Evolution Is A Theory On Which You Base A Religion


New Member
i can shatter religions if i wanted to, as can many others. But there is no point.

But for those interested, answer a couple questions...

If you had an hourglass flow of sand, can you build an ant hill? Of course.

A hill... given enough time, yes.

A mountain? Given enough time, yes.

People who dont believe in evolution cant comprehend that small changes add up over time.

A duckbill platapus is the perfect thing to throw in front of super christians who think god created different kinds of animals and there are no links between mamals, birds, fish, insects, etc.

A tamato is a perfect thing to throw in front of people who believe you either have a fruit or a vegetable, and dont believe a plant can evolve between the 2 species.

But my personal favorite question to ask a super religious person who has no clue who god actually is... is this:

"do you think god is a dawrin, an evolutionist?"

They say no, he didnt mean for killing to occur, thats satans fault, he wants us all to be happy, etc..

then I ask "so god didnt intend for darwinism to occur because you believe that when you lose, or something else loses at something, instead of accept defeat, you cant, and you want to cry about this factor of life, and if this was gods intention, you would lable him as a jerk, right?"

and they usually beat around the bush for a while, but say, "yes, if god intended for darwinism to occur, i would definately think hes a jerk"

Ready for the kill question??? :hump:

"so let me get this straight, you cant wait for this flawed life to end, where there are winners and losers (darwinism) and you are positive that there is no way god inteded for darwinism to exist...

and yet... you look forward to the day that god becomes the ultimate darwin... when he sends some people to heaven.. and some to hell... for this is darwinism at its finest...

so lets call a spade a spade shall we?

You like to WIN. You hate to lose.

but without competition, there is no winner and no loser.

Eternity, or any amount of time for that matter, without competition... is very boring.

So the reality is... you are a fool who is being tricked with your own hypocricy that you are too dumb to notice...

You fall for a lie that god doesnt ever want you to lose (thus making him nice in your mind)

and yet you want god to be fair to everyone...

and you look forward to the day that you win over the people who end up in hell.

You dont hate darwinism... you hate losing.

You love darwinism so long as you are winning.

Its that simple.

A promise that you will be a winner.

Not a promise that darwinism will ever cease to exist.

Ta Da!

Go to church, its better than the other alternative... id rather have happy people who are dumber than shit than a bunch of angry people who are dumber than shit.

Jesus loves you, its okay if you dont appreciate this gift called life and need a birbe that there will be a better one some day that only you and a select few get to enjoy. Perfect god and his ego need worshippers and people to sing him songs, or else perfect god will have a melt down.

It actually sounds like you described yourself... and not a perfect god...

you want attention and friends...

so you assume so would a perfect god.

Its like saying you or I would want to hang out with someone who has down syndrome... and needs an army of retards on our team... for eternity.

No thanks. Stupidity is annoying.

Again, gods aremy vs satans army... battling... darwinism.

Wanna know the difference between a human and an ape?

An ape, when confronted with a banana shortage, will fight and eventually kill off other apes who arent sharing the bananas.

A human, sees the banana shortage coming due to a higher iq, and plants more banana trees in advance.

SKin color, religion, location of birth... none of this matters.

Its people who want to get violent to solve problems (apes)

And people who understand that working to produce more products and services actually solves the problems (humans)

and the morons who want to get violent becuase they dont appreciate life as it is, and arent willing to work to improve it themselves...

they end up on the battlefield because their ape instinct says that killing another human being is going to increase their odds of getting more products at a later date (fixing the economy)

dumbasses from this team, vs dumbasses from that team...

the dumbest most violent die,

and the meek will inherit the earth.

War is not a bad thing... it is a great thing.

Its putting all the people who want to get violent into a designated area, takes away their liberties, and hands them a machine gun so that they kill eachother off.

Darwinism is very real.

Religious leaders know what they are doing...

they are killing off the morons who have to be tricked into doing logical things...

just as you and I trick a dog into doing good things by giving it a treat.

We dont argue with the dog that the vet is good.

We say, "i know, that evil vet hurt you with the needle, heres a treat"

and next time you take the dog to the vet, you dont show it the vets picture and show it the needle and ask if it wants to go get a shot...

you trick it with a treat.

Dog treats arent healthy, but the dog likes them

Religious lies arent healthy, but humanity likes them.

Trick humanity into getting life right, and if they still cant appreciate this world, of which they showed up and didnt have to work a day for (i didnt build earth, did you?)

... then tell the unapreciative dumbass to exit the community and relocate to an isolated battlefield where they can eat spam in a tank and hopefully realize they had it pretty damn good... before a bullet rips through their skull.

