I'm losing this war on the fruit flies. I have a fly paper up which has caught loads of them, ive had numerous traps, but they are still here. im sick of them. It's time to resort to chemical warfare - but they are occupying sacred land which must not be disturbed - its a fragile environment.

Anyone know of a substance that will kill the flies + THEIR EGGS without harming the plant at all? Im on a very low budget here as well... but all suggestions welcome. Even things they dont like to drive them away... Insect repellent? this seems an obvious choice, any thoughts on an open bottle of insect repellent harming the plant? fumes? hmmm...

:finger: :fire: BRING THE RAIN MOTHERFUCKERS!! :fire: :finger:



Well-Known Member
Let the soil dry out a few times to the point where the plant wilts. You have been over watering a tad. Perhaps not enogh to hurt the plant, but to have fungus gnats.
Dry that soil out!

newbie grow420

Active Member
I'm losing this war on the fruit flies. I have a fly paper up which has caught loads of them, ive had numerous traps, but they are still here. im sick of them. It's time to resort to chemical warfare - but they are occupying sacred land which must not be disturbed - its a fragile environment.

Anyone know of a substance that will kill the flies + THEIR EGGS without harming the plant at all? Im on a very low budget here as well... but all suggestions welcome. Even things they dont like to drive them away... Insect repellent? this seems an obvious choice, any thoughts on an open bottle of insect repellent harming the plant? fumes? hmmm...

:finger: :fire: BRING THE RAIN MOTHERFUCKERS!! :fire: :finger:
I have read neem oil works its for organic gardens so it should be safe but check into it I don't know all that much about it and heard its last resort for organics. I have the same problem too fuckers everywhere and their getting stuck to my buds and the trichs on the leaves lil bastards I have went thru 8 fly strips caught thousands and there still going. I heard of sand also but that has drawbacks. I'm straped for cash and can't seem to find this stuff at home depot or walmart think cause its dead of winter

newbie grow420

Active Member
Let the soil dry out a few times to the point where the plant wilts. You have been over watering a tad. Perhaps not enogh to hurt the plant, but to have fungus gnats.
Dry that soil out!
is that what those fuckers are? I do see more activity after watering but I'm 4 1/2 weeks in and the girls are thirsty. will it fuck up the plant like stress it?
Let the soil dry out a few times to the point where the plant wilts. You have been over watering a tad. Perhaps not enogh to hurt the plant, but to have fungus gnats.
Dry that soil out!
is there any other way? im a bit uneasy doing that cos the plant's been looking healthier since ive upper the watering a tad. the fuckers have been here for AGES man, it might have been my CO2 reactor that they saw as their holy land back in the beginning (used yeast and sugar)...
is there any other way? im a bit uneasy doing that cos the plant's been looking healthier since ive upper the watering a tad. the fuckers have been here for AGES man, it might have been my CO2 reactor that they saw as their holy land back in the beginning (used yeast and sugar)...
just doing some research, this page is fairly helpful for anyone with the same problem... http://forums.gardenweb.com/forums/load/propa/msg1223503317610.html

guy mentions bottom feeding and keeping the soil surface dry. Also Mosquito 'dunks' are mentioned a lot, yet to discover what they are / where to get them but hold tight...


Well-Known Member
They probably have also laying eggs through out the house in the water drains. Put a little bleach in sinks and tubs to make sure they are eradicated there. I HATE FRUIT FLIES! Almost to the point I hate to bring bananas in the house. lol, serious, hate.

Also one other trick is put a small cup of vinegar out in a part of the grow room thats not to windy. The dumb bugs get a drink and get stuck in the liquid.

Both of these will help get them!! Good luck.

...hate 'em! ;]


Well-Known Member
Dry the soil out, get fly strips, put a fresh coating of sand on top or even fresh soil.


Well-Known Member
A couple of fairly harmless things you can do:

Its easiest to vacumn lightly around the pot itself, remove those flying buggers. You can also put up a sticky fly strip, they will get attracted to it and hopefully get stuck for good. :wink: AFTER that you can put a 1/2 -1" layer of clean playsand on the top layer of the pot. The gnats have larvae in the soil and they won't burrow out of the sand as it hurts thier tender little bodies. Basically this breaks the life cycle of the gnats and they will die off. No sprays, no nasty chemicals needed. :smile: