WTF Medical Marijuana

Change The Debate

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New Member
You guys aren't understanding the meaning of medicine. you can use any drug socially or medicinally. whether or not you're sick will determine the effect of the drug on you.


New Member
IMHO no matter what you are using marijuana for it has the same affect.Wether it be pain, stress, anxiety it all boils down to being stoned. I have never heard of anyone say they smoke weed for pain relief and it just takes away the pain and thats it. If that is what some of you are claiming, then you are lying. Marijuana does not take away pain. It gets you stoned which makes you more able to deal with it:hump:
A man that talks sense.

You all talk about side effects with modern medicines... it just so happens that a side effect of marijuana is getting stoned.

Much better to be stoned right? Pain relief? That is the stone. Pain takes a lot of forms.


Well-Known Member
You are a crabby mean ol man who has nothing to do but make posts and then twist the words to try and make others look like they don't know what THEY are reading.

You might be trying to say one thing, but your words on the page are definately saying another.

I wish they would legalize it for everyone. This debate would be over and everyone would be happy. No one dies from it, you can't overdose, everyone gets usually happy and it is much less harmful than anything else I can thing of, including alcohol.

Patients want an alternative from man made meds. I think the Doctors do the very best they can, but the FDA slows things down because they don't want people cured. They have the cure for diabetes was found right in Washington State. The FDA has it locked up for years now. Medicine has come a long ways even since I was a child.

I understand your disdain for medical doctors. But here is a point that many don't think of...

What do you call the guy who graduated at the bottom of medical school?


Some are much better at their job than others. Some are so good they do amazing things like make my neighbor go from having a severe back issue to no pain now. She was basically cut off at the waist and through she would never walk again.

Insurance companies also have a hand in how a doctor works now. In order to be "on the contract" you have to reduce your hourly rates and charges to fit what the insurance believes to be an average fair wage. This hurts a lot of doctors practices. If you are not "on contract" you have to go faster and not spend the time with each patient like he or she should. Bad diagnosis and the wrong meds get perscribed because the insurance has them by the..............


If you go to the hospital and you don't have insurance, you are paying full price. If the proceedure is $2000, you will pay the entire amount.

But, if you have insurance, that same proceedure is discounted to $900 (approximately) and then you pay your co -pay.

So....why do you have to pay full price if you don't have insurance. Because, when you default on the payment because no one likes to pay doctor bills; they know they are getting half after sending it to the collection agencys. Which means, they still got the same amount or even a bit more than they would have if you had insurance.

Confusing? Very.

Either misunderstanding is rife... or mm users don't give a fuck about the actual legalisation of cannabis, and only care about getting it for themselves.

I think i see now. It's still all about self. That's why, wtf medical marijuana?


Too many brownies
A man that talks sense.

You all talk about side effects with modern medicines... it just so happens that a side effect of marijuana is getting stoned.

Much better to be stoned right? Pain relief? That is the stone. Pain takes a lot of forms.
ok so you are saying mmj is good then?

because at first you were saying mmj doesnt do a damn thing....

I dont get what you are really trying to say here.

I reread through the whole thread and it seems like you keep changing your mind, if only slightly.


Well-Known Member
HA!! I knew it wasn't just me.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

ok so you are saying mmj is good then?

because at first you were saying mmj doesnt do a damn thing....

I dont get what you are really trying to say here.

I reread through the whole thread and it seems like you keep changing your mind, if only slightly.


New Member
I guess the question would have to be...if you were not in pain at a certain time, would you smoke pot anyway or would you only smoke when you were in pain?


Well-Known Member
Who believes that the medical aspect of the marijuana debate is a load of bollocks? Well let's face it the medical aspect IS the debate.

Fair enough, I'll admit that it does have some psychological benefits and maybe a few physical ones too. In all honesty though I truly believe that people just like to get stoned... we come from all walks of life whether ill or not, rich or poor... Come on, let's change the debate... Let's tell the fucking truth!
Well, as you can see you're clearly wrong about mm being a load of bs. that said, people DO like to get stoned. however, there are people out there who didn't smoke before their illness and were convinced that mm was beneficial to their condition.


