FuZZyBuDz takes a D.W.C. dip, first hydro grow! {of course theres piks}


Well-Known Member
ill subscribe. will love to follow a dwc grow for the first time goo luck with it bro. i would ove it if you could stop by my thread and lemme know what you think of my girls stil new at this and ive seen some of your stuff, amazing.


Well-Known Member
32.50, but i got the 4 watt dual outlet pump witch was like 5 or 10 xtra, just in case i wanna put a second in there i can.


Well-Known Member
damn that is cheap, dont know the ways of dwc though. The plant is beautiful looking loke the roots nice N white


Well-Known Member
damn that is cheap, dont know the ways of dwc though. The plant is beautiful looking loke the roots nice N white

and u think i knew a damn thing??:bigjoint:

NOPE. just jumped in with my shoes on and everything, NO ph meter, NO bs. thats y this is so interesting to c if i can handle this with no fancy shmancy meters and wat nots. im doing GREAT, i could snap s
:bigjoint:um piks if u like real quick. its grow REALLY fast!


Well-Known Member
love the setup and the big black bucket. very nice looks hightech but costs little to nothing to setup from what youve told us. amazing how fast the roots grow in a dwc tank.


Well-Known Member
love the setup and the big black bucket. very nice looks hightech but costs little to nothing to setup from what youve told us. amazing how fast the roots grow in a dwc tank.

ive got a secret.......

.....every once in a while, ill dip a lil stick into my cloning gel and swish it in the water b4 dark, they BLAST OFF like hell by the morning;-)


Well-Known Member
cloning gel? kin of like rooting hormone. sorry still learning new things i guess, im guessing the cloning gel stimulates the roots at dark since the roots are extremely active at night?


Well-Known Member
:hump::hump:YOUR TELLING ME:hump::hump:

Thanx SICC, Hope ur SUB'd fer this one too. i COULD get really interesting now that the CALI MMJ plant limit is dropped!, i JUST set up a cloning station to do my first FOG grow out of this seedling i got goin in the bucket, THAT IS IF it is a woman. if not.....Damn It!:lol:. but ill post a pik of the cloning station, i hope it dont keep me up at night! lol. SICC!? would 12-16 ounze beer cups do fer the clippings im gunna be taking off it, to use ALL the way throo the grow, flower and all??.....heres da pik, its a T-12 'day light' Dual floro-tube.....

PS~I raised the 150 up about 4 inches and i switched to a 18/6 hour schedule,
anything eles i can do to get it to stretch out a lil bit more??
the nodes r REAL close right now, maybe too close im thinkin mayb??
