Mom was just dirt poor growing up,and as she became a woman, she was really beautiful.All the old timers talk about it, and I've seen pics...she could have been a model.She also had a hell of a singing voice.However, like I mentioned, not a lot of common sense. Over the course of her life, she was raped three times,went though a string of bad relationships,partied hard,neglected her kids(I think the guilt gets to her a lot),was abused severely ( I mean, like, concentration camp level dad was crazy),is a five pack a day smoker,got into a head on collision in 78 that fucked her up pretty good....But she just gets her mind stuck on something and you can't get her out of that way of thinking.Like I said, mom's not terribly smart, so the brainwashing religion offers was a little more effective on her than her kids.
I do have pity on her,even though she wasn't exactly super mom.After dad died,we went hungry a lot while she went out partying....and I got beat on a bit there by her...I think it was a way to get back at my dad for the things he did to her and my half brothers,because I was his favorite and wasn't mistreated.I used to resent her for it,but I don't anymore.However, I will bring it up if she starts running her mouth and trying to tell me how to raise my kids...basically letting her know she has no room to talk,because I may yell a bit sometimes, but it's nowhere near what she did as a mother.I think we end up being our own instrument of karma.We become on the outside what we think we are on the inside a lot of the time. Imagine being one of the great beauties of your town, if not your nation,and ending up the complete opposite of what you were.And I'm sure she feels she deserves it sometimes.