the world leaders behind the scenes in the cia etc... have no pitty for any individual who cant see that they are purposefully repeating history identical to germany's leading up to ww2.
what you dont realize is... the nazis... the bad guys... the ones on top... they didnt lose. They won. They came to america and were all given top jobs in the cia, pentagon, area 51, nasa, and the base in missouri where they continued expirements on american soldiers instead of jews.
all of this was declassified during the watergate investigation in a clump of documents called "the pentagon papers"
"project paperclip" was the first mission by the cia in 1947 when it was founded.
The first mission the cia did was bring all the elite nazis to america like a witness protection program.
they didnt lose the war... the pesents of germany did. They had it planned from the begining of ww2.
the cia was unconstitutional by definition.
the cia is king of america because they can choose what info they tell the media via langley. they control what the president knows, congress knows... they control what decisions are made based on how they morph and distribute info to individuals in high places.
the cia was put into place by key people in washington, from skull and bones at yale.
skull and bones used to be located in germany before it was run out by the german people who found out its intentions are nazi'ish concepts.
skull and bones was key in getting the cia started so they could bring their facist govt to the usa, and do it in such a way your average american is too dumb to notice. Its cloaked if you are stupid.
and if you are stupid enough not to notice that the cia was implimented by the nazi secret society, and then coincidentally the FIRST MISSION IT CONDUCTED was to bring the nazi elites to america and give them top position jobs within our government...
frankly they believe you are an ape who has proven your ignorance.... and thus your life is as important as a cow, a dogs, a monkeys.
this is not my belief, but it is theirs.
and like it or not, they ran a couple planes into a couple buildings, went ahead and blew up a third one (wtc 7, home of cia and sec) and guess what, they had everyone they DONT LIKE at work that day in that building, as well as all incriminating evidence as to the large scale organized crime that is going on within our govt.
and guess what, you havent stopped them yet.
you live in la la land that since America is good... it makes you ... better? you as an individual are good because you live on this side of the line and not the other?
maybe enguage yourself and find otu whats really going on in the world around you...
or prove your ignorance and repeat like a parrot what you hear the "2 sides" say on the news and think you have all the truth because 2 sides of information have gone through your mind...
and theres only 2, not 3, 4, 5, 100000 different sides...
your lazy brain wants to know who to elect so that your life is easier.
dont break your back voting.
individuals who get off their ass stay informed and stay out of harms way.
the rest of the world HOPES and BELIEVES in magical ideas like santa, the easter bunny, and that obama is going to save them, bush is going to save them..
but the reality is all these individuals do is consume an ass load of jet fuel and a lot of good steaks... making it all more expensive for you.
Once you escape the illusion, you will find that the opposing teams are ON PURPOSE, its a concept designed by the pharos of egypt... and it keeps the masses from realizing they are slaves... and instead of resent and get jealous of their leader and consider themselves slaves relative to him...
the opposing team makes you PROTECT YOUR LEADER because you need him to defeat the "evil team"
no team will ever win out. The world leaders are friends.
Its a game.
Its a game that gets the morons to kill eachother off without them even realizing whats going on.
And they dont have a guilty conscience because EVERYONE has free agency to get off their ass and join the cia, military intelligence, or rise to the top of any team.
Its no different then pot plants... dna and mutations are real.
You pick attribites you like... and you kill off the rest.
People who get off their asses and solve problems- save
people who want to complain and point blame and spend all their time and energy debating who they will ask to fix it all for them via elections, and complain constantly that they have a bad economy when in reality its the best on the planet, no where else can you work less and afford more than the usa...
and these people, who cant take responsibility for their own wishes and think the world wants to hear them complain instead of help solve the problem - kill
its that simple.
skin color and location of birth are meaningless...
unless you still function in the illusion designed for an ape.
and if the illusion contains you.... you prove your ape-ness.
its that simple.
the matrix is bush's fav movie. Theres a reason.