Well-Known Member
i was picking up teens over in k n a for 55, and selling them to peeps that i worked for for 80.. was making a mint after the regular coke dealer quit and moved to va with his wife.. one day this guy paid me up front for three teens, and i had just gotten paid that day as well, so i picked up two for myself..
so i had a lil over a 1/4 oz of blow, and went to town.. just never showed up to work that night as my boy and i just did rope after rope of it.. i went home and cooked the rest up and missed another day of work.. i called in and acted like i had gotten arrested, and luckily didn't get fired on the spot.. the worst part was having to work for half a week for free so that i could pay the dude back for his blow that i stuck up my nose..
i haven't touched coke in over ten years now, nor her nasty brother horse, but i have some crazy ass stories about those days for sure..
lol teens in KnA for 55?Was it stepped on like crazy lol?Im just gonna guess and say that it was around somerset station?