Cocaine Stories - The White Devil

i was picking up teens over in k n a for 55, and selling them to peeps that i worked for for 80.. was making a mint after the regular coke dealer quit and moved to va with his wife.. one day this guy paid me up front for three teens, and i had just gotten paid that day as well, so i picked up two for myself..
so i had a lil over a 1/4 oz of blow, and went to town.. just never showed up to work that night as my boy and i just did rope after rope of it.. i went home and cooked the rest up and missed another day of work.. i called in and acted like i had gotten arrested, and luckily didn't get fired on the spot.. the worst part was having to work for half a week for free so that i could pay the dude back for his blow that i stuck up my nose..
i haven't touched coke in over ten years now, nor her nasty brother horse, but i have some crazy ass stories about those days for sure..

lol teens in KnA for 55?Was it stepped on like crazy lol?Im just gonna guess and say that it was around somerset station?
Dear God.... White Dust the infamous storm of white lightning got's over 10,000 thread reads, congrats. I think I posted here before. The whole Tony Montana thing strolled into fantasy but really what more gots to me said about cocaine and its stories of lust, gambling, mobbery, and some fine plant being rooted like it was more important than Oil :lol:

Oh wait, this has a lot to be said.... By me, who knows? I may be the next dumby Johnny Knoxville ;)
haha..these are great. i have a story too. its not really funny but it is definately memorable. it was my friends birthday(another excuse to get really coked up all day long) and it was at the height of my "coke days". so i got a gram and my friend and i killd it in like half an hour. we went to south beach and were riding around listening to music. after a lil we started to crash..BIIIGGG TIMMEEE.. i have never felt soo fukn shitty. i guess the clean was not that clean or somthing cuz i never felt a crash that intense. so we pulled together hundred dollars and copped from another dealer who hoookked us up (all within a span of about 2 hours). we end up at some party. and mee.. being a cracked out piece of shit went to the bathroom and did about a gram in one line and finished what we had. my friend from before disappeared and i had no clue what happnd to him, but i didnt care i was having too much fun. i get a phone call from an "UNKNOWN NUMBER" i answer it. its an old friend from middle school who somehow got my number. the first thing he tells me is "im soo coked up" and i respond with "we should meet up rite now...get some more and hang out." we do and before i know it the sun is comming up and i have spent about 200 dollars on coke in one night. i begin to friend whips out a couple of bars and i take one. my mom ends up commin home and my girlfriend comes over (neither have a clue that i have ever even tried coke). my mom makes me a sandwich and brings it to me. my gf is ontop of me smaking my face trying to wake me up. apparently i was sweating like crazy and dr00ling and shivering . i was not responding to anything. i suddenly stop and say "im tired im going to bed"..woke up 19 hours later

party hard to the end. RIP cuz.
Originally Posted by zentozias

haha..these are great. i have a story too. its not really funny but it is definately memorable. it was my friends birthday(another excuse to get really coked up all day long) and it was at the height of my "coke days". so i got a gram and my friend and i killd it in like half an hour. we went to south beach and were riding around listening to music. after a lil we started to crash..BIIIGGG TIMMEEE.. i have never felt soo fukn shitty. i guess the clean was not that clean or somthing cuz i never felt a crash that intense. so we pulled together hundred dollars and copped from another dealer who hoookked us up (all within a span of about 2 hours). we end up at some party. and mee.. being a cracked out piece of shit went to the bathroom and did about a gram in one line and finished what we had. my friend from before disappeared and i had no clue what happnd to him, but i didnt care i was having too much fun. i get a phone call from an "UNKNOWN NUMBER" i answer it. its an old friend from middle school who somehow got my number. the first thing he tells me is "im soo coked up" and i respond with "we should meet up rite now...get some more and hang out." we do and before i know it the sun is comming up and i have spent about 200 dollars on coke in one night. i begin to friend whips out a couple of bars and i take one. my mom ends up commin home and my girlfriend comes over (neither have a clue that i have ever even tried coke). my mom makes me a sandwich and brings it to me. my gf is ontop of me smaking my face trying to wake me up. apparently i was sweating like crazy and dr00ling and shivering . i was not responding to anything. i suddenly stop and say "im tired im going to bed"..woke up 19 hours later
party hard to the end. RIP cuz.

