Where Are The Holocaust Deniers?


Well-Known Member
It's stupid to deny the holocaust. There is too much overwhelming evidence.

I will say I don't believe the amount of Jews killed in terms of population ratios. I really think Jews over do that number by a lot for added sympathy. They claim well over 2/3rds of the world's Jews were killed off. A 66.6666% drop in any population can take years to redevelop (even with birth and converts). Yet we some how have over 13 million Jews in the world. These numbers just don't added up. Seriously. I think they're made up a bit. Thats just my opinion.

P.S. I know what happened to the Jews in WII is pretty terriable, but it's nowhere near as bad as some of the shit going on in Africa today. Seriously people need to move on and forget about the holocaust and start helping the people that need it most now! The world's Jews have it good compared to Africans. I mean that. Jews are some of the richest people on Earth. Let the Jews worry about the holocaust and move on.
1/3 of the Jews in Europe were wiped out and they now have the names of all 6 million. Recently a facility was open to the public that contains something like 16 miles of file cabinets with detailed info on all the victims. In these files they found the records of the extermination of Ann Frank and her family and the original list compiled by Oscar Shindler. The records were so detailed they included a count of lice taken from the heads of prisoners.

And you are horribly mistaken if you think that anything man kind has ever seen is similar to what happened during the Holocaust.

While it is true that Muslims are committing genocide in Africa. Although this is horrible, there are still distinct differences. The Muslims have not constructed modern slaughter houses for the purpose of eradicating human beings with industrial efficiency. And I don't think there is an equivalent of Dr. Joseph Mendel who experimented with live dissections, hypothermia and swapping limbs between living people.

Those attempts to suggest that the Holocaust was less horrific than it was are really just more subtle, more insidious ways of denying it through dilution.

The Holocaust must never be forgotten by anyone because it demonstrates the extent to which man is capable of visiting cruelty upon his fellow man. It is much more than just a Jewish issue.


New Member
It's stupid to deny the holocaust. There is too much overwhelming evidence.

I will say I don't believe the amount of Jews killed in terms of population ratios. I really think Jews over do that number by a lot for added sympathy. They claim well over 2/3rds of the world's Jews were killed off. A 66.6666% drop in any population can take years to redevelop (even with birth and converts). Yet we some how have over 13 million Jews in the world. These numbers just don't added up. Seriously. I think they're made up a bit. Thats just my opinion.

P.S. I know what happened to the Jews in WII is pretty terriable, but it's nowhere near as bad as some of the shit going on in Africa today. Seriously people need to move on and forget about the holocaust and start helping the people that need it most now! The world's Jews have it good compared to Africans. I mean that. Jews are some of the richest people on Earth. Let the Jews worry about the holocaust and move on.

I think thats very doubtful there simply are way too many people in china to evenly distribute wealth (seriously their poorest live well bellow their middle class and most of the country is poor).

On top of that their population is tainted by the fact that 52% of their population (and rising) is all males. Seriously chinese men are going to have problems with finding mates...Lets see how that helps out their economy. If anything you'll see civic unrest with people abducting women, raping women, and buying female sex slaves from other parts of the world.

Furthermore China is experiencing massive population growth (it's slowed down since the 1970s), but that number is some like double what the western world sees as normal (I think its 1.7 new people per fertile women). It really costs a lot to take care of your old and sickly. Not only that but there simply is a finite amount of jobs in this world. Their labor market is directly tied with what Americans buy (Americans do the most business with China).

You have to remember people in the 1980s thought Japan was going to over take the USA in terms of economic growth and development. That never came to be and most likely will never. Seriously no one spends more than Americans. We are a consumer culture. That alone is our greatest asset.

Well, I guess all of the economists are wrong.:lol:

The pattern is clear. China is on the rise economically and politically. Do they have internal problems? Yup, just like everyone else. How their ppl live as far as wealth redistribution is irrelevant. Like global warming, the totality of their output will be what counts in the end.

They do have problems with population since they are going to hit the 4-2-1 ratio in 30 years. 4 grandparents to 2 parents to 1 child.

Outside of that, they are on a path that will overtake us. They already produce more carbon than the USA by 30% and it's growing. One of the reasons why the Copenhagen conference is FUTILE (and quite stupid).
China is producing new energy plants each year to power 3 new York Cities.

Each year...... In 20 years that will be 60 NYC's worth of new energy in China.

They will be the next powerhouse, make no mistake.

Cracker knows... :wink:


New Member
i write these things because while most of you find it unreal that there are thousands of people out there who want to close their eyes that the german/jew holocaust happened...

i find it unreal that there are billions of people that close their eyes to the facts that point towards the one thats about to occur.

You cant change the past.

You can change tomorrow.


New Member
yes, china is on the rise.

however, if you evaluate the way economies are judged, you will see that its based on GROWTH.

Any american who believes chinas economy is better than our own i encourage to move there.

what they find out is that china is still about 70 years behind the US throughout 99% of their country.

while chinas economy is growing,

its like comparing shaq, who is done growing,

to a 4 year old who still is growing.

And the reason america is in debt? America is a collection of americans.

the reason america is in debt... is because americans believe they are entitled to consume more than they produce... and thus they aquire debt as an individual, and that debt is bought by people in high places, eventually china bought it.

china does not want to see us fail.. for if we fail, who is going to pay them back.

its like someone who owes you 10 grand. killing them isnt going to get you your 10 grand back.

