T 5 ? `s on bulbs HELPPPP


Active Member

They're looking good.

I too use to only veg for 4 weeks because of the getting to tall issue. I was doing it all under the MH and on a 24/0 light cycle. I was also in some kind of a race with myself to see just how short of a cycle time (from seed in dirt until harvest) I could get. And I once got it done in 110 days. While the quality was pretty good I was always disappointed with the quantity.

This time around I've made quite a few changes to how I'm going about it based mainly on things I've been learning from Uncle Ben here in these forums.

I vegged for 6 weeks (first 2 under flouros and then an additional 4 under the MH) on 20/4 before switching to 12/12. I've also used UB's technique for pinching to produce 4 main colas on this crop and that's helped keep them shorter and bushier. I'm also experimenting with the Super Cropping technique that some one recently posted a tutorial on, on two of my plants.

I'm 61 days into a grow (19 since switching to 12/12) and things are looking really promising as far as increasing the yield goes.
Hey Jack lets see some of your pics.I don`t have any now give me a couple days and I`ll try to get some.:leaf:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member

They're looking good.

I too use to only veg for 4 weeks because of the getting to tall issue. I was doing it all under the MH and on a 24/0 light cycle. I was also in some kind of a race with myself to see just how short of a cycle time (from seed in dirt until harvest) I could get. And I once got it done in 110 days. While the quality was pretty good I was always disappointed with the quantity.

This time around I've made quite a few changes to how I'm going about it based mainly on things I've been learning from Uncle Ben here in these forums.

I vegged for 6 weeks (first 2 under flouros and then an additional 4 under the MH) on 20/4 before switching to 12/12. I've also used UB's technique for pinching to produce 4 main colas on this crop and that's helped keep them shorter and bushier. I'm also experimenting with the Super Cropping technique that some one recently posted a tutorial on, on two of my plants.

I'm 61 days into a grow (19 since switching to 12/12) and things are looking really promising as far as increasing the yield goes.

To be clear, that is an old grow. I was trying to show how I used shower curtain rods to tie the girls down, and spank them and make them say daddy. OK, so I made up the last part.

I am familiar with the good uncle's four cola technique. I plan on trying it on my next indica grow. I tried this grow to let the plants just do their thing. This is only my third grow but I have read a ton on here bought four books already and read some more on here. I agree with uncle ben, we tend to forget these things are weeds and try our best to complicate our grows. I'm doing my best to not fall into the regimen of the herd mentality and learn to read my plants. At the end of six weeks into flowering I gave them some extra nitrogen, a shot of half strength foxfarm grow big.

I was reading up on supercropping last night. I'm starting six sativa dominant beans now, five of the six have popped, I'm hoping tomorrow the last one pops. Did you have any trouble with the technique? Fill me in please.
Question... i am using the same shop light fixtures (2 of them for vegetation) and i have 2 t12 6500k bulbs and 2 t12 5000k bulbs. That should be fine right?

Also, I have 2 more of those fixtures and plan to use them while flowering. Suggestions on bulbs or is it just any color temp between 2000k and 3000k?


Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Question... i am using the same shop light fixtures (2 of them for vegetation) and i have 2 t12 6500k bulbs and 2 t12 5000k bulbs. That should be fine right?

Also, I have 2 more of those fixtures and plan to use them while flowering. Suggestions on bulbs or is it just any color temp between 2000k and 3000k?


I think you're on the right track with your bulb choices. Another gentlemen on here said (from experience) that he preffered a mix of 3000K and 4100K bulbs for flowering so you might want to consider that.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
To be clear, that is an old grow. I was trying to show how I used shower curtain rods to tie the girls down, and spank them and make them say daddy. OK, so I made up the last part.

I am familiar with the good uncle's four cola technique. I plan on trying it on my next indica grow. I tried this grow to let the plants just do their thing. This is only my third grow but I have read a ton on here bought four books already and read some more on here. I agree with uncle ben, we tend to forget these things are weeds and try our best to complicate our grows. I'm doing my best to not fall into the regimen of the herd mentality and learn to read my plants. At the end of six weeks into flowering I gave them some extra nitrogen, a shot of half strength foxfarm grow big.

I was reading up on supercropping last night. I'm starting six sativa dominant beans now, five of the six have popped, I'm hoping tomorrow the last one pops. Did you have any trouble with the technique? Fill me in please.

I think today (day 20 since switching to 12/12) I'm going to water my ladies and give them some molasses at a dosage of 1 Tablespoon/gallon. Then here in about a week I'm gonna dose them with a little 5-1-1 Alaskan Fish Fertilizer. They've pretty much just had straight water up untill this point. And some time after that I'll probably supplement them with some 0-3-1 Bloom Juice I'd bought a while back (before I knew better).

