wows' veg box


Active Member
one plant atleast is a female, so im guessing the next i should be able to tell in the next week or so scince its older than the one showing, and the other not long after scince its only about 4 days behind from sprouting, i snapped the best pic of it i could, i may take my camera over tomorrow and see if i can get a better shot, the clones i took are still doing ok but i have a feeling its going to be touch and go for the first couple weeks scince one of the plants was nute defficient and both of them are about 6 weeks into flower. also the little seed i planted sprouted so i now have 4 plants and 4 clones. maybe 2 clones will make it so i can do a full run of six plants next flower.



Active Member
that blue berry kush seed sprouted and then i accidentally super croped it by droping it on its head, its doing good though so im not too worried. that indica just seemd to hit its growth spurt the last couple days and the lst is finally taking and more branches are coming from the nodes, the other 2 random seeds, wich i call strain a scince they both seem to grow in lock step, and look almost exactly the same, are doing great and both showing female preflowers under 20/4 light cycle. the clones seem to be coming along a little more discoloration so i started grow big in the ariel feeding. any way here are the pics enjoy.



Active Member
oh and any one know anything about the blueberry kush strain? could use some help with that one, how long the flower cycle is whats the best way to get good yields out of them? let me know, any bit of info helps.


Active Member
the sprout that got dropped is almost all the way standing back up now, and its looking even better than it did before if thats possible.


Well-Known Member
idk anything about growing blueberry kush but i do know its amazing to smoke lol...but everything looks awesome man, scribed for sure


Active Member
that blue berry kush seed sprouted and then i accidentally super croped it by droping it on its head, its doing good though so im not too worried. that indica just seemd to hit its growth spurt the last couple days and the lst is finally taking and more branches are coming from the nodes, the other 2 random seeds, wich i call strain a scince they both seem to grow in lock step, and look almost exactly the same, are doing great and both showing female preflowers under 20/4 light cycle. the clones seem to be coming along a little more discoloration so i started grow big in the ariel feeding. any way here are the pics enjoy.
Looking Great Bud good job on the lst i think i will emplement this into my grow soon when do you tie off right after watering ?


Active Member
Looking Great Bud good job on the lst i think i will emplement this into my grow soon when do you tie off right after watering ?
start tying off around the 4th-5th node, dosent matter if u just watered them or not, just tie a string around the bottom of the top node and pull it to the side a little, then every 3-4 nodes pull it around the rim of the pot, then when u complete that top it to stop the main stem from growing any more and the branches that came off the stem will thicken up and grow bigger with larger fan leaves.


Active Member
start tying off around the 4th-5th node, dosent matter if u just watered them or not, just tie a string around the bottom of the top node and pull it to the side a little, then every 3-4 nodes pull it around the rim of the pot, then when u complete that top it to stop the main stem from growing any more and the branches that came off the stem will thicken up and grow bigger with larger fan leaves.
Thanks for the info I will implement this soon right after christmas


Active Member
ill be taking some pics and give u guys a full update tomorrow night, probly late after i get done with all the family stuff. i did a bit more lst on a couple plants over the last 2 days and ill be doing another step on the last big plant later tonight, plants are doing grear, see u guys later, im going to go smoke a gigantic blunt of trim off my headband plant now, that stuff is freaking awesome by the way, even before curing its got a great headband smell, a nice smoth flavor and a couchlock high thats better than ive had in a long while.


Active Member
i have 2 sets of pics for tonight, the first is after the light fell and the resulting trim of 2 of the plants. the next will be from today after i watered last night. im going to have to get a couple fans in there for exhaust scince its getting so damn humid in there, the walls of the box are coverd in condensation. an update on the clones for today looks like 3 of them may make it, one got a little dry and im probly going to lose it, the biggest plant is fully mature right now and im thinking of moving it into my flower box in the next couple days. the other sativa dom wont be long behind scince its just getting too big as well.



Active Member
here are pics from today. i ended up having to top the indica, kinda bummed about that but what ever. every thing is looking good today, the plants that got hit are looking great so im happy.



Active Member
here are pics from today. i ended up having to top the indica, kinda bummed about that but what ever. every thing is looking good today, the plants that got hit are looking great so im happy.
Did the light do alot of damage to her, Dam that sucks maybe you wont lose her. Why did you have to top the indica worried about space or what ? :weed:


Active Member
Did the light do alot of damage to her, Dam that sucks maybe you wont lose her. Why did you have to top the indica worried about space or what ? :weed:
the light burned a few leaves on both the indica and that smaller sativa, it didnt break or roast any of the stems but it did completly fry the new growth on the top node if the indica, thats why i had to top it, they are both doing good and i wont lose either of them, they are tough as hell. that blueberry kush seedling is starting to look a little like you haze plants man.


Active Member
well i had to move the largest girl to the flower box, she was just so big and i have so many plants in my veg box thet it was WAY to humid in there, like 85-95%. any way here is a pic of the now uncrowded veg box and the girl in her new home. i did glue some white lining to the inside of the flower box just after that pic was taken. oh and i lost one of the clones, that one that got dried out over x mas was looking dead when the lights came on and just went deader by noon so i tossed it.