Letting them live and garnishing their wages will get you paid back.

china isnt going to attack america...

they are going to police us.

and our cia already knows this...

they dont mind.

individual americans, who are in debt (chose to consume more than they earn, thus deserve)

these individuals are going to be forced to pay back their debt...

and not with green monopoly money...

but with production of goods and services.... something americans think they are too good for.

because if you have to work.. hard... you complain you are in a bad economy

we are spoiled.

a spanking is coming.

Not all americans will suffer, the ones who have sense enough to stay out of debt by not consuming more than they produce in a day (earn), they wont have a problem.

Believing that all chinese, all muslims, all jews, all of any team based on location or skin color... makes a person good or bad, worse or better...

this will soon fall.

but what most individuals dont realize is the alternative...

when there is no "team" to save you.

You as an individual are either the problem or the solution... and if you are the problem, you get punished.

what 99% of americans arent willing to accept is that they as an individual are the problem.

im white, i was born in the midwest... believe me... i have nothing against america.

i hope america succeeds.

But ive been enlightened a bit.

there is no santa thats going to save us.

Individuals who make mistakes cant keep going without punishment.

Do i agree with whats about to happen.... no, i wish there was a better way.

believe me, if i didnt care, i wouldnt be saying a word, and i would let you all fail miserably.

Or you can pretend failure is not coming. Its your choice.


New Member
Numbers don't lie. They hold our debt. They are in the black ... substantially. We are in the red, substantially.

One need only wait for it, it is coming.

Enjoy it now, while you can. Truly.

jeff f

New Member
yes, china is on the rise.

however, if you evaluate the way economies are judged, you will see that its based on GROWTH.

Any american who believes chinas economy is better than our own i encourage to move there.

what they find out is that china is still about 70 years behind the US throughout 99% of their country.

while chinas economy is growing,

its like comparing shaq, who is done growing,

to a 4 year old who still is growing.

And the reason america is in debt? America is a collection of americans.

the reason america is in debt... is because americans believe they are entitled to consume more than they produce... and thus they aquire debt as an individual, and that debt is bought by people in high places, eventually china bought it.

china does not want to see us fail.. for if we fail, who is going to pay them back.

its like someone who owes you 10 grand. killing them isnt going to get you your 10 grand back.

Letting them live and garnishing their wages will get you paid back.

china isnt going to attack america...

they are going to police us.

and our cia already knows this...

they dont mind.

individual americans, who are in debt (chose to consume more than they earn, thus deserve)

these individuals are going to be forced to pay back their debt...

and not with green monopoly money...

but with production of goods and services.... something americans think they are too good for.

because if you have to work.. hard... you complain you are in a bad economy

we are spoiled.

a spanking is coming.

Not all americans will suffer, the ones who have sense enough to stay out of debt by not consuming more than they produce in a day (earn), they wont have a problem.

Believing that all chinese, all muslims, all jews, all of any team based on location or skin color... makes a person good or bad, worse or better...

this will soon fall.

but what most individuals dont realize is the alternative...

when there is no "team" to save you.

You as an individual are either the problem or the solution... and if you are the problem, you get punished.

what 99% of americans arent willing to accept is that they as an individual are the problem.

im white, i was born in the midwest... believe me... i have nothing against america.

i hope america succeeds.

But ive been enlightened a bit.

there is no santa thats going to save us.

Individuals who make mistakes cant keep going without punishment.

Do i agree with whats about to happen.... no, i wish there was a better way.

believe me, if i didnt care, i wouldnt be saying a word, and i would let you all fail miserably.

Or you can pretend failure is not coming. Its your choice.
a perfect example of why mushrooms should never be ingested before posting on the internet :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess all of the economists are wrong.:lol:
I'd have to say they are. Economics is not a static field things change and fluctuate all the time. Hell my freshmen year econ class teacher told me I'd graduate in area of untold prosperity and look at this economy now! This guy worked at the Chicago Board of Trade. He knew his shit. You should only listen to these people for short term advise. No one can predict what will happen even 2 weeks into the future. Seriously, thats advise you can take to the bank!


New Member
So the country which is spiraling out of debt and whose solution to that spiraling debt is to create more debt is going to maintain supremacy over another country which is very very solvent with incredible growth patterns?

I think not.

It will only take time, but it is inevitable.


Well-Known Member
Wow, I'm not trying to sound mean but there are some dumb motherfuckers posting in this thread. Here is a question for the Isreal supporters, If native americans got back together and declared that they are entitled to have all of the land stolen from them which side would you take with that? Or do you still think Columbus "discovered" America? What makes Isreal so great that we have their back? Because some book YOU choose to believe in says so? What is with all the arab bashing? Have any of you meet a Palestinian? Well I guess that would be impossible because if you did they would have killed you, at least according to some of your accusations. I take it most of you have never seen a rocket and the pathetic damage/inaccuracy of it. That's horrible those scumbags would do that, hence why we give isreal all our military technology so they can keep those dirty arabs in check with tanks, planes, bombs, etc. Let me give you a piece of information. If people are strapping bombs to themselves, I'm willing to bet they are the ones being opressed the most severe. (I'll await the reply about them dying as a martyr for 7 virgins in heaven or however many it is.)

I do like the Hitler references in here as well, he would probably be a popular leader in America today. Insert Arabs in place of Jews and America will be frothing at the mouth. Try and put yourself in others peoples shoes for once and think things through before you jump on the bandwagon. Flame on!