Being as my well water is a little on the nasty side (1480 TDS) with the aid of a half dozen 5 gallon buckets I've been melting snow the last couple of days and have got about 15 gallons stored up so far. My ladies are gonna start drink'n pure Rocky Mountain snow melt. [And speak'n of cold and snow... my outdoor thermometer is reading -33 F right now.]

As I've said I pinched all my plants according to UB's 4 cola technique. The two branches that took off from the second node are really going even and strong. But the two that formed at the first node are not near as developed as the two above them. I'm thinking I'm going to have a 2 stage harvest situation where I'll harvest the top two branches first and then give the lower two another couple of weeks to develope further before picking them. Right now my thinking is that next time I'll probably just pinch for 2 main colas instead of 4.

Concerning my attempt at suppercropping... Just did it 3 days a go so really don't have too much to report yet. I picked the two plants that had the least developed pair of branches at the first node (and the tallest set at the second node) and did it to the top two branches right below the third node down from the top. The bent over part is just starting to stand back up. It'll probably be another two or three weeks before I can begin to form an opinion about the value of doing this.


"She's got the Jack!" (And Jack's not all that happy about that.)

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Jack, I'll have you know I'm a senior citizen, but I'll still slather all over your girls if you'll post some pics.

You have me confused, day twenty? Are they budding? Do they look like they need that high a dose of nitrogen? You know uncle ben says any blooming ferts that don't have nitrogen in them is a no-no. If you have a home depot around you for cheap you can pick up some better-gro orchid bloom fert it has an npk of 11-35-16, darn close to the legendary 1-3-2 for flowering. OK with the supercropping. My partner and I are going to experiment on a couple of his kids. Should you water or no before you supercrop?

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Jack, I'll have you know I'm a senior citizen, but I'll still slather all over your girls if you'll post some pics.

You have me confused, day twenty? Are they budding? Do they look like they need that high a dose of nitrogen? You know uncle ben says any blooming ferts that don't have nitrogen in them is a no-no. If you have a home depot around you for cheap you can pick up some better-gro orchid bloom fert it has an npk of 11-35-16, darn close to the legendary 1-3-2 for flowering. OK with the supercropping. My partner and I are going to experiment on a couple of his kids. Should you water or no before you supercrop?

Senior delinquents are even worse than the junior variety. And I should know, I'm one of them too.

Sorry for the confusion, the plants are actually 62 days old they've just been under 12/12 for the last 20 of those days. I had all the males identified and culled out by day 10 of 12/12 and right now the remaining girls are really piling on the pistils and forming buds.

My thinking is that if I use that 0-3-1 Bloom Juice in conjunction with that 5-1-1 Alaskan Fish Fert I'll basically be giving them 5-4-2. And I may just give that AFF at half strength at first just to see how they like it. I recall UB saying some positive things about it. I know he wouldn't think much of that 0-3-1 Bloom Juice but I've already got it (and paid good money for it) and I'm gonna use it up. The AFF ought to make up for the nitrogen it's lacking. I've also got a bottle of micro-nutrient supplement that I'll probably give them a small dose or two of.

I've lost the bottom one or two leaves on several plants but from there on up the plants a nice healthy green with no yellowing, splotching or any kind of leaf curl. The reason I'm getting ready to give them some ferts here in a week is because they're growing hard and I want them to stay that way. I keep pretty good records as to what I give them and at what strength and when. I'll let you know if I fuck up (which is always a possibility with me) so you can avoid doing the same thing.

Did you see the soil mix UB recommended in response to one of my questions several months back? I made a batch of that up and like it much better than the straight Miracle Grow potting soil I was using. I think that's also a significant factor in this crops doing a lot better than my previous ones.

As to watering or not before the supercropping...I don't recall reading any thing about that one way or the other. I used to let my plants dry out pretty good between waterings but now I always make sure the girls stay moist like UB recommends.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Yes I do recall what he says about nitrogen, I gave my girls a shot of half strength foxfarm grow big twice in the later stages of flowering. I think your idea of half strength is good to add to your bloom ferts. I did not see the soil mix you are using, sorry. The closest hydro store to me is in tampa, an hour and fifteen minute drive for me. My current grow I'm using a mixture of scott's premium potting soil for containers mixed with happy frog and ocean forest. The weather channel is talking maybe some snow here tonight, glad I picked those oranges yesterday from a job we were on. Paintin' houses, pickin' oranges and smokin' weed. What a life! Anyway, this next grow, I picked up a bag of miracle grow organic soil from home depot for twelve bucks. I'll be mixing my happy frog and ocean forest with it. I also add these pills into the soil, they are called plant success tablets and contain mycorrhizae for a healthy root system. The npk is 17-9-5. I also add a product called rare earth which adds silicates to the soil for strong plant cells. I'll be chopping a couple/few of my girls tomorrow morning. I have kept detailed records of this grow and I have five sativa dominant beans that have sprouted, which I am also keeping detailed records.