That is your Cuz I take it ...
Ya hard core kid !!
From what it sounds like ...

yes thats him. definitely took it to far sometimes but loved every minute of it.

i never had a bad time with him. awesome memories.
He Lives In YOur Head ... right in that reality 4 ever ...
Aside any religion and cultural belief ...

And YOU know how to tap into that in a second.
I know YOU can. That secret place.
In that sense YOU Both are eternal !

Make those Memories ... Organic .... do not LOOSE them.
Every time I've done coke I had to shit. I'm guessing it was cut pretty hardcore with baby laxative...

Whoever said that stuff is the devil is not lying. I love coke, but it's extremely dangerous for someone like me (my addictive personality). It's supposedly the most addictive substance known to mankind and I cannot argue that. I had to check myself into rehab for that shit once when I was 19, and again when I was 23. F-that
Coke sucks. I've done a ton this week already. Not too happy about having to pay my buddy $100 today, that I owe him. It's just too much money, hard on the body, and the comedown sucks. I'd rather just smoke weed.
Fuck coke - white devil is an apt description. Totally ruined my little bros life, and by extension my family's for about 10 years. He looks like me so I gave him a copy of my driver's license when I turned 21 so he could go out drinking (just being a nice older bro). He took my license and a check I left my father cause I owed him some dough and went to my bank, opened a 5k credit line blew all that up his nose then turned on my savings and checking accounts. Totally wiped me out. He's clean now thank christ, and has apologized and tried to pay back what he could but that stuff totally turned him into someone/something else.
If you want to get jacked up go to your doctor and tell him you have a learning disability, get some adderall or ritalin - much cleaner and safer.
Fuck coke - white devil is an apt description. Totally ruined my little bros life, and by extension my family's for about 10 years. He looks like me so I gave him a copy of my driver's license when I turned 21 so he could go out drinking (just being a nice older bro). He took my license and a check I left my father cause I owed him some dough and went to my bank, opened a 5k credit line blew all that up his nose then turned on my savings and checking accounts. Totally wiped me out. He's clean now thank christ, and has apologized and tried to pay back what he could but that stuff totally turned him into someone/something else.
If you want to get jacked up go to your doctor and tell him you have a learning disability, get some adderall or ritalin - much cleaner and safer.

Man, I've heard too many stories like this. Coke really is a terrible substance.
Epic thread! some funny stories, but the underlying tone of long term use is obvious... Never tried coke and I'm glad I didn't, too addictive a personality

My choice of drug was "the poor man's coke" speed. Im not in the US btw, when I first got into it though it was amp sulfate based and it was totally different to meth, it didn't have the same evil intensity and paranoia, mind you when I was using that in the late 90's when I was first into it and I was only bombing or snorting it, when I started blasting it it was more and more meth based until that became
all that was available. Anyways I can feel me starting to waffle a bit

I don't really have a lot of funny stories from my tweeking days, I didn't pay for it that often, but there was a trade off where my place was basically a safe house 24/7 as needed for some key people in my area, which brought with it cans and cans of worms...

Anyways to summarise coke, crack, meth, speed all of those nasty white powder, liquid, rocky substances are EVIL

I only stick to bud these days... oh and I drink a little... and maybe occasionally I might crack a benzo or 2 or some ambien

BUT I don't do coke/crack/meth/speed and I CERTAINLY don't freebase ;)
Your brother sounds like the typical coke addict hoss. Sorry you both had to go through that. I just know how I was on that shit and how my coke use effected everyone else in my life.

Basically, if you have an addictive personality...stay the fuck away from coke cuz it will grab you and hold on real tight. I haven't touched the shit in over 8 years but I STILL think about it once in a while. That smell...that taste...mmmm fuck I better shut up
Your brother sounds like the typical coke addict hoss. Sorry you both had to go through that. I just know how I was on that shit and how my coke use effected everyone else in my life.

Basically, if you have an addictive personality...stay the fuck away from coke cuz it will grab you and hold on real tight. I haven't touched the shit in over 8 years but I STILL think about it once in a while. That smell...that taste...mmmm fuck I better shut up

yea the smell and taste is like no other. gotta love that drip.