a tall strain with anything else but really tall strains. It's easily available to me if I want it again though. Thanks for the encouragement!

Sour grape?.. blue Dream? lol wow pretty sick.. I just sprouted some Crimea Blue. But yeah your grow area is so solid man I wish I had that much space.. I thinknext im going to change my avatar to my girl with her tits around my Illadelph lol.. real pumped about that.. No stole booty just the good ol gf!. excited to see pics bro!
haha nice bro. I just like the term booty, pirate booty, hidden booty, etc lol. Stoked about the updated space so thanks for that. It's funny, I feel the same way about my space - wish I had more.

Great first go round. Well done in FF, I used FF
early on, but there is a flavor which always comes
with the FF, I could never get over it, I run Soil-Less
mixes now, you should do some experimenting
on the next grow, coco and soil-less is the bomb.
The control of Hydro, the ease of Soil.

Bravo on your first harvest!

I've been meaning to do some research on mediums for my next house. I definitely fear the difficulty with hydro, especially in the taste department, but also in the "totally losing control of everything and blowing my whole setup" department.



Active Member
Damn I just realized how excellent that last harvest with the Blackberry really looked. It's small, but really frosty, really tastey, really dense.

I'm gonna post some more of my setup here.