People are fools... i could go on for hours. God is nice... but people lack the intelligence to see the good in the situation...

just as a dog will never see the good in going to the vet. It lacks the iq to see the long term benefits and only notices the short term pains.


New Member
...I got a question for all the belivers of GOD.... where the fuck did "HE/SHE/IT" come from????? Who's the maker of such animal? LOL


People say that without a god to be impressing, life is pointless...

and they cant think past their nose to the day that they go to heaven, and are chilling with god, and a few billion years go by... and now what do you have...

life, without a higher mythical power to impress.

Like i said, people dont hate competition, they love it... they jsut hate losing.

religion is a way to promise all the people who percieve their current status as "loser" to keep a smile on their face and keep the faith that one day they will be a winner.

It benefits the rest of mankind because now that person is not angry and treating everyone like shit and trying to get even.

THe problem with society is not religion.

It is genetically limited brainpower (stupidity) and people with negative mutations can only think so far, and thus, they can literally be incapable of seeing the glass half full, because they are too stupid, so their feeble imaginations ASSUME there is better without understanding the negative tradeoffs.

And since they assume there is better, they throw fits like little bitches because they want to have/be the best.

THese are the people that the world leaders cant stand.

Most political and religious illusions are designed to get these people to either chill out and be happy, or if they cant even see the glass half full after being lied to that they are gods favorite, and hes going to give them a big reward...

fine, dont spend another minute of enrgy trying to convince this moron to see that life is a gift that we were given without working a day for it... so god isnt the asshole,

youre the asshole for complaining about life like a 16 year old girl complaining to her dad for buying her a ferrari for her birthday..

you have no clue what you are talking about if you complain about life.

For god to give everyone free agency, it means he cant make you do anything, he cant make her, make him...

so when things go wrong, appreciate that we are all in this together, and we all have the right and ability to make mistakes...

thus nothing "bad" is gods fault.

He gave you the ferrari called life, as a gift, and you didnt have to work a day for it, and he on the other hand did have to put in work to create it, and you think because you got a door ding he can be blamed?

think again, chances are you are a whiney bitch who needs to grow up.

anyway, for all the people who cant appreciate life even after being lied to that they are gods favorite,...

then the second stage of religion is to get that asshole to enguage in battle in a controlled, isolated area, so that he and another asshole kill eachother off.

but as mentioned before, does there have to be a god? no

Can one appreciate "life" itself and give back to life itself just as they would try to give back to impress a god, but in this case simply give back to life for the next generation...

keep life going instead of see it all get destroyed in nuclear war?

I think its a pretty simple concept...

but there in lies the problem...

most peoples brains are apparently slower than shit...

so like a dog... you dont make the dog think about big decisions... you order and bribe the dog into making the right ones.

This is what world leaders do to the masses.

And anyone could become a world leader btw.... so if you are jelous of this concept, guess what, get off your ass like they did, and do something with your life.

But understand life cant be fair AND we hand over power to all the know it alls who parrot what they hear on the news, and think they are entitled to power.

Take responsibility, and youll have all the power you ever wanted.


New Member
"It is genetically limited brainpower (stupidity) and people with negative mutations can only think so far, and thus, they can literally be incapable of seeing the glass half full, because they are too stupid, so their feeble imaginations ASSUME there is better without understanding the negative tradeoffs."

Bend the FUCK over, you fuckin' Hater.

We believe Humanity is capable of understanding most of everything in their favorite flavor.


New Member

keep beleiving that god enjoys hearing you complain about the muslims/jews/christians/iran/bin ladden, etc,

and pretend that he wants to spend eternity with your whiney ass

when you are too stupid to realize if he is to be fair, he has to give EVERYONE free agency,

so complaing to him about these thigns and asking him to change things via prayer...

is almost as much of a waste of time as singing him songs for hours every sunday.

If you want to thank god... dont destroy life... build upon it and make things better.

Work to improve yourself. After all, with free agency, you are the only person you really have control over.

If you do that... you are the one waxxing and changing the oil on the ferrari.

Doesnt matter how many people thank him, talk to him, sing songs to him...

if you are god, who are you going to give another ferrari to.

The one who kept it in good shape, or the one who sang you songs all day, and complained about other people givign their ferrari door dings.

This isnt rocket science, get off your ass and make the world a better place, or shut the fuck up and smile.

And if you cant do those, go to a battlefield, fight like an ape, and get shot.

And then tell yourself that god HAS TO GIVE YOU A BETTER LIFE THAN THIS ONE, because this one wasnt up to your expectations.

