I have sat down in an office and a restaurant setting with my district representative and congressman on several occasions. I have been piecemealing a lot of issues, but I think I have assuaged them and are impressed. I havent been so brazen as to introduce marijuana legislation yet, but I am nearly finished with my first draft. Makes me nervous. I dont care the odds of it going up or the process or none of that bullshit. I am working with the folks at NORML and I am well on my way. I have several propositions on the way. I know my rep is not a career politician and I have his support with just about all of my talking points, but my congressman, I think he is in it for as long as possible. I dont think the government needs to be a career job. Seats dont "belong" to anyone. If enough of us call bullshit and to get rid of the offending bureaucrat, we should be able to send them on their merry fucking way.
As far as fed chairman, lets get an employee from McDonalds drive thru cash window and toss em up there for some change I can believe in. A fucking spider monkey could perform the job better. Hell, at least McDonalds is a customer service oriented corporation, even if the change, the order, and they take long as fuck.
At least if they fuck it up you can complain and get a couple free apple pies, and your money back. And if the fuckers get out of line, they get fired.
The best thing you can do is stop buying corporate made bullshit imported from China for the lowest quality, lowest cost, highest profit. If you absolutely MUST go shopping, get important shit like durable tools, manuals, math/algebra books, survival gear, etc... Stop buying from wal mart and buy from your local general store. Support the local community. If you cant get your specific brand of stuff, Quit being a whiny bitch and deal with the toilet paper that scratches your ass. Life is about to change bigtime.
-Turn off the cell phone. You probably pay $38 in taxes and fees just for having a cell phone. Thats probably funding the equipment they use to parse your data file/log that is downloaded every day, in amounts in excess of 3x the size of the Library of Congress (THOMAS) the largest library in the world.
-Ride your bike. You save money in gas, which takes yet more money from global corporations as well as taxes that the government applies.
-Stop smoking. Fuck your health. It was never good enough of a reason to quit before. However, quit so you can fuck the system of taking an extra $1.50 per pack for you to buy a product that kills you. Thats right, you are paying the government to kill yourself. Good enough reason to quit?
-Turn off the TV. I promise it sucks for a little bit but you quickly get immersed in something else. You save youself the trouble of paying to see 23 minutes of commercials on average every hour. I dont remember if there are any fees.
-Stop buying ANYTHING you dont NEED. No more extras, you need to buy things that will last a while including food. This strips away all the money from those corporations. Of course, that will mean more unemployed, but at 47%, we are fucked already. Might as well get back at the corporations, and take away some of that money they will be feeding into our politicians.
-Live sustainably Teach yourself survival skills, how to identify plants in nature, learn how to read maps and use a lensatic compass, grow your own food, etc etc etc (I suggest the Foxfire line of books. Oldie, but goodie.)
-Pack your shit, and hold onto your asses. Its going to be a helluva ride.