Cocaine Stories - The White Devil


Well-Known Member
I don't do coke, I never have... never will.
but I have rolled a ton of pills in my day, so I'll share one of my stories.

My best friend had recently just died (quadding accident, he flipped over and crushed his head... wasn't wearing a helmet) so naturally me and my other friend were pretty depressed. We got our hands on 10 pills that were so called "white versaces" and they were white little pills with the versace symbol engraved on them. We both ate all 5 at the same time.... and decided to chill for a little bit. Needles to say, we got high... really HIGH... The next few hours were a blur, but then we got the great idea to steal my moms car.... so we stole her car and went cruising.. (I was driving, but I was so high I honestly DO NOT remember driving).... and my buddy calls me and asks us if we wanted to buy shrooms. We were high as balls, so obviously we were gonna buy them... He said for $60 bucks, he'd give us a half ounce... so we were like fuck ya thats a good deal.... I don't know how I drove to where these kids were, but we ended up there and we bought the shrooms.... Super high... no idea how we got home, but when we got home my buddy called and wanted to smoke a blunt, so they dropped buy and we hazed a blunt... and i gave my buddy 1g of mush (he said he split it with his friend, and his buddy got so high he panicked and pulled the fire alarm in his apartment building and they had to evacuate... so they left and my buddy and I decided to eat the mush... I ate the whole 1/4 while high on 5 pills, and my buddy ate 6g(cuz we gave 1 to my buddies).... I was BLACKED out high... I remember waking up lying on the floor biting on my hands... seeing explosions of colours... waking up standing in front of the bathroom mirror... waking up on the couch, in my sisters room, in my bed... like crazy fucking shit... Needles to say my buddy was blacked out high too, experiencing the same shit... We both pass out.... (buddies funeral is the next day).... my friend was so depressed from the crash he didn't even wanna go to our buddies funeral and it took me 4 hours to convince him to go.... we ended up going.... thank god we went... R.I.P Joey

drugs are crazy
Cool story bro.

Around here we call that a Hippy Flip.
Mushrooms and E.
I've done the same colour explosion shit but at a party. IT was messed.
I took about 6 tabs of E that was previously laced with shrooms anyways and 4-6 G's of mush.(roughly had a half)

I feel the story. Needless to say.


Active Member
So I had my second coke experience last night. Just got two finger dips for the gums though. Was definitely better than the first time, where I snorted, and my throat felt like it closed. Lol
My brother and his friend came home real eff'ed up on xanax, beer, and coke. Had to babysit them til 6am. I didn't even bother to go to sleep after that. Is coke supposed to make you more awake? I don't even feel tired. Heh..
Lesson of the night: Mixing xanax definitely makes you retarded. Changed my mind on trying it atleast. =P

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
So I had my second coke experience last night. Just got two finger dips for the gums though. Was definitely better than the first time, where I snorted, and my throat felt like it closed. Lol
My brother and his friend came home real eff'ed up on xanax, beer, and coke. Had to babysit them til 6am. I didn't even bother to go to sleep after that. Is coke supposed to make you more awake? I don't even feel tired. Heh..
Lesson of the night: Mixing xanax definitely makes you retarded. Changed my mind on trying it atleast. =P
xanax and coke is quite tricky.... throwing alcohol in doesn't help... two at a time, is what I try to do... two at a time, no more.


Active Member
Yea my brother has no self control. He had about 8 beers, 3 zani bars, and did about 3 lines, and weed aswell. He was pretty much forgetting everything like seconds after it'd happen. He'd be chillin, and would freak out bcus he forgot we were in our garage. Lol
Than at 5am, he all the sudden remember he left 2 grams of weed in my dads car. What a night. Ahaha


Well-Known Member
Yea my brother has no self control. He had about 8 beers, 3 zani bars, and did about 3 lines, and weed aswell. He was pretty much forgetting everything like seconds after it'd happen. He'd be chillin, and would freak out bcus he forgot we were in our garage. Lol
Than at 5am, he all the sudden remember he left 2 grams of weed in my dads car. What a night. Ahaha
haha sounds like some times ive had.


Active Member
The first time I caught him on all that was even worse, we wake up in the morning, his car is parked on the lawn, both back tires stripped from the car, and random jack in the box food in the fridge. He had no idea what happened. Lol


Well-Known Member
haha.. reminds me of a time my cousin took 4 bars and ran over a stop sign. the next day he had no idea how his car was fucked up till his friend told him.


Active Member
one time me and 2 chicks were walking to a party and i just picked up an 8 ball and put it into my chest pocket of my jacket. It was supposed to be a big party and i was already high as shit so i didnt notice anything suspicious about these two guys that were walking up behind me. Next thing i know the girl on my left gets thrown on the ground by one of the guys that charged up behind me and he is trying to snatch her purse so i clocked him in the back of the head and the next thing i know his buddy slams me backward against a car with a snubnosed revolver between my eyes. he told me give him everything so i gave him my wallet and he got the two chicks purses and then ran off into a car. What a pussy bitch huh, but little did he know my wallet only had like three bucks in it and i still had a fat sack of yay in my jacket. the girls were tripped out and wanted to call the cops and went home but since i still had my stash i ended up crusing to the party and started racking lines haha that was an adrinaline rush!!!