And pretend you arent a clueless spoiled brat who did nothing but whine and fight...

and pretend a perfect being needs you on his team... for eternity.

or realize, you were lied to because the world leaders dont know what to do with your ignorant ass.


New Member
I think WH is doing the best she can.

The question is ... are you?

Ur posts indicate a big fat no.

WH wins it by a landslide.


New Member
You believe in some of our beliefs, but like every other flavor of Religion, only some.

That is the beauty of existing in your own Universe of Attraction.

Just don't force your shit down our throats by attracting us to read this thread.

Because if we read your shit, then you alter our Multiverses, and we don't like you being in charge of our realities.



New Member
its no different than pot plants. SOme have desirable traits, some dont.

plants have dna.

Humans have dna.

Dna mutates every new generation.

if you dont like the traits of a plant, you dont let it make babies.

Same goes for humans.

If humans are in jail/in battle/dead...

they arent making babies.

Everyone wishes for world peace, what they fail to realize is that there are no lava monsters, no aliens attacking us, no evil goblins.

WHat there are... humans who lack the intelligence to see a problem coming, lack the intelligence to solve the problem, and think that yelling and getting violent like an ape will solve the problem.

The reality is... these individuals are the reason there is not world peace.

War is not a bad thing... it gives these individuals free agency to go kill themselves off.

First thing they do when you join the military is get an iq test. If you score high, you are in military intelligence... IN A BUNKER, not the front lines.

The system is obvious...

unless your brain doesnt work. In that case, i dont know what to tell you.

Smile and appreciate all the stuff in this world that you dont understand that you get to enjoy, like big screens, laptops, cars... all the stuff that you cant build on your own, be thankful that you are on a planet with those who can.

Or, like i said... if you still think you deserve better, get mad and kill something like and ape, and when you see god, have your shpeal ready for why this life wasnt good enough and you deserve something "better"

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Oh and uh...don't know if anyone noticed this, but here's your source, since you forgot to post it.http://www.3bible.com/articles/Ray Comfort/Atheist Debate.pdf
Let me make it clear that I do believe in variations within species. Some dogs appear to have
evolved from large to small (or small to large), but no "evolution" has actually taken place.
They are still dogs.
So I do believe in something called "microevolution"--variation within a species.
However, there is no evidence for man evolving from primates, commonly known as "the theory
of evolution."
Professor Louis Bounoure, Director of Research, National Center of Scientific Research so
rightly stated:
"Evolution is a fairy tale for grown-ups. This theory has helped nothing in the progress of
science. It is useless."
Sir Arthur Keith (Sir Arthur Keith wrote the foreword to the 100th edition of Origin of the
Species) said, "Evolution is unproved and unprovable."
Malcolm Muggeridge, the famous British journalist and philosopher said,
"I myself am convinced that the theory of evolution, especially the extent to which it’s been
applied, will be one of the great jokes in history books of the future." (The End of Christendom,
Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, Mich., 1980, page 59).
Dr. T. N. Tah-misian of the Atomic Energy Commission said,
"Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact of life are great con-men, and the story
they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever."
USA Today March 21, 2001
"Paleontologists have discovered a new skeleton in the closet of human ancestry that is likely to
force science to revise, if not scrap, current theories of human origins."
Reuters reported that the discovery left "scientists of human evolution…confused," saying,
"Lucy may not even be a direct human ancestor after all."
The phrase "scientists of human evolution" is an oxymoron.
Evolution isn't "scientific." It's a theory.

If you go to www.raycomfort.com to will see an offer of $250,000.
Dr. Kent Hovind $250,000 "to anyone who can offer any scientific evidence that evolution is
Take him to court. Become famous. Make this another Scopes trial.
But you won't, because you can't. All you have is faith in a theory.
Evolution is actually a religion.
Dictionary: "Religion": "A set of beliefs concerned with explaining the origins and purposes of
the universe…"
The belief of evolution even has its own religious language:
"We believe, perhaps, maybe, probably, could've, possibly."
The founding father of the faith is Charles Darwin.
The god of the religion of Darwinism is referred to by the faithful as "Mother Nature."
She is the one who is responsible for everything we can see in creation.
What's more, she's very attractive to sinful men. They gravitate to her like a moth to a flame.
Why? Because she's deaf, blind, and mute.
Mother Nature doesn't hear anything, she doesn't see anything, and what's most important--she
doesn't say anything.
Mother Nature doesn't have any moral dictates.
So, if you make her your creator, YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU WANT
…every sinful pleasure can be enjoyed with no qualms of conscience.
That's why evolution is so appealing.
Such a belief system is called "idolatry" (making up a non-existent god to suit yourself)
It is a transgression of the First and Second of the Ten Commandments.
To believe in the theory of evolution takes a great leap of bind faith.
Like little children, they believe without the need of a thread of evidence.
The theory doesn't disprove the existence of God.
It just reveals that those who believe it are truly capable of faith in the invisible…
and confirms Napoleon's great observation:
"Man will believe anything, as long as it's not in the Bible."
Thank you for listening. Please feel free to avail yourselves of the literature on the table.


