

Well-Known Member
Fuck tumors

Fuck heart attacks

Fuck my Biological father, fucking prick!!

Fuck snake juice

fuck my POS car

Fuck you. Fuck me. Hell, fuck this forum....


Well-Known Member
Fuck hydro shop owners that don't know that your carbon scrubbers rated cfm has to be compatible with your fan.:weed:
fuckin a actually your fan should be rated a lil below your carbon filter as to b sure ur filter works to its full potential

Yea By my choice,,moved from Fucking NY,,,with no Fucking regrets:mrgreen:
smart man right there.. fuck ny!!!

Well Put Gogrow.

Fuck Everyone Else.
and fuck yall for puttin 10 fuckin pages on this thread since i been gone....


Well-Known Member
Mod -Troll is always a good fucking subject. It seems some of us have theories and inquiries pertaining to certain people we may not know raises suspicion.

You know what i fucking mean?


least you got till today to get shit done for christmas.... my kids have the whole fucking week off.... so Mr mom it is :)

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
Fuck closing your register the second night in a row to the same exact song designed to fuck you up when counting, The 12 Days of Christmas...

And fuck Christmas music...