Been a Long Time Coming ~ Been a long Time Gone

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha I'm not even goofed but that was funny. Poor bloke thought he was gonna die. Same kinda thing happened to my girlfriend..she doesn't really smoke much and one night she had a few puffs and next thing she's puking up in the bathroom and making weird noises. She starts maoning the words 'hheeeelllppppp', so I got worried. She had also locked the bathroom door. So I had to bash the door in like Rambo to find her slumped over the basin. She said phone an ambulance which I did in the end cos she was cryin and thought she was gonna die. The poors paremedics came out for nothing and she just slept for the night. Last time I let her hit one of my doobies. Sorry for the long story, thought I would share:blsmoke:
I don't think I would have called the rescue squad. Rather, I would have probably dumped her off at the emergency entrance or something.

It's a great story and I got a good laugh out of it. Thanks for sharing:peace:

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
That is exactly what I'm seeing. No problems, just good looking. For me, that is encouraging :)

Stopped by the grow store and picked this up. Gonna see what happens :???:



Well-Known Member
Hello there's she going? I've heard some good feedback on that stuff. hope all else is well!:mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke::mrgreen::blsmoke:


New Member
Yes, I use that... up to around the second (i think) week of flower...

Here's when I use it... weeks 1, 2 and 3, also 7 and 8 in veg (if I get to 7 or 8 weeks veg', but I rarely do). And yes, week 1 and 2 of flower. Then I stop.

The product I use is called pirranha by advanced nutrients, and contains 8 species of trichoderma, and 18 species of endomycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal fungi.

The trichoderma work by colonising the root system and help prevent root rot and neutralises harmful microbes.

The mycorrhizal fungi excrete powerful chemicals that increase nute availability and root water retention... it is said that the mycorrhizal fungi can increase root mass by up to 700%, apparently. they also retard pathogens and create a more aerated, porous soil...

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I've heard Advanced Nurtients 'is the stuff' but, I live remote and have to wait until I get where there are more people / stores. However, I am thankful that I have ready and easy access to Fox Farms stuff :hump:

What I was thinking when I purchased it yesterday was to help oxygen get to the roots. When I did the grow in the toilet, those plants really, really did well. I think there were two primary reasons. 1. I grew in lava rock. 2. Every time I flush, lots of oxygen got right down on it.

I sprinkled 1/8 of teaspoon as a side dressing on everybody and even gave the germettes_should be a girl band_a few granules each also. We'll see what happens:neutral:

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Okay, I studied and poured over the notes I've taken, and now I think I have some empirical_did I just use that word?_ data concerning types of pots. Clay vs resin.

First, my temperatures range from 82°F (33°C) to 62°F (23°C), with a mean temp of 76°F (30.5°C). (Sure hope my math on converting F to C is correct, someone please 2x check - I smoke pot). Humidity ranges from 22% to 38% with a mean of 27%.

I wait until my moisture meter indicates 3, from 4 different sampling points in the soil, before I water. Using a turkey baster, I'm able to get pretty precise measurements of water, and also it allows me to super charge the water with oxygen prior to application on the soil. I've found that 1.5 ounces of water works really well for my temp/humidity situation.

Okay. Given the above, my question to you is.

Which container produced better plants at this point in time ~ Clay or Plastic/Resin??

(oh boy, I know there is a ga-zillion sujective things, but put that aside for a minute)

Answer, right after the commercial :) LOL


New Member
I'd say the resin... but only because smokere pointed out to me today that clay absorbs heat. So with your temps, wouldn't the inside of the clay pots be hotter than the ones in the resin?

roots uptake nutes best at 68f...

I'd say the resin.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I'd say the resin... but only because smokere pointed out to me today that clay absorbs heat. So with your temps, wouldn't the inside of the clay pots be hotter than the ones in the resin?

roots uptake nutes best at 68f...

I'd say the resin.
Absolutely correct ! *Ding, Ding, Ding, Ding,* "We have a winner.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
On the other side of the coin_they do have two sides, after all_the amount of residual salts and other evaporates are at higher concentrations in the resin containers.

Now therefore, I conclude, rofl, like who the heck am I?. THAT.
If you are growing in soil, you must consider your mean average temperature during the lights on period. I would suggest that if you can keep the mean to around 70°F / 27.5C then your best option would be a clay container_the soil an inch or so down should be 5°F less than mean_I would think.

However, if you can not maintain that mean temperature, then resin is the better selection, keeping in mind that salts produce side effects, in addition ph needs to be monitored more closely_is that proper english?

So, on with the journey:leaf:


New Member
Clear enough to me. I learned in the plastic pots, and haven't used anything different since. I only learned that clay absorbs heat a few hours ago.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Back to trich's... so as trich's are initially a response to low levels of sunlight, and not all trich's contain cannabinoids, it's safe to assume that the dark period does little for potent trich production other than produce trich's during the dark hours... which then age in the light.

So, now I'm thinking back to the variable timer switch I found and to the thoughts of 'creating a sunrise and then a sunset', using the red/orange spectrum, as the bread, and the 6,500k as the meat, in a light sandwich_or sammich for my friends in the midwest US.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the time and money it would take to simulate real sunlight would be worth it for the rewards, unless you already had the equipment anyway. In that case, I'd love to see how it works out.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
I don't think the time and money it would take to simulate real sunlight would be worth it for the rewards, unless you already had the equipment anyway. In that case, I'd love to see how it works out.

Not trying to simulate real sunlight, ^thread there is a discussion about the results of a study which was about THC production in plants. You can find it back a few pages. Pretty interesting stuff-if you are into it :)

Anyhow, one of he conclusions was, THC production is triggered by sunset & sunrise basically.

So, my intention is to use a way kewl switch I found_also ^thread_which allows you to have a start time, stop time with the ability to vary the current over that period of time. Kinda like a little microprocessor in a switch.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Well, I've just moved a few of the girls into a new high rise home. Kinda freed them up from that small condo they were living in. Moving on up to the East Side.

Had to do it because I could not raise the lights any higher and they upper leaves were caressing the lamps :)

I post some pics later.


Well-Known Member
g'mornin' Grandfather....yea...nice to know the girls have moved up town, as long as youre with them. pics will be looked for!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Yikes !!!! I moved the plants last night into their new high rise diggs and what do you think I saw on one plant_April_this am?

Some kind of little white hairs are showing at the nodes. Of course, maybe she is just teasing me, we know how women like to tease :)


Well-Known Member
hahahaha...looking good....I am sor happy for you man! that is awesome! three cheers and a hiphiphorray! to you and your girls!

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Hmmmmm..... comments, criticism, complaints, protests, demonstrations?

So, here is the girl's new digs :)

You can pretty easily see the blue cast to the paper_experiment, blue vs bright white. :wall::idea:

The fan in the upper left is a 6" inline exhaust fan, lower right you can almost see the 4" inline fresh air fan. Both of these are fixed speed but I intend to change them to variable and have that speed controlled by the temperature sensor I am going to place inside of the grow area. I'm pretty sure the 6" fan can exhaust the box in about 20 seconds or less. This sucker moves some air! 8)

Also, I plan on using basic ceramic single light fixtures on the walls_which will be my timed red/orange spectrum (sunrise and sunset don't happen overhead) and also offer_to what extent will be determined_side lighting to support growth in the lower areas of the plant.

rant off/

