Got busted, wont be on for a while :(


Well-Known Member
probabtion is what they give instead on jail time its only suspended until completion..or you can do the time and be done with it all together...your record is never cleard if you fuck up agian your a repete affender so its up to you really...theyll ask if you want the plea and that means no smokin growing or goin out with anyone how does couldnt even drink if you were 21 and its a drug charge so you will get tested every month...your choice but all in all its all jail in a since
I've been there, did that, but the conditions of my probation was that as long as I completed drug counceling, submitted to weekly drug tests, NA twice a week, and 2 probation meetings a week, then a court date every 2 months. I was lucky, and they let me off after the first 2 months, and about $2500 in fines. After all of that, I have a clean record as long as I don't get busted again. Prospective employers don't have access to my records, but if I get busted, it will count as a second offense.


Active Member
i agree with dirty harry..thas y i said what i tell you what you wana hear to get paid...the judge could be all for the kids or all for the law. you never know til your there..but your better off goin to take the drug classes and other shit so you have somethin good to say for yourself to the judge the lawyer gets paid regardless once he took the case he got paid and will until after the chargings..just know you have a chance at anything and should always be prepaird..not go things shit is ok and end up lockd up or on probation for a long as time when you couldve dont like 6months and been done now your on a yr 1yr is a long as time when you cant even talk to a cop in a neg way..expecially now that they know you and your charges are on your licence plate now


You could always go to rehab instead of prison so the government can corner potheads by using that statistic to say that pot is addicting.


Well-Known Member
Good luck bro. Wish you the best. You have me paranoid now because I dont have a carbon filter either...


Active Member
Agreed with everything but this...Why would he do that? That's what a guilty man would do. He's innocent:wink:
the class can show your not a pothead...its like getin a dui and goin to aa its only done to lessen the sentence and show the judge what a professional thinks of you


Active Member
Good luck bro. Wish you the best. You have me paranoid now because I dont have a carbon filter either...
dont trip he prolly lives next to old people who are bored and nosey...they had to smell his other grows or he was sketchy bill about his...either or he now realized his fault and hopefully will correct it...dont grow big without covering up life lesson to all even legal grows...haters are everywhere and if its legal they will steal or yea protect yourself from cops and haters life lesson #1


dont trip he prolly lives next to old people who are bored and nosey...they had to smell his other grows or he was sketchy bill about his...either or he now realized his fault and hopefully will correct it...dont grow big without covering up life lesson to all even legal grows...haters are everywhere and if its legal they will steal or yea protect yourself from cops and haters life lesson #1
I remember hearing a bout a town in north cali that was real tolerant of pot, a couple police officers said the only reason they even arrest for plants is because its a cash crop and they didnt want anyone gettin hurt via robbery. with pigs, you never know if they're for real though.

Big P

Well-Known Member
yea but the op said it was all just 2" plants thats not gonna smell bad

so op what say you about the that?


Well-Known Member
You must be stressed dude even I would be stressed and we have a much more lenient judicial system in the UK but a first timer, no priors and a decent lawyer you should be fine. Maybe even by the time you get to do your community service it will be summer and you can get to spend all day in the sun. I know it's not all as happy as that but you got to be positive in these situations.

Good luck man, power of the weed will get you off :D


Well-Known Member
yea but the op said it was all just 2" plants thats not gonna smell bad

so op what say you about the that?
Im thinking that someone maybe complained about the smell in the past maybe from his last harvest and the cops started monitoring it or something like that.

But btw my complex I live in is just like that, a 6 flat were everyone knows each others business.... :-?

Big P

Well-Known Member
well just a thought

i would have to be 99% sure who ratted or everyone would be a suspect



Active Member
I remember hearing a bout a town in north cali that was real tolerant of pot, a couple police officers said the only reason they even arrest for plants is because its a cash crop and they didnt want anyone gettin hurt via robbery. with pigs, you never know if they're for real though.
thats prolly charlotte..due to the fact that most of the growers and smokers are college kids their "a little" very little more giving but they look at weed as herion your now a extreme druggie who will steal and kill for this drug bullshit i kno but the bible belt is not drug friendly...and sorry but fl is apart of the bible belt


Well-Known Member
I've just got to say that it is fucked up that there growing pot can get you thrown in the slammer. Here in the US we complain about overpopulated jails and pretty much everyones bitching about the economy, not to mention the last three presidents have admitted to smoking weed. Why cant we just understand that the legilazation of marijuana would be a good thing. Tax pot and our recession is over, unemployment decreases, our jails are empty, and violent crime is down. I really dont see the downside. The problem is that these radical repulicans believe that the legilization of marijuana will deteriarate this country which couldnt be farther from the truth. A new billion dollar industry could completly turn this country around.

Big P

Well-Known Member
thats if obama doesnt turn us into the USSA before we get a chance

United States of Socilist America


Active Member
listen to your lawyer.. do just what he/she tells ya keep your mouth shut and you will be fine.

first time youthful offenders always get a break..

might wanna consider moving when probation is over or even get your probation transfered to cali or some where cool... once the cops get you in their radar as a grower the will never let up til they get you again and your neighbor has it in for ya time to mosey on down the road ...

check out humboldt cali and santa cruz are cool no plant limits 100 sq foot canopy per patient .... humboldt is hard to find a house because of all the grows going on santa cruz is a better place to live.less blown up yet just as headie ..... i have lived in both townes ... santa cruz does humboldt county but its hillbilly and out in the sticks.... santa cruz is my home and the best damn place i have ever lived by far... ucsc is here as well to much going on to fret about small grows..

anyway check out craigslist apts for rent..
get your shit dropped and get the hell out to the prohibition states before they put you in prison....

also did ya post pictures of your grow on the internet?????

if so maybe it wasnt your neighbor and did you say they were looking for your pictures hmmmmmmmm ...

the dea busted a whole group in just south of eureka ca. because one of the guys put his grow show on myspace ...... this started an investigation linked all of them together and bam busted bad..all of them all over the humboldt newspapers

look out kiddies there is bees nest hiding in this here internet contraption...... yup