WW 16 Days, growing weird or normal?


Well-Known Member
Hey Peeps

Been growing this WW lady for 15 days now under a 400w HPS. Well ventilated room 80% of the time and using some good nutes by Canna. Its my first grow indoors but I have grown a bit outdoors many years ago.

So does this plant look ok? It seems really bushy and not really growing up in much hurry. What would the worst case scenario be? I flushed the plant out this morn with PH balanced water just to make sure salts and nutes weren't building up too much. Besides that I'm not sure.

Any suggestions or help would be awesome:peace:



Well-Known Member
Its because you fimmed it very early on in its life.
Plant looks great imo and is growing well,you want it to get bushy and stretch as little as possible.
Basically your doing it perfectly even if you didn't realise you were.
In case you didn't know fimming is when a section has been removed from the top but a little bit is left on.
This causes many tops instead of just one:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yeah average size for 15 days i would say. How close are your lights? looks like the they might have gotten a little close....also what is your temp?.


Well-Known Member
@ Natmoon, cheers.. I definitely haven't fimmed or trimmed a single barch or leaf though, thats why it seemed pretty weird that it was that bushy. But if no harm would come from it then theres no problem:hump:

@ glockstar, I have the light 22 inches away from it right now butttt in the beginning(first 9 days) I had it quiet close and didn't know that a fan should be used. So it got a bit hot and might have changed the way it grows. Now I have a big fan on it constantly so I learned from that:cry:


Active Member
is the fan always on it? or is an oscilating fan?

having a stuck fan on it constantly will stunt its growth

but white widow is mostly indica so it will stay pretty short and bushy under nice lights....


Well-Known Member
Well theres some leaf damage that looks a similar to what can happen when you fim.
It could also be a triploid or a whorled plant.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
@Andrew. I just have a standard desktop fan blowing directly over and thru the plant. It keeps the heat off so should work fine

@Natmoon. have no idea what a triploid or whorled plant is but would that be a bad thing?


Well-Known Member
@Andrew. I just have a standard desktop fan blowing directly over and thru the plant. It keeps the heat off so should work fine

@Natmoon. have no idea what a triploid or whorled plant is but would that be a bad thing?
Its when a plant develops with three or more tops instead of one naturally.
A real triploid is rare or impossible even apparently so chances are its just a bit of a mutant whorled.
I recently had what i hope was a triploid but was probably just a whorled male,but it was a very strong male and i used to it make some new seed.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Alright cool. Sorry to go off topic, was just doing some reading and need to know something else. I store my water in a 10L plastic container, like a camping type thing. I know it shouldn't get light but does it need air when stored? It comes with a sealer that fits on the top so and I am currently using that. So basically should I take the sealer off or keep it on when storing the water nute mixture?


Well-Known Member
Took some pics tonight. She is 26 days old now. After buying a fan and gettin the air circulating the plant really picked up. Also I did some trimming cos some of the lower branches were not getting light, and this is one seriously bushy bitch. I've trimmed it twice now and taken off a handful of those big single leaves, no harm seems to be done. You wouldn't think I have taken anything off by looking at the pics. I also tied the branch on the left right down to get some light in there, and tied a few other smaller branches.

I plan on flowering her in the next few days

The plant is short and I have tried everything to get it to grow up. Also the plant goes about 10cm into the pot, next time I will fill it right to the top with soil, lesson learned:peace:



Well-Known Member
Just a quickie question. Are the big single leaves that grow called the fan leaves? And if so is it safe to trim most of them off(except the ones right at the top). My WW is so freaking bushy, I had to tie some branches back to open her up again, and did a bit more trimming again.

Cheers for any replies:hump:


Well-Known Member
Just a quickie question. Are the big single leaves that grow called the fan leaves? And if so is it safe to trim most of them off(except the ones right at the top). My WW is so freaking bushy, I had to tie some branches back to open her up again, and did a bit more trimming again.

Cheers for any replies:hump:
I was given advice before to not trim any of my fan leaves, but I think it depends on your goal.

I believe there's a technique called lollipopping tho where you prune off all lower branches to focus on a large main cola but you'd have to look that up and I'm pretty sure that is something you'd only wanna do to a stretching plant.

I'm pretty sure bushing out like that is a good thing, just keep training her so that she's got an even canopy and getting light all around.


New Member
The reason it is so bushy is because you only have one plant under that big 400w. Also it is an indica. Leave her as she is, she's a beautiful plant. Are you going to clone her?


New Member
Just a quickie question. Are the big single leaves that grow called the fan leaves? And if so is it safe to trim most of them off(except the ones right at the top). My WW is so freaking bushy, I had to tie some branches back to open her up again, and did a bit more trimming again.

Cheers for any replies:hump:
No, don't trim the leaves. Leaves are needed to help catch the light so the plant can photosynthesise more effectively... also to catch and store co2 which also does the same thing.


Well-Known Member
@ Phaded, I'm just going to train it and keep tying the branches to the side to open her up

@ Skunkushybrid, Yeah I realise now that I made a mistake in chopping the fans leave off(there are still loadsss left but the more the better right?), not going to do it again. Instead I'm going to stick to tying her up like the naughty lady she is. Also about the cloning, it's my first grow but I guess clonning makes awhole lotta sense in that I don't have to go through germinating etc... So when do u reckon is the right time to clone and from where? Its still vegging on 24/0 right now she is 27 days old. Bit small I know but her first week was with no fan and too close to the light, bad mistake. btw nice read that Root Dev. Vs Plant growth


Well-Known Member
genetic mutation....not necessarily bad...I think it looks pretty cool.
Cheers, if you look at the beginning you will see how deformed it was then, like some pyschotic cabbage. I think the heat/light wave it received in its first week changed it, but it has recovered *thankyou jeebus*

Its just sooo freaking bushy. If only I kept all the leaves I've trimmed, you would't be ables to hold them all crushed in your hands. But no more trimming I've learned, just yoga