does it look like i just started nutes late? yellow leaves


Active Member
my plants are 3 weeks and very short but the bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling up. idk if it wa slack of nutes? or if it was a venting issue. let me know what u think.

im using a 90 watt ufo. do u think if i use 4 100 watt cfls with them it will help?


Well-Known Member
my plants are 3 weeks and very short but the bottom leaves are turning yellow and curling up. idk if it wa slack of nutes? or if it was a venting issue. let me know what u think.

im using a 90 watt ufo. do u think if i use 4 100 watt cfls with them it will help?
Which soil r u using?
Why r u fert'n at 3 weeks?

More light will be good but light probably isn't your prob at this point.


Active Member
Which soil r u using?
Why r u fert'n at 3 weeks?

More light will be good but light probably isn't your prob at this point.
Im using foxfarm oceanforrest. just transplanted them into 1 gallon pots. wat was ur last question? why am i fert'n at 3 weeks whats that mean?


Active Member
i water like ever 2 days or every other day when the pots where dry i check with a moisture meter i try to give it time to stay dry for a lil tho


Active Member
I water every 3 days with the same soil in my 3 and 5 gallon containers. I always start nuting around 3 weeks as well. FFOF has atleast 2 weeks of nutes in it to start. Make sure you skip the nutes every other watering. pH test the runoff after watering (6.3-6.8 is where you want it). I returned my $10 moisture meter because it wasn't accurate.


Active Member
need more info on soil ,ph and nutes already that might be a prob ur soil should feed for at least 30 days,give more info so we can help prob stop nutes for now.


Active Member
Im using foxfarm oceanforrest. just transplanted them into 1 gallon pots. wat was ur last question? why am i fert'n at 3 weeks whats that mean?
put in larger pots give then roots room to grow bro good soil i wait 30 days always have and always will never had this prob,slowly bring nutes in and u should be good,look at my albems start of this grow to flower 2 weeks in and i just used mex bat gauno till now and will feed fox farm tiger bloom from now till 7-10 days before i harv.good luck bro.


Well-Known Member
looks like they need a little N. could be just the first sets of leaf are dieing off. you might start light nutes if you haven't yet.


Well-Known Member
they look fine bro.
usually my clones yello up like that in the first 2 weeks. if the leaves get any more yello like, all the way yello you can cut them off as they arent really of any use after that to the plant.
i would just make sure you have plenty of fresh air circulating in there and wait until the soil is pretty dry before watering.
good luck.


Active Member
well my soil is fox farms ocean forrest idk how much mor eu nees to know about my soil. also my ph is at 6.8 that i water with. now the water running out the pot when i water im not sure what that ph is. i hadnt started the nutes yet and it was already loong like suttin was wrong and it was getting yellow and droopy and curling up. also i had no fresh air coming into the tent and non being pulled out just a fan running. now i got an inline in and an inline out with a scrubber. also i started my plants off in dixie cups and i just transplanted them today into 1 gallon pots. so this is what i have going on as off now anyfeed back