Anyone know whats causing this


New Member
Not much of an expert with E&F. You could play with it for a couple of days and see how the plants reacts What about pouring res water over the cubes. Might want to check your ppm before and after if you can. That might tell you if you got anything.


Active Member
Thanks im noticing the color of the leaves getting a prettier shade of green so things are looking up. Very much appreciate all you're help.


Active Member
After 2 days I see a change in the growth rate and color. The leaves are also perkier, however the leaves that were affected have continued to die off. ONe of them which Im guessing was caught in time has a yellow edge but the res tof the leaf looks great.

My new question is how much nute's and when do I apply? My reservoir is 7gal., my GH Floralicious says 1 Teaspoon per 5gal. How much do I put?


New Member
Can't save all the leaves but no harm in losing a few.

Don;t know the floralicious line but it's about how much water yu have in the tank and not how big the tank is. If you have 7 gal of water give them 1 teaspoon to start and then see how they do. Better to undernute than overnute.


Active Member
Can't save all the leaves but no harm in losing a few.

Don;t know the floralicious line but it's about how much water yu have in the tank and not how big the tank is. If you have 7 gal of water give them 1 teaspoon to start and then see how they do. Better to undernute than overnute.

Actually yea thats what I meant 7 gal of water. When should I start their nutes.


New Member
Seems to me that the floralicious is just the organic version of what you are using. As far as dosing, I like to try 1/2 or less of the recommended dose and then sit back and see what happens in your paticular set up. Is your floralicious the bloom version?


Active Member
i have floralicious plus, it says inhances metabolic growth, promotes flower development, stimulates fruit swelling and enhances essential oil production.
Its 2.8-0.8-0.02


New Member
The plus I would use around the 2nd week of flower. That's when the plant is changing a lot of things metabolically and support like that is a just in case good idea. You could also micro dose it ( less than 1/2 the recommended rate) and see what the plant thinks. I use Liquid Karma in much the same way but isolate it to flower because it gums up things sometimes. End up replacing air stones about every 3 weeks. The old one's clean up well but I use them as back-up or add to after they have had one cycle in the LK soup.


New Member
Cal Mag is always a good thing if you have high ppm water and for the most part in every hydro grow I've seen. Keeps any deficiencies to a minumum. Cal-mag has chelated cal/mag and iron and they all work together for plant growth. Second that but as I usually do, give it a 1/2 dose and wait for a couple of days and if nothing bad or something noticeably good happens then pour in the other half.


New Member
I would but I don't know what pro cal is. Looked on the green earth site also. Perhaps a link to the product would help.


Well-Known Member
Cal Mag is always a good thing if you have high ppm water and for the most part in every hydro grow I've seen. Keeps any deficiencies to a minumum. Cal-mag has chelated cal/mag and iron and they all work together for plant growth. Second that but as I usually do, give it a 1/2 dose and wait for a couple of days and if nothing bad or something noticeably good happens then pour in the other half.

Hey MC,

I thought CalMag was more for the RO/treated water group?

If you have high ppm, wouldn't that mean that you probably already have high cal & iron?

Just a thought :weed:


New Member
You'd think that was the case but in my city water the cal and mag are not in a form that the plant can readily use/digest. I just get residue in the bottom of the tank.


Well-Known Member
Yea, the water going through the city treatment plant would end up treated. I see how CalMag would be needed.

Thanks MC!


Active Member
SO I finally got a digital PH meter instead of my drip test bottles and im showing 5.4 with half strength nutes started yesterday. Im running my flood pump every 4 hrs starting when the lights come on. The plants have all gained about 2" of height and are showing growth.