I got a crazy one for you!


Well-Known Member
Ok so if you guys tell me this is good then im freaken pumped. so my aunt has given me a green house to use at her nursery in the detroit area for the winter. im gunna run a generator to power a heater is the sun during the winter going to be enough to grow plants? im assuming since the days are shorter it will be automatic flower once outdoors? i plan to clone a shit load off my mothers and hope u guys tell me the heater and light will be sufficient


Speaking from experience during the winter in green houses or at least the one i had it was a bitch trying to keep the temps up. When i ran a heater the cold outside would cause a bunch of condensation causing humidity. Then when i tried to run my exhaust fan it just got to cold. Plus the winter sun doesn't seem to fatten the buds up at all. They were light and airy but don't let that stop you. You may have better results than I did.


Well-Known Member
yeah id say the only plus side what be ...1 u have somewhere to grow and 2 the humidity wouldnt be a problem except when flowering,


Well-Known Member
You want to make sure your aunt is OK with you growing cannabis in her green houses.... so she doesn't like... get them all seized.

It should work as long as they get enough light which you can check with a lighter meter, and just keep the temperature up..

They will NOT go into instant flower, before a plant will even start to flower it must reach maturity. Meaning plants will ALWAYS veg to a certain point where the nodes start to alternate before going into flower, no matter what the light times are.


Well-Known Member
I put my young plants on a makeshift table covered with heavy plastic, to the ground. I place a space heater underneath. The heat rises and warms the table, pots and plants. You can add HID or other supplental lighting, on a timer that coincides with sunrise and sunset. Ten hours of good light will bring the young plants to maturity. Yes, the buds will be lighter than in summer, but the smoke will still be good. Look for flowers once the plants have six leaf pairs, OR six weeks have passed, since germination.

Pictured, plants in one of my small greenhouses...



Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the noob run down guys. i know all about sexing a plant as ive grown for a few years indoor, i dont gotta worry about this cause all my indoor mothers are female. yes she knows its pot im growing. no its not a random greenhouse there are hundreds of them and i get my pick of one. the green houses are huge and all up the commercial standards as thats what the place is, a commercial nursery. airy budds dont mean shit to me as its all pretty much free outdoor weed during the winter time minus the cost of fuel for the generator. i dont plan on using the whole 500 yard long greenhouse im going to plastic off an area big enough to hold maybe 100 plants at the most, using green house grade plastic. this should also cut down on the size of heater i need. im thinking of running the huge intake fan at one end setting up the room at the other end of the greenhouse where the exhaust fan is so that way the greenhouse its self is cold but the grow room is sealed off completely with maybe a small fan allowing the cold air to get in but obviously not in the mass amount the greenhouses intake fan would what u guys think


Well-Known Member
ok thanks for the noob run down guys. i know all about sexing a plant as ive grown for a few years indoor, i dont gotta worry about this cause all my indoor mothers are female. yes she knows its pot im growing. no its not a random greenhouse there are hundreds of them and i get my pick of one. the green houses are huge and all up the commercial standards as thats what the place is, a commercial nursery. airy budds dont mean shit to me as its all pretty much free outdoor weed during the winter time minus the cost of fuel for the generator. i dont plan on using the whole 500 yard long greenhouse im going to plastic off an area big enough to hold maybe 100 plants at the most, using green house grade plastic. this should also cut down on the size of heater i need. im thinking of running the huge intake fan at one end setting up the room at the other end of the greenhouse where the exhaust fan is so that way the greenhouse its self is cold but the grow room is sealed off completely with maybe a small fan allowing the cold air to get in but obviously not in the mass amount the greenhouses intake fan would what u guys think
If it's out of hundreds of other green houses, then I my self wouldn't worry about them getting busted... but you can never be to secure. Sounds like you've got it down to go somewhat, good luck.:weed:


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan to me man! and its legalized in michigan now so i'm sure ur not worried about the law anyway. u have a real oppurtunity here w/ this greenhuse deal. listen, if u research it and figure out wat u need to do to become a medical grower, and ur aunt sees:shock: how much those greenhouses could make if they were ALL turned into med grows, u could just end up w/ a new business out of this. :hug::hump:THINK ABOUT IT!!!:weed:
btw, this reminds me, since they've legalized it up there, are there any places where i could buy seed at?:confused: i was gonna ride out to cali sometime in the next mo. or 2 and would rather just drive to mich. if i can get the seed there instead. shorter trip for me. happy growing man.:peace:


Well-Known Member
sounds like a plan to me man! and its legalized in michigan now so i'm sure ur not worried about the law anyway. u have a real oppurtunity here w/ this greenhuse deal. listen, if u research it and figure out wat u need to do to become a medical grower, and ur aunt sees:shock: how much those greenhouses could make if they were ALL turned into med grows, u could just end up w/ a new business out of this. :hug::hump:THINK ABOUT IT!!!:weed:
btw, this reminds me, since they've legalized it up there, are there any places where i could buy seed at?:confused: i was gonna ride out to cali sometime in the next mo. or 2 and would rather just drive to mich. if i can get the seed there instead. shorter trip for me. happy growing man.:peace:
What are you talking about? It's not legalized in Michigan....... besides even if he did have a medical growers licence he can only grow like a max of 6 plants. Would be a huge waste of a green house. It's going to be illegal regardless if it's for medical purposes if you're filling up a green house.


