Advanced nutes: Final phase


Active Member
has anyone ever experimented with final phase by advanced nutrients? does it purge all the salts and nasty shit out really well, leaving a tasty tasty harvest? how would you compare it to flushing with just ph adjusted water for 2 weeks instead of final phase for your last week of flowering?use final phase and then purge with just water? any opinion on this matter is be much appreciated because i dont want to get it if there isnt going to be a difference, i just want tasty buds in the end


Active Member
....ahhhh....another slick marketing campaign to sell more product. Flushing with water is fine...and it doesn't even have to be reverse osmosis.

Although I do not grow marijuana, I can say that I've never flushed my tomatoes, cucumbers, etc. in my outside garden. Who does?

If it's taste you're looking for then I can't imagine you'll ever be able to tell the difference.

Save your money and buy your mom another Christmas present! :-)


New Member
It is just some chelators and nothing more. Chelaters are used to make metal elements more up takeable/usable by plants. Typically they are just added with iron and that small amount is enough for the copper, manganese and zinc without adding more. It will not increase the uptake, use or flushing of the major nutrients which depart the chemical taste caused by improperly cured buds that have not used up the nutrients stored up in their tissues. It, like most AN supplements, is just more marketing hype. Chelates in pure water, oh my. The AN people are Dumb Asses. Next week the will probably try selling ultra pure water as something special. Ultra pure water is the typical name of RO water that has also been run through good quality DI resins.


Well-Known Member
so, to paraphrase here, AN knowes nothing? (hence the dumbass comment).. Maybe thats true, maybe not---but why is it that AN powers so many killer grows?

I mean just look at this site among others and see whats really being said about AN.. Are all of those "dumb ass's " wrong? Really?

I certainly believe killer crops are quite possible with or without AN, with that said it seems to me that not everyone could be wrong about AN...

My local hydro shop raves about AN, and to be honest with you, his advice seems to be pretty good. Yes, he recomends other things that are not AN: ie: pumps, filters, and the like, that kick ass, so why would he lie here regarding AN?
Over priced---probably

but do they actually work? I think so, just my .02


New Member
No they are not unknowing. They are quaite aware they are selling a lot of things that are nothing much mot re than a waste of money. Simply read about chelates. You will find chelates have almost no effect on a nutrient that has already been taken up by a plant. Chelates make nutrient available for up take. So what good is a chelate in pure water going to accomplish other than making them money.


Active Member
everything helps even final flush from advanced but remember these organics from advanced have alot of salts so dont put too much of the organic foods if you like alot of organics then use sensi zym with your inbetween flushing it helps with salts and dead roots think of it as using soap to wash your skin apose to not using soap this way the roots can breath making nutrient uptake and growth much better.


New Member
everything helps even final flush from advanced but remember these organics from advanced have alot of salts so dont put too much of the organic foods if you like alot of organics then use sensi zym with your inbetween flushing it helps with salts and dead roots think of it as using soap to wash your skin apose to not using soap this way the roots can breath making nutrient uptake and growth much better.
Evertyhing helps. What?
Organics? What?



Active Member
if you go to their web site you will see all of their foods and what every single product contains in great detail this will educuate you on alot of things like what each product does and why if that isnt enuf for you which it shouldnt be I highly recomend going to youtube and typing in erik biska's name he specializes in cultivation in depth check out his vids he will tell you alot more then the web site about the products and the amazing stuff it will do this will get you hooked on growing for sure so be carefull


New Member
What are you talking about. AN is famously known for revealing as little about its products contents as allowed by law. They would give no information if they could get away with it.


Well-Known Member
easy 2 say it works, easy to say it doesnt work

i think it does so i use it
u dont so u dont

Advanced Nutrients works great for me so i dont have no reason to call them names

but then most people who do call them names havent tried them either so u cant put much stock in that


New Member
Most adult growers with experience don't buy into AN's lies, deceptive marketing or their insane prices. Saying AN is the best is like saying McDonalds is the best. Only for children that don't know what a good hamburger is yet. One usually has to grow up and mature before they can break away from the marketing clowns influence. Some never do. I have never bought a chicken McNugget but it doesn't prevent me from knowing they are over priced junk.


Well-Known Member
Most adult growers with experience don't buy into AN's lies, deceptive marketing or their insane prices. Saying AN is the best is like saying McDonalds is the best. Only for children that don't know what a good hamburger is yet. One usually has to grow up and mature before they can break away from the marketing clowns influence. Some never do. I have never bought a chicken McNugget but it doesn't prevent me from knowing they are over priced junk.