Good luck with your grow and keep us informed how the supercropping went.


Active Member
Ok just put the 6500k bulbs in and WOW what a difference.I had to go with 4 of each(4-3000k & 4-6500k)because i`m running 2 t-5 8 bulb set ups.I was only going to use 2 3000k in each t-5 but the cash situation would`nt let me,so hopfully my girls will grow faster now,I was only gettting them about 16 to 18 inchs before thats veging for 5 weeks using BC products.

Jack in the Bud

Active Member
Yes I do recall what he says about nitrogen, I gave my girls a shot of half strength foxfarm grow big twice in the later stages of flowering. I think your idea of half strength is good to add to your bloom ferts. I did not see the soil mix you are using, sorry. The closest hydro store to me is in tampa, an hour and fifteen minute drive for me. My current grow I'm using a mixture of scott's premium potting soil for containers mixed with happy frog and ocean forest. The weather channel is talking maybe some snow here tonight, glad I picked those oranges yesterday from a job we were on. Paintin' houses, pickin' oranges and smokin' weed. What a life! Anyway, this next grow, I picked up a bag of miracle grow organic soil from home depot for twelve bucks. I'll be mixing my happy frog and ocean forest with it. I also add these pills into the soil, they are called plant success tablets and contain mycorrhizae for a healthy root system. The npk is 17-9-5. I also add a product called rare earth which adds silicates to the soil for strong plant cells. I'll be chopping a couple/few of my girls tomorrow morning. I have kept detailed records of this grow and I have five sativa dominant beans that have sprouted, which I am also keeping detailed records.

Good luck with your grow and keep us informed how the supercropping went.

Up until this last grow I was just using straight Miracle Grow potting soil. While I wasn't getting the best results I now know that it was mainly due to some other things I was doing wrong. I've still got a favorable opinion of the MG potting soil and think it's a good thing for some one to start out with and learn on. I would how ever recommend that some more perlite be added to it because as is, it seems to compact down a little to tight.

This last time how ever I made up a custom potting mix based on guidelines I got from uncle ben (don't want any one to think I'm trying to pass off his knowledge as my own).

Here's what I put in it.

3.8 cubic foot bale Sunshine Mix #2 (80% Sphagnum peat moss) ($25)

2 cubic foot bag regular Miracle Grow potting mix ($12)

1 cf bag EarthGro composted steer manure ($1.87)

1 cf bag EarthGro garden soil ($3.10)

5 gallon bucket of perlite

5 gallon bucket of vermiculite

6 cups of blood meal.

3 cups of bone meal.

4 cups of dolomitic lime.

I also soaked 4 cups of Alfalfa pellets in 3 gallons of water with a squirt of Ivory dish soap for about an hour and stirred it around until they dissolved into a soggy mash. I strained the water off and threw this mash into the mix.

I dumped all these ingredients out in a pile on the smooth concrete floor of the garage and spent a half hour or so mixing them all together with a square bottomed shovel.

I got enough to fill 2, 32 gallon plastic garbage cans full plus half of a 20 gallon plastic tote. I'm guessing all together about 75 gallons of mix. I then let this sit for about a month to "work" before I used it. Several times I stuck my hand down in it over that month and you could definitely feel some warmth being generated from it's composting.

The next time I make a batch of this up (which I won't need to do for a while) I think I'm also going to add some of this mychrohazial innoclulant that you mentioned (and that I've been reading about else where in these forums). I'm not convinced yet that doing so will be worth the money it costs but I'm pretty dam sure the experiment won't hurt any thing.

After I use up the cannabis specific nutes I was foolish enough to buy before running across uncle ben I doubt I'll be buying any more of them. All my ferts will most likely be coming from Home Depot or one of the other local (regular) gardening/greenhouse retail operations.

I think I'm going to start making it a serious "point of pride" that I buy nothing from any of these cannabis specific grow stores or on line businesses. There's just to much hype, mis leading advice and un-necessary expense for my personal taste.


PS: We're experiencing a warming spell here. It was only -15 this morning when I got up. I sure hope you Florida boys don't get "snowed in". hahaha!


Active Member

Up until this last grow I was just using straight Miracle Grow potting soil. While I wasn't getting the best results I now know that it was mainly due to some other things I was doing wrong. I've still got a favorable opinion of the MG potting soil and think it's a good thing for some one to start out with and learn on. I would how ever recommend that some more perlite be added to it because as is, it seems to compact down a little to tight.

This last time how ever I made up a custom potting mix based on guidelines I got from uncle ben (don't want any one to think I'm trying to pass off his knowledge as my own).

Here's what I put in it.