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about? It's not legalized in Michigan....... besides even if he did have a medical growers licence he can only grow like a max of 6 plants. Would be a huge waste of a green house. It's going to be illegal regardless if it's for medical purposes if you're filling up a green house.
wat am i talkin bout? o only this :arrow: http://www.freep.com/article/20091220/NEWS06/91220017/1318/Medical-marijuana-law-spurs-Michigan-cottage-industry :shock: yea thats wats up!!!!
plus, how u gonna say 'even if he did have a med growers licsense he would only be able to grow like a max of six plants'? when ur not even sure IF its legal or not (it is) do ur homework THEN debunk me. lol. i think that link i provided says it all tho.:peace:


Well-Known Member
No I thought in Michigan it was 12 plants per patient and if you was a "caregiver" you could grow for up to I believe 5 patients so thats a total of 60 plants. If you yield at least 3 ounces per plant thats 180 ounces. These "caregivers" usually sale the weed back to the patients at around $350 a ounce, of course the patients would probably not be able to afford the whole amount from their 12 plants the caregiver is free to sale to other patients what is left over.

So at 180 ounces at $350 a ounce thats about $63,000 every 120 days... or $189,000 a year. Thats where the money is boys and girls!


Well-Known Member
wat am i talkin bout? o only this :arrow: http://www.freep.com/article/20091220/NEWS06/91220017/1318/Medical-marijuana-law-spurs-Michigan-cottage-industry :shock: yea thats wats up!!!!
plus, how u gonna say 'even if he did have a med growers licsense he would only be able to grow like a max of six plants'? when ur not even sure IF its legal or not (it is) do ur homework THEN debunk me. lol. i think that link i provided says it all tho.:peace:
marijuana being LEGAL is different from medical marijuana being legal for use and growing. To my knowledge no country in the world permits 100% legal use and growing by anyone.

You need a medical license... in Michigan... even if he was being a caretaker for other peoples plants he needs some way to prove it.


Educate yourself on the Michigan laws.

There's around 13 states in the US, which that number may be wrong since more states are trying to pass medical marijuana bills...well 13 or so states that permit medicinal marijuana if you've got a license from a doctor to use it.

Like SikSol said.... 6 or 12 plants, whichever it is, if you are a medical grower and you're lisenced to do it, if you go over that plant limit then however many plants you went over are not in your medicinal bounds and you can be prosecuted for..


Well-Known Member
in my original post didn't i say 'find out wat u need to do to become a med. grower'? wouldn't that entail becoming familiar w/ the amount one could grow and wat liscensing u may need? so wats ur prob.? telling me to 'educate myself on mich. marijuana laws'. lmao sounds like u need to practice wat u preach! u weren't even aware that they had become a legal state so who needs to educate themself?


Well-Known Member
If you intend to seal up a smaller space, consider CO2 and a sulfur burner. The (controlled) CO2 therapy will add heat(assuming you're using propane) will help warm the space. Add a 1000w HPS for every 20 square feet to increase your production, and use of the CO2. Sulfur, of course, is to prevent powdery mildew. I figure you'll have such problems in a cold climate. I think you'll get from seed to harvest in about three months. You DEFINITELY want to be finished harvesting by April 15th. Long experience tells me that most strains begin to reveg at that time. This degrades quality very quickly. Using clones, as you mentioned will probably take a minimum of 60 days. Still, time's awasting!


Well-Known Member
in my original post didn't i say 'find out wat u need to do to become a med. grower'? wouldn't that entail becoming familiar w/ the amount one could grow and wat liscensing u may need? so wats ur prob.? telling me to 'educate myself on mich. marijuana laws'. lmao sounds like u need to practice wat u preach! u weren't even aware that they had become a legal state so who needs to educate themself?
It's NOT a legal state. It being legal means everyone can use it and everyone can grow it without any restrictions other than perhaps age and not using it while driving.

It being able to be prescribed by a doctor doesn't mean that it's legal for everyone to use whenever.

I'm not going to argue anymore, just because medicinal marijuana is allowed there does not make marijuana legal for everyone.


Well-Known Member
sounds like a good plan, man, if you can get the heat issue straightened out. for the supplementary lighting i would use some cfls and maybe a MH bulb

im thinking about starting some babies inside in January or February to put outside in the spring, so that by the time they flower theyll be monsters


Well-Known Member
It's NOT a legal state. It being legal means everyone can use it and everyone can grow it without any restrictions other than perhaps age and not using it while driving.

It being able to be prescribed by a doctor doesn't mean that it's legal for everyone to use whenever.

I'm not going to argue anymore, just because medicinal marijuana is allowed there does not make marijuana legal for everyone.
this sure has become a debate....

even so, he can become a medical grower if he himself could benefit from medicinal marijuana. or he could become a caregiver if he gets his grow license and gets some legitimate patents to grow for. i hear its a long process to become a care giver with a lot of red tape to crawl through, but the benefits seem well worth it to me
sounds like for the large amount of plants you want to grow, heating them to at least 70 degrees in a corner of a big greenhouse in michigan winter is going to be extremely difficult. lots of heat is gonna be needed to grow well. but if you've got the heaters to do it i say go for it!