New Member
"WHat there are... humans who lack the intelligence to see a problem coming, lack the intelligence to solve the problem, and think that yelling and getting violent like an ape will solve the problem." - Some mean person

Insults are often the most common vocalization of violent like ape-like mammals.

We dream Humanity possess the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems.

The War Scroll found near the Dead Sea says this.

What really happens when a prophet ascends to heaven?


Well-Known Member
"We dream Humanity possess the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems."

Dream sounds so weak and flimsy.
I dream I'll be a rock star, a millionaire, George Clooney, that my penis will shrink so it doesn't hurt virgins so much. All meaning absolutely nothing.

"The War Scroll found near the Dead Sea says this. What really happens when a prophet ascends to heaven?"

I really try to follow what you say and figure out where you are coming from but when you blather I am lost. Did you leave out a sentence which would make what you said make any sense at all? Was this a question as is, because if so I will attempt to answer.

One minute I think you are just mocking things acting all batshit crazy just for fun and making up some religion that doesn't even exist, and another minute I'm thinking those that believe some people need faith might be right and that I would be wrong trying to set you straight because you can't stand on your own.

Please help me figure out what to do. Should I give you the red pill or the blue pill? Or just lithium for your bipolar disorder?

Please excuse me for being so crude, but are you on any medication other than pot?


New Member
Rather, intelligent, civilized discussion is so rare and valuable, many believe it well worth taking the few seconds it takes to ask one to elaborate.

We intentionally write efficiently to the point of unintentionally leaving out sentences from time to time to time to time to time.

Are you aware of what The War Scroll found near the Dead Sea can synopsize?

We firmly believe (in addition to dreaming) that most every humanity being in existence today possess the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems.

Are you aware of what occurred at the temple mount?

Are you bitter from being circumcised? (can't see through your underwear)

Are you offended by our crudeness?

"All meaning absolutely nothing"

We firmly disagree with your belief on that topic.

Let's peaceably agree to disagree on that one, as we prefer to believe thoughts become things.


Well-Known Member
"Rather, intelligent, civilized discussion is so rare and valuable, many believe it well worth taking the few seconds it takes to ask one to elaborate."


"Are you aware of what The War Scroll found near the Dead Sea can synopsize?"

I'm aware what I took from it, but I would like to know what you did.

"We firmly believe (in addition to the dreams) that most every human being in existence today possess the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems."

Then some do not, what about them? Which are you? Do you feel you would be able to live without faith, and furthermore do you feel your life would be lessened by the loss of it?

"Are you aware of what occurred at the temple mount?"

Somebody stoned someone to death?

"Are you bitter from being circumcised? (can't see through your underwear)"

No I don't think it would matter I am bitter because a huge portion of America believes in the crap in the bible as if it has any value or truth or relevance at all and votes in idiots and stupid policies and holds back progress of any kind and causes me to be a victim and persecuted. (bisexual pot smoker, I don't hide my past but those reasons pale in comparison to the country and the world today.)

I spend a little time here and there trying to do my part to free slaves in the modern sense. (But I admit I am not above ridiculing people either when it seems appropriate)

But I can't put a finger on you... Your ideas are just out there and honestly I really would like to know what drugs you do.

Are you offended by our crudeness?[/QUOTE]


New Member
Circumcision does not necessarily have to have anything to do with your bible, my friend.

"Which are you?"

Why thank you for asking.

Personally, I believe reside amongst the ranks of those possessing the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems.

My ideas are reality just in your head, kind sir.

Is your little finger as talented as James Bond's?

The Humanity Psyche is so much more than written words, eh?


Well-Known Member
Circumcision does not necessarily have to have anything to do with your bible, my friend.

"Which are you?"

Why thank you for asking.

Personally, I believe reside amongst the ranks of those possessing the intelligence to see and solve oncoming problems.

My ideas are reality just in your head, kind sir.

Is your little finger as talented as James Bond's?

The Humanity Psyche is so much more than written words, eh?
If you and I are going to have a dialogue I ask that you actually try to stay on topic and answer my questions. I didn't get a single answer to anything I asked from what you said. Not one.