3.8 cubic foot bale Sunshine Mix #2 (80% Sphagnum peat moss) ($25)

2 cubic foot bag regular Miracle Grow potting mix ($12)

1 cf bag EarthGro composted steer manure ($1.87)

1 cf bag EarthGro garden soil ($3.10)

5 gallon bucket of perlite

5 gallon bucket of vermiculite

6 cups of blood meal.

3 cups of bone meal.

4 cups of dolomitic lime.

I also soaked 4 cups of Alfalfa pellets in 3 gallons of water with a squirt of Ivory dish soap for about an hour and stirred it around until they dissolved into a soggy mash. I strained the water off and threw this mash into the mix.

I dumped all these ingredients out in a pile on the smooth concrete floor of the garage and spent a half hour or so mixing them all together with a square bottomed shovel.

I got enough to fill 2, 32 gallon plastic garbage cans full plus half of a 20 gallon plastic tote. I'm guessing all together about 75 gallons of mix. I then let this sit for about a month to "work" before I used it. Several times I stuck my hand down in it over that month and you could definitely feel some warmth being generated from it's composting.

The next time I make a batch of this up (which I won't need to do for a while) I think I'm also going to add some of this mychrohazial innoclulant that you mentioned (and that I've been reading about else where in these forums). I'm not convinced yet that doing so will be worth the money it costs but I'm pretty dam sure the experiment won't hurt any thing.

After I use up the cannabis specific nutes I was foolish enough to buy before running across uncle ben I doubt I'll be buying any more of them. All my ferts will most likely be coming from Home Depot or one of the other local (regular) gardening/greenhouse retail operations.

I think I'm going to start making it a serious "point of pride" that I buy nothing from any of these cannabis specific grow stores or on line businesses. There's just to much hype, mis leading advice and un-necessary expense for my personal taste.


PS: We're experiencing a warming spell here. It was only -15 this morning when I got up. I sure hope you Florida boys don't get "snowed in". hahaha!
thats to dam cold I had to shovel out 9inch from last night and this morning:sad:

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Snowed in, now that's a good one. I've been living here for twenty one years and this is the longest, coldest I've ever seen it.

I've read in Jorge Cervantes grow bible that mushroom compost is supposed to be excellent for your plants. I admire your stance about buying local but I would like a bit more experience under my belt before I try that route. Beside the fact I just bought a bottle of gravity and bush master. I still have plenty of foxfarm nutrients and a batch of botanicare stuff I still haven't used.


Active Member
Snowed in, now that's a good one. I've been living here for twenty one years and this is the longest, coldest I've ever seen it.

I've read in Jorge Cervantes grow bible that mushroom compost is supposed to be excellent for your plants. I admire your stance about buying local but I would like a bit more experience under my belt before I try that route. Beside the fact I just bought a bottle of gravity and bush master. I still have plenty of foxfarm nutrients and a batch of botanicare stuff I still haven't used.
Heads if you like that Gravity you should try Phosphoload( by Ducth Master),Gravity don`t have sh_t on phosphoload,I`ve tryed both and I`m sold on phosphoload.It will make your buds rock ass hard!! I swear by it.Use it the last 2 to 2.5 weeks in bud and you will love it too.:bigjoint:


Active Member
Thanks wild, I'll look into it. Do you use any other dutch masters stuff?
just the phosphoload for now,I`m useing BC products right now only been useing them for about 3 weeks(IN BUD 5 WEEKS IN VEG),not sure if I like the results I`m getting,was useing Flora Nova and was loving it but had something screwey going on in veg so I switched.A friend I have is useing Ducth & BC and told me he don`t see any difference.


Active Member
just the phosphoload for now,I`m useing BC products right now only been useing them for about 3 weeks(IN BUD 5 WEEKS IN VEG),not sure if I like the results I`m getting,was useing Flora Nova and was loving it but had something screwey going on in veg so I switched.A friend I have is useing Ducth & BC and told me he don`t see any difference.
what I had going on I think had to do with my light.:weed:

Jack in the Bud

Active Member

It's been 5 days since I tried that suppercropping technique on two of my plants. The flopped over tops of the branches I did it to have pretty much fully stood themselves back up and a nice hard knot has formed at the spot where I squeezed the stem. So far things have been happening as described in that tutorial. As to whether or not there's been any re-distribution of hormones that is going to cause the lower side branches to come on stronger I can't say yet. Those two plants don't appear to be any different in that area than the ones I didn't do it to. I think it's just way to soon to be able to see that kind of improvement yet. I guessing that I'm going to have to take these plants all the way to harvest before I can make a decission as to whether or not this is something I'll want to do to plants in the future.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
Jack, we did a couple of my partners girls the other day. I chopped a few of my girls yesterday and in all the excitement I forgot to even ask him how they were coming. It's been so cold here I haven't gone out for the last two days.