Hmmm, a guy by the name of fatman that has never had a mcnugget, your flat out yanking me now... I thought most grown ups were allowed to eat mcnuggets... Anyway, how the hell do you get off saying what most adult growers do? I guess you must know them all personally? And what if an adult grower works at McDonalds, does that mean you don’t know him at all, or what he does?
Very interesting… :confused:

um just say'n...


New Member
Child what are you mumbling on about. I have never eatten a chicken McNugget. I cant see how that is hard to believe. I was borm n in the fifties. I did not eat mC Donalds then and do not eat ir t now. I dousbt if I have eatten McDonalds mote than 1o times in my life. I do like therefrench fries. There sns dwiches suck bad and who wants there crappy chicken. If I want chicken I go to a places that sells chicken.. I di on't go to a skanky burger joint and oreder bereaded pieces and parts.

It is pretty sad when an dault is working at McDonalds. It is an entry level jobs for teenagers. I was not aware many adults needed to diplace a tenner ager in order to work. I have know alot of peope recently relieved from prison who start out at McDonalds. Perhaps you define dault differently then I do. Being an dault doesn't come automatically with turning a certain age, it comes with growth and maturity, acceptance of responsibilyty etc. There are alot of parents still providing housing to 25 to 35 year old children. I know many 30 year olds I would not call adults. Just older irresponsible children. As far as the best McDonalds like AN is far from the best. Most adults go to McDonalds because there kids always want to go to McDonalds. I am pretty sure most parents would rather sit in a fine resturant and eat a steak, a good mexican dinnerm, goog sea food or an Italian dinner than eat at McDonalds with children, even their own. McDonalds is the arm pit of american restaurants, it is fast food at its worse. But children obviously love it as they love almost any thing they see in commercials written specifically to attrack them. When those children get old enough to grow pot they are attracted to AN marketing as well.
WOW! Someone asks for opinions on AN products and Fatman is always one of the first people to post negative things about them. Do you own a nute co. Fatman? Why dont you shut up and let the people who have used these products give the reviews.


New Member
Their Nutes are at most just fair products that are very grossly over priced. AN is a parasite corporation. As for your shut up crap. Kiss my ***.


Well-Known Member
Their Nutes are at most just fair products that are very grossly over priced. AN is a parasite corporation. As for your shut up crap. Kiss my ***.
There’s a lot of products in life that are mediocre and over priced, perhaps if you got out a bit more you might be able to finally understand that very simple yet, (in your case) complicated concept.. I’ll break it down further for you fatman to ease your strain. Those who have had success with AN, and can afford their products, care very little about the small stones you continually cast at AN. I think your outbursts are humorous at best..

But PLEASE fatman, continue to spew your crap, the world wouldn’t be what it is, without you and your endless spew of crap… :spew:



New Member
Thank you, thank you. I fought in a war to continue have my rights to say what I please. I doubt many of you AN lovers have ever done anthing more than fight with your parents. Children. It's not about afford, it is about blood sucking parasites using and abusing. I like the buds dealers sell but I don't like their prices so I grow. I don't like AN's absurd prices or there questionable qualities and mass marketed products not specific to my needs so I mix my ow. Mine are always specific to MY Plants Needs and My System not just a usable product sold to the masses when they are not mixed for anyones plants needs or system needs but just some average needs AN just pulled out of their collective butts. I was mixing specific need nutrient formulations when most of the AN people were still having their nasty little dirty butts wiped by the mothers.

I doubt you will ever learn enough to be capable of teaching me anything punky boy child as you will just continue to throw your money away in preferrred ignorance and be a good little sheep and just do as others do right or wrong.


Well-Known Member
How can you say AN doesnt work?? How come our bud is better than most? They wouldnt sell anything if their product didnt work. Just like if mc donalds started serving empty buggers. WHo would eat a bun with nothing on it?? I think of AN more has a steak house. And i think fox farms as a vegan or vegitarian resturant.
We are simply dealing with nutrition.
Fox farms is for soil and AN is for hydro. Soil is better tasting but hydro is cleaner tasting if done right.
I use AN and GH.. It doesnt matter what the name is.. it is what is in it. Basicly your saying a multi vitamin from zellers is better than one from GNC? I dont think so.
An old bodybuilder would say that you dont need steriods or supplements.. Just food. How come almost every olympic athlete takes supplements?? They want to be the best and well, we want to grow the best. fatty
fatman all you do is bitch and whine and put people down you have got to be the grumpiest old fart who knows how to use a computer. i mean damn i dont think ive read a useful post from you. I have seen advanced nutes used with incredible results so before you go on bashing it test it or shut up cuz you're opinion means jack shit at this point.