Have you ever told or showed a GF that you grow??


wow all of you gotta get better women... i showed my gf and she loves me more! there are girls out there who are fucking bangin hot and share the same hobbies as you! just date her for a bit and when u know shes trustworthy open up! haha! i honestly think it helped my relationship.


Active Member
I had to haha, figured I better once we were moving in together! =P

At that point though she was happier to find out we would be saving money lmfao


No reason to woman bash, there are just as many equally untrustworthy men.
OP, unless you're married, planning on marriage, or moving in together, don't tell about your grow. If anything goes wrong in your relationship, it's too easy for a man or woman, in the heat of the moment, to do somthing stupid - like rat on you.
rat on you? legally growing ... so go ahead just dont tell my mom! HAHA!


Well-Known Member
My gf or is she my ex now? knows I am growing weed. We had a bit of a fight on the 8th because she's an unappreciative bitch. We haven't spoken since then, and I pray I never hear from her again. Unfortunately there was no way I could hide it from her.


Well-Known Member
My lady has known from the get go. Honesty is #1 in a relationship.
Same here maing, if you can't trust her then whats the point.


The only thing that i don't get about her is when she rather see me with a 9-5 instead of growing for a living...... Why in the hell would i want to join a slave shift?

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
Same here maing, if you can't trust her then whats the point.


The only thing that i don't get about her is when she rather see me with a 9-5 instead of growing for a living...... Why in the hell would i want to join a slave shift?
c i dont understand women that BECOMES THE BIGGEST RED FLAG EVER!. im a woman maself and i dont understand why some women can b crazy enough to want to hurt a man that much that they would wanna sell them out to the police.

im this type of community you dont wanna b looking over ur shoulder 24/7. u wanna have someone u trust by ur side.


Well-Known Member
c i dont understand women that BECOMES THE BIGGEST RED FLAG EVER!. im a woman maself and i dont understand why some women can b crazy enough to want to hurt a man that much that they would wanna sell them out to the police.

im this type of community you dont wanna b looking over ur shoulder 24/7. u wanna have someone u trust by ur side.
And i agree but for some odd reason, both male and females can just snap one day. It's most likely to happen if you hit that one specific nerve in someone that makes them wanna ruin your life because they feel ruined. Girls are just more hormonal than guys. fact.


Well-Known Member
i had to tell mine, after all it was in her cupboard, i think she would have noticed. and the fact that we first met when i was selling stuff to her and her friends might have led her to a few conclusions about what kinda guy i am! then again maybe not she, she is female after all.


Well-Known Member
my current gf knows about my grow..

sometimes if i'm lucky she'll come shoot the shit with me when im working in there.. but usually she wants nothing to do with it...

of course in the back of my mind i always worry if we split up that she'll tell... but at the same time i know her and she wouldnt do that.. even if we did split up... as long as it wasnt for some shitty reason like i cheated on her or something.... but even then she is not the type of girl to do something that would hurt my mom or family like that... she'd get back at me some other way.. but turning me in would do more than just get back at me... her and my mom are close... so like i said she wouldnt do anything that would affect my mom like putting me in jail would..


Well-Known Member
c i dont understand women that BECOMES THE BIGGEST RED FLAG EVER!. im a woman maself and i dont understand why some women can b crazy enough to want to hurt a man that much that they would wanna sell them out to the police.

im this type of community you dont wanna b looking over ur shoulder 24/7. u wanna have someone u trust by ur side.
i think it comes down to the quality of girl you are with, my buddy that grows got caught cheating on his girlfriend of 6 years with his highschool sweetheart that she hated and his girlfriend was the biggest mouth you had ever seen, she never said a word, no matter how mad she was, it takes a certain kind of ignorant person to narc because they are mad, definitely not a girl you want to date.


New Member
If you want to grow long term ... silence is golden.

If you want to show off or brag about it to ur buddies and GF's..... there's a cell waiting for you, or at least a hefty lawyers fee.

Mum's the word. Always

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I like having my girlfriend involved. It's an extra set of hands/eyes to take care of things when I'm away.

She even bought me seeds for Christmas!

Big P

Well-Known Member
loose lips sink ships

and so do a pair of tits :blsmoke:

i caught my wife trying to show her friend while they were drunk!!:shock:

i almost blew a gasket:shock: