Dr. Greenhorn's Garden Isle Grow


Well-Known Member
I was informed about six hours ago that our offer on the house was accepted by the bank! :clap: It's not written in stone though, till the VA runs their own appraisal. But the first of the two biggest hurdles has been overcome. :mrgreen: T will be filling out moutnains of paperwork in the morning. If all goes through (meaning the VA says the appraisal is up to their standards), then in a couple of months we'll be in a much nicer town, neighborhood, and house... and no more landlords!!!

Where've you been, Doc?! Hope all is well! :hug:


Well-Known Member
I was informed about six hours ago that our offer on the house was accepted by the bank! :clap: It's not written in stone though, till the VA runs their own appraisal. But the first of the two biggest hurdles has been overcome. :mrgreen: T will be filling out moutnains of paperwork in the morning. If all goes through (meaning the VA says the appraisal is up to their standards), then in a couple of months we'll be in a much nicer town, neighborhood, and house... and no more landlords!!!

Where've you been, Doc?! Hope all is well! :hug:
Weyhey, awesome news Kat!!!! Keeping all limbs possible crossed for ya.

Hey Dr G, where you at bru, I been waiting to hear about your strange story......Hope all is good in the Hawaiian hood.

Peace, DST

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Aloha gang, all is well. Thx for the visits and concerns. I've been real busy lately and have been in an area where the reception is extremely horrible and I can't get a Internet connection.Have alot to update and I still have that story to tell y'all about. It concerns one of our grows...I'll get y'all updated this weekend, gotcha catch up on my other subscribed threads before I lose my connection, 40+ threads deep!:shock:! I better get started!!

One love :hug:


Well-Known Member
ok, breathing returns to normal, lol. You got me dr, I'll be back for story time, laters, DST


Well-Known Member
I was informed about six hours ago that our offer on the house was accepted by the bank! :clap: It's not written in stone though, till the VA runs their own appraisal. But the first of the two biggest hurdles has been overcome. :mrgreen: T will be filling out moutnains of paperwork in the morning. If all goes through (meaning the VA says the appraisal is up to their standards), then in a couple of months we'll be in a much nicer town, neighborhood, and house... and no more landlords!!!

Where've you been, Doc?! Hope all is well! :hug:
gteat mews kat. still praying for you.


Well-Known Member
Hi Doc, still busy I gather...stick with it bru!

kkday, good to see ya, even for a brief moment lol



Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ok,,, thanks for hanging in there gang. I've been pretty busy lately. well I aint got any pictures to post but I can give a few verbal updates. I'll start with the story I've been meaning to tell you guys...

kkday and I went and hiked out to one of our grows which I'll call site B. this is supposed to be the site where everything is going wrong and our plants look ugly. well, I didn't have my camera with me cause everything was last minute,and unexpected. sorry! I'll have my camera the next time. anyways, there are 2 parts to this story. I'll start with how they looking.. the plants have took a turn for the better and are actually looking quite good, they aint ugly anymore! they are growing nice and bushy, suprizingly. we never thought they would look as good as they did, we were ready to give up on this site, which brings me to part 2 of the story...
as kkday and I are hiking through the mountains toward our grow site, we notice there where hunter/trappers that have visited the area. there was snares set-up through-out the woods and they looked real professional. kkday is a pighunter and even he was impressed with these dudes traps. I really wish I had my camera, there was even one snare that had a pig in it!! so as we get closer to our site, we notice more snares, the closest one not more than 10 ft. away from our grow! no BS man! so we check our grow, it's still there. we start questioning ourselves and wonder if they didn't see the grow and missed it somehow. and it really looks like they did! 10 ft. more and they woulda spot it!, if they allready haven't. you see, the way we set up the grow, even though you're 10 ft. away, if you're not looking for herb, you're not gonna find it. but to me, it seems impossible that they didn't find the herb. but our patch was untouched.but they still have to come back and check thier traps. so, we just don't know what's up. kkday and I haven't been back since and it is too late now to move the crop.,but kkday and I are taking it as if they spotted our grow so I guess we are just gonna roll the dice and see what happens. we do know one thiing, after this crop is done, we are abandoning that spot. we are crossing our fingers and hoping it won't end up being a stolen crop. I'm looking forward but not looking forward to going back to the site. I'm a curious person, I wanna know! but curiosity killed the cat. so we are gonna finish up this grow and find another spot. just that now kkday and I gotta play it safe and make sure we do it right. so next time we hike up there, I'll make sure to bring my camera to take pics. not sure when we are going back there, but I'll give y'all a heads up.......

and there should be some picture updates our other mountain grow sometime this week, probably wednesday.
other than that, that's all I got for now.
One Love


Well-Known Member
I'll try to stay on a positive note and say "look at the bright side.....you've got other sites just in case"......
but still---infuriating as hell if someone has spotted it and is intent on harvesting it before you get a chance to. It's happened to me, talk about DEVASTATION. I literally cried, lol.

I'm still working on getting a regular old digital camera that so many take for granted. You don't know how deprived you are until you go without that.:-(
Now, saying that after the Haiti event makes me feel like a spoiled brat.

Honest to God though...if it were affordable, I would own several cameras, because nothing like the sun..... nothing like excellent home grown----and honest and respectable people are practically non-existent in this day and age.

Someone who robs you of your personal time and energy into establishing a crop is worthy of torture in my humble opinion. :fire:

You don't suppose that crop is looking healthier due to those same people setting those traps tending to it, do you?
"Hmm"......just food for thought.


Well-Known Member
Hey Doc, not the greatest news, but like you said, you never know. Any chance you can harvest it early and make hash or something out of it? No doubt these hunters are going to be back fairly soon if they set their traps? Sometimes it's amazing what the eye see's but doesn't tell the brain unless it's looking out for it, and even when one is looking for it, the brain still doesn't register it. Positive vibes for site, B. You and kkday will work it out.

Peace, DST

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
yeah, that was directed your way Babs:lol:

thx for the vist DST, always good to see you drop in bru. always love that positive vibe you bring.:leaf:yup, they'll be back for thier traps if they allready haven't. as far as harvesting early, we probably could and should if it's still there, but that would be a big disappointment for us. we did a early harvest earlier in the year and even though the results were good, kkday and I kinda vowed to never pull early again. we really wanna strive to get a top grade final product. but we are kinda hoping they are also "growers" or at least know the "unwritten" laws of "growing". and the unwritten law would be that it's cool to pull a couple clones and admire the plants:cool:, but other than pulling the clones and admiring the plants, don't fuck with the grow!:evil: hell, I don't care if they even take a few pics, post them on the internet, and claim the plant's in the pics as thiers!, just don't fuck with the plants:fire: hahahahahaha! and thx for the vibes :bigjoint: