Help! Can't Smoke Weed In Apartment w 3 Roommates and Live in Densely Populated City!

If you just open the window it will be worse [simple physics] tell you what you can do open the window a little get a fan point it directly out of the window very close to your window and blow the smoke into the back of the fan or just in front of it, it will blow the smoke you exhale and the smoke coming from the joint/glasspiece straight out the window..
Just get a Can-filter and Fan. Stick it in the room (maybe bathroom) where you will smoke. They will absorb the smell. Just like in a grow room.

Good Luck ! :bigjoint:
Why not just buy a carbon filter fan combo. Like the cheapest you can get and smoke into the filter / keep the bong next to the filter. I would imagine that's not a huge investment compared to the cost of your smoke.
get a vaporizer and incense. and if even do the fabric softener on a tp roll with a vaporizer and it's sure not to smell.

putting a towel under the door works well too. keep a fan on. enjoy.

it's really hard to tell you where you can smoke but if you have a car you can literally do it almost anywhere. just drive to an apartment complex parking lot, find the most hidden available spot, and enjoy. Especially, easy to do at night. Just don't do it in a supermarket parking lot :)
Run a hose out of the window and smoke small quantities at a time so there is no smoke that comes form the cherrying bowl. Burn the whole bowl, then blow out of the hose. There shouldn't be any smoke that stays in the room.
run how water in the shower...and put a towel under the door and pop open the window works all the time....and have some backup incense
Nope :( I live inner city, so there is nothing but roads and people everywhere !!
ur kinda screwed then dude. that sux u cant smoke in ur own place. i live out in the middle of nowhere so i can smoke in peace. hate the CITY.. goodluck with tryin to find a way to get HIGH..............:leaf:
still stinks everything up :(
im telling you man I did this when I lived with my dad it worked perfect or he just didn't say nothing but honestly if your paying rent there tell your room mates to go fuck them selves and just blaze up in your room.I really couldn't see a bong stinking that bad if you did what I mentioned above you can even by some orange scented air freshener that stuff works great also
Or the best thing that we would do over my friends house everyday was start burning incense regularly so the people get used to it then just start spark up with the incense lit
I have ordered
Bionair luftrenser


BAP412 -- its supposed to be a good air purifier -- and affordable -- about 100 USD. So it should get here soon sometime next week and hopefully it works. I just bought some Nepal hash that is insane! It is so sticky and crystalized and soft and lovely. I also bought some Bubble Gum bud! I love Christiania :D

EDIT: But I am going to have to wait until later tonight to roll it up and smoke it in the freezing cold windy weather where i wont even get a proper rip of it :( and hope that no one walks by and gives me snide looks or says smartass things to me like has happened before. if only weed smelled like tobacco!
I have ordered
Bionair luftrenser


BAP412 -- its supposed to be a good air purifier -- and affordable -- about 100 USD. So it should get here soon sometime next week and hopefully it works. I just bought some Nepal hash that is insane! It is so sticky and crystalized and soft and lovely. I also bought some Bubble Gum bud! I love Christiania :D

EDIT: But I am going to have to wait until later tonight to roll it up and smoke it in the freezing cold windy weather where i wont even get a proper rip of it :( and hope that no one walks by and gives me snide looks or says smartass things to me like has happened before. if only weed smelled like tobacco!

There is one thing you can do. Watercure your bud and then roll it up with a sprinkle of tobacco. Works for me. Literally have smoked right in front of a cop.
I use a spoof. A toilet paper roll with dryer sheets on one end. Tie the dryer sheats to thwe tube with rubber bands. :]

I found apic someone had online:


Just add rubber bands :]:]

I found this picture of a spoof; the bottle is my preferred method, just poke holes in the other end or make em with a lighter. Im in college and i live back at home with my parents in the summer and over holidays so i gotta cover my shit up. I always burn incense too and it bugs the shit out of em because it is so strong but using these 2 methods you usually cant even smell it while youre smoking it.
I use a spoof. A toilet paper roll with dryer sheets on one end. Tie the dryer sheats to thwe tube with rubber bands. :]

I found apic someone had online:


Just add rubber bands :]:]
lol I never seen one of them before but it looks like something someone in prison would masterbate into.

I am still waiting for my air cleaner to arrive, and in the meantime i tried this toilet paper method, and it has been a nightmare:

Even when using a bomb, taking the rips, and blowing it through this thing, the room and apartment stink completely like weed. This time, the a police officer came and i looked through the hole and i got scared and didnt answer, and none of my roommates were home.

This method does not work. I am so spooked now Im scared to even run around with a joint outside. WHY DOES THIS BEAUTIFUL PLANT HAVE TO STINK SO MUCH!!!