Is this a good deal?


Well-Known Member
Well. I guess we dont know. It looks like its some assembly required. Are you up for that? How big is your closet? Are you using soil or hydroponics?

We dont know your intent/needs, so we dont know if this is what you need. If worse comes to worst and you buy it and it doesnt work out for you, you will know that it doesnt and youll know why so you will be better prepared for next time.


Well-Known Member
Well. I guess we dont know. It looks like its some assembly required. Are you up for that? How big is your closet? Are you using soil or hydroponics?

We dont know your intent/needs, so we dont know if this is what you need. If worse comes to worst and you buy it and it doesnt work out for you, you will know that it doesnt and youll know why so you will be better prepared for next time.
What does his growing medium have anything to do with what light he should buy?

That light would work I guess, just a little weary of it being a no name. Watch out for rf interference with that

Fatty Nugs

Active Member
Its a good deal man. you need to get a hood tho, for the bulb. other then that, buy it. 400 is great for a closet. just don't put the ballast in the closet with the girls


Thank you for your responses.

My closet is 4'3" h x 2'3" w x 15" d. I plan on a soil grow (if that matters),. I plan on growing max three plants at a time. I have an enclosed shelf above for the ballast where I also plan to put 2 computer fans with a carbon filter. I will also have two intake fans in the side of the closet. I may even have a little hole leading outside for fresh air but I live in the arctic and it gets mighty cold so a even a little hole may be too much. It could
also let snow in I suppose.

Would RF interference interfere with my wireless router?

Has anyone ever used bulbs with those reflectors painted right in them?


Active Member and are probly the best places ive found to get gear. went to once cause i wanted a super sun 1 reflector...what a fuckin mistake. they sent me a 1000w GE bulb to go with my 250w system i just bought that was supposed to come with an eye hortilux blue bulb, and then it took the fucking assholes two months to finaly send me a return shipping label and finaly the right bulb.


Active Member
it looks lik a lot for the money and plenty for a closet grow. One thing though the color temp of that bulb seems alittle odd for a dual arc. Still I'm sure for the money that set up will make some buds. You might though be better off with a 150 hps and some cheap shop lite flouros. That way you can always be vegging and budding at the same time. harvest every month is a lot better than a harvest every two!


Active Member
Ya that 400 would work but it might throw out alot of heat in that closet.You might want to think about a t5 with 3000k bulbs,would do the same as the 400 hps with less heat


Well-Known Member
looks like a generic digital ballast. and you still need to buy a hood which will run u 60-120 dollars...but the guys feedback is excellent.


Well-Known Member
The reason i ask about growing medium is to get a full picture for my own satisfaction. I also know that water splashing on a CFL is not nearly as dangerous as splashing water on an HID. If you grow with soil, you more than likely will be watering your plants from above. If you are doing that, you dont want to splash or bump your lights (regardless of what kind), but these are things to take into consideration first before you get into things and realize that you have to rethink some strategy rather than actually executing a laid out plan.