New Member
Oh yeah but I'm outta this one. Its a senseless debate. :roll:
ok so you are saying mmj is good then?

because at first you were saying mmj doesnt do a damn thing....

I dont get what you are really trying to say here.

I reread through the whole thread and it seems like you keep changing your mind, if only slightly.


New Member
You are a crabby mean ol man who has nothing to do but make posts and then twist the words to try and make others look like they don't know what THEY are reading.

You might be trying to say one thing, but your words on the page are definately saying another.
I'm a crabby mean ol' man... then you try and butter shit up. I lost interest in the rest of your post.

ok so you are saying mmj is good then?

because at first you were saying mmj doesnt do a damn thing....

I dont get what you are really trying to say here.

I reread through the whole thread and it seems like you keep changing your mind, if only slightly.
Quote me... quote where I said mm doesn't do a damned thing. Quote it.

I guess the question would have to be...if you were not in pain at a certain time, would you smoke pot anyway or would you only smoke when you were in pain?
Please answer this question, all of you.


New Member
The way I see it the mm debate is bullshit because it's not the complete truth.

Yes cannabis has medical benefits (so do a lot of other illegal drugs, btw... mdma included)... but this will never be enough to get cannabis legalised. Even helps kill off the drug even, once they isolate it and give it to you in a nose spray... or tablet form... once they get rid of the high. Then what? Placebo's?

I don't want them to take control of cannabis... which is what I feel the medical debate will allow them to do. The way I see it we're offering them eventual control of the drug... besides it is only a PART of the truth.

The high helps to null the pain, not only null it but it enables you to hide from it... to take your mind somewhere else for a while if you so wish.

Cannabis IS and always has been about the high. We forget that and we forget the truth... we forget the truth, and they have us(?) by the balls.


New Member
It seems to me that you (a lot, anyway) 'medical' cannabis users look down on ordinary, honest smokers. You feel that you 'need' it and we don't.

I want cannabis legalised for all... it is the cure for pain in general. The pain of the world. We have to stand for the truth, all of us at the same time.


Well-Known Member
but this will never be enough to get cannabis legalised. Even helps kill off the drug even, once they isolate it and give it to you in a nose spray... or tablet form... once they get rid of the high. Then what? Placebo's?
This is what I'm scared of. What's going to happen once they can give you the befenits of MM in pill form without the high? Are they going to say there is no need for MM now?
And I know it's already in pill form, but they haven't perfected it yet. I'm saying once they've gotten it perfected, what's going to happen to MM?


New Member
LMAO skunk! :lol::lol::lol:

You do seem kinda crumpy. :? do have a nice furry mane, vicious eyes, bold personality:-|....errr....did I say nice furry mane.
I'm a crabby mean ol' man... then you try and butter shit up. I lost interest in the rest of your post.

Quote me... quote where I said mm doesn't do a damned thing. Quote it.

Please answer this question, all of you.


Well-Known Member
The way I see it the mm debate is bullshit because it's not the complete truth.

Yes cannabis has medical benefits (so do a lot of other illegal drugs, btw... mdma included)... but this will never be enough to get cannabis legalised. Even helps kill off the drug even, once they isolate it and give it to you in a nose spray... or tablet form... once they get rid of the high. Then what? Placebo's?

I don't want them to take control of cannabis... which is what I feel the medical debate will allow them to do. The way I see it we're offering them eventual control of the drug... besides it is only a PART of the truth.

The high helps to null the pain, not only null it but it enables you to hide from it... to take your mind somewhere else for a while if you so wish.

Cannabis IS and always has been about the high. We forget that and we forget the truth... we forget the truth, and they have us(?) by the balls.
well there's already a mouth spray and a pill form of it. they both get you high but that seems unavoidable. the pill is marinol and the spray is sativex. marinol has been around since the mid 80's i think and sativex is relatively new. I think that it helps the whole movement. It dispels the notion that pot is just a useless dangerous drug.
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