400w Stealth Cabinet AK-48


Well-Known Member
Well I got the order in from the attitude seed bank today, (10) G13 labs thai super skunk and (1) DNA la woman.

Everything is still going well inside the cabinet, temps havent changed 79F 30-35% humidity. Chewing through water quickly now though, I usually mix 1gal at a time & feed every watering half strength according to FF schedule. Each watering between the 4 I use 1/2gal +/- It seems that I water about every 36hrs. Every time i check them "at least twice daily" I put a couple fingers in the dirt to check moisture but there has been stoned occasions that I noticed droopy fan leaves and watered immediately.

Until next time, peace


Well-Known Member
Temp 79F 31% humidity
still misting every 3 days or so and feeding with misting every sunday. starting to see trich production on the leaves :weed:

i have had an extra 2 black trays on the floor until today when i noticed the lower growth would get any waisted lumens so i removed them. The light wasnt as bright when they were there but i would rather deal with bright lights in my eyes then deprive the lower growth of lumens.

I am hoping to yield about 250g's which is a bit more then .5 grams per watt. I was really hoping to hear back from Abnjm on his yield with 4 ak-48's under a 600w

grow calc
400w/1000 = 0.4
0.4 x 12 = 4.8
4.8 x 60 = 288
250g / 288 = 0.868 g's per k/w

am i on that right track?



Well-Known Member
nice buddage mang. :blsmoke:

How long did you veg for? Did you train those branches?
well since i grew from seed i gave them a couple weeks to look similar in size to a rooted clone then veged for 3 more weeks. a few days or so into flower *when i identified the males* i topped the girls. I didnt train any branches but due to the topping they grew out just as i had hoped for.

Looking @ them now I should have topped them in veg and given them another week before flower since i was basically removing a weeks worth of new growth. they would have been a bit bigger than they are now but lesson learned!

For my next grow im really hoping to expand to a 4x4 tent under a 1k hps ebb & flow but keeping the current cab for veg and cloning. the 4x4 is taller then my current cab so im deff gunna allow for more veg time if i grow ak-48 again. I would much rather figure out the height of the strain before i try to push it in a height restricted environment. what im saying is i would rather see it finnish with not as many but still yummy buds than watch the fat main buds burn on the bulb and have nothing i can do.

AK-48 is a pretty nice strain to grow, very resilient plant. when i left this morning for work i splashed the last little bit of pre mixed ferts in all the bags but before i did so i quickly checked moisture and they all seemed fine. got home and the back left plant was super droopy and dead like, mixed up week 9 feeding schedule and within 10min she was perked right back up. obviously she was lacking water but i got to say i always feed her a bit more then the rest but that sole plant consumes a lot of water compared to the other 3


Well-Known Member
alright! i made it this far :bigjoint:

I have been really disappointed with the attitude seeds i got... i dropped 5 TSS and 1 LA Woman in a jiffy tub well moisturized and high humidity through out the last 6 days and not a 1 has cracked. did some investigating on 1 of the pellets and found the seed still in 1 piece... got a bit discouraged so i decided to take some time photoing the girls, I never take the girls out of the closet but today why the hell not? got some real shots not under the HPS bulb and they look much better.

here is the 3 pics i like the most

toro is 20" so that can give you a size comparison



Well-Known Member
The spider mites survived some how on the BBxAK-47xNYCD clone so that went out side into the snow bank and double checked my girls in the flowering room. I dont see any sign of them there but i sprayed them a couple times in the past couple days with neem oil but i think im in the clear.

I took apart that little cabinet due to the expansion after this flower and putting the 2ft t5's into the flowering room for the 18 blueberry clones i picked up from another friend in the area. they have already been rooted so im gunna try lollipoping them under the 400.

The AK-48 is getting week 9 feeding and the clones are getting week 2 feeding based on the FF schedule. Temps starting to drop, I dont think the temp is dropping the the cabinet but that the temp is being measured from the floor of the cab.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Holamikey, will do ;-)

Had a bit of a problem this week, at the end of last I tossed out the clone and rinsed them all with neem oil but since then most of the foliage making up the upper canopy has little brown spots all over any leafs. I wasnt sure if it was due to the neem or something else so for the last gallon I only fed with water. None of the under side is damaged, only the ones in direct light so next watering they will get some ferts

Snapped some pics of the 3 furthest along, each week that goes by the runt plant seems to fall behind another couple days. As for the 3 that I photographed, all is right, there hasnt been a stunt in growth due to the damage and still filling out nicely. starting to change colors on the hairs, here and there you can see an orange hair or 2.

Clones are going strong, 3 are looking a bit droopy so i will prolly toss them but as for the rest (15) nothing is dampening their spirits. They could use a bit more light, I havent put the T5's in the flower cabinet yet and havent found something to lift them from the floor. if they stretch so be it... cant help that right now...



Well-Known Member
It's amazing how genetics play a huge part in yield as long as the growing conditions. But I have a 400w hps going with 3 plants like you and I like how you topped em'. Looks great anyways.


I Have A Similar Make-Shift Setup. But the air in my cabinet is not circulating. I have the ducting going through to cool to bulb but it gets really humid inside since i keep it closed. Drops of water form on plant leaves, so I'm thinking that i should take off on side of the ducting and just have it sucking out air from inside the cabinet rather than air from outside. Is that ok to do? I'm in the secondweek of 12/12 with 3 Super Lemon Haze, 2 Grapefruit Haze, 1 Gromulan, a Querkle, an Orange Kush and a Soma A+


Well-Known Member
Thanks YungMoolaBaby

I Have A Similar Make-Shift Setup. But the air in my cabinet is not circulating. I have the ducting going through to cool to bulb but it gets really humid inside since i keep it closed. Drops of water form on plant leaves, so I'm thinking that i should take off on side of the ducting and just have it sucking out air from inside the cabinet rather than air from outside. Is that ok to do? I'm in the secondweek of 12/12 with 3 Super Lemon Haze, 2 Grapefruit Haze, 1 Gromulan, a Querkle, an Orange Kush and a Soma A+
How are you growing hydro/soil? Thats a bit unusual to have that much humidity in your closet. You most certainly can remove 1 side of the ducting and pull the air from within the room through the hood and out. some will even put a carbon filter at the end inside the room so that the air leaving the cabinet doesnt stink.

You could also use the ducting removed to bring in fresh air down towards the bottom of your cabinet to help the circulation

Bring your humidity down, its nearly mandatory if you want to yield anything. The buds will still be think however with all that moisture they will start to rot from the inside where water collects.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
It was obvious last week they wouldnt quite make 48 days, I was expecting the usual 60. The clones have stretched right up along side of the AK so starting on monday i will feed them a little bush master.

The biggest girl I had to tie up, I was worried about the weight of the colas on the outside, you will see what im talking about in the pics. It will be her last time out side of the cabinet, just a bit afraid of moving her in the wrong way and loosing a nice cola.

The brown spots are just about all over 3 plants excluding the big girl. nothing on the clones either... Every day i look randomly on the under side of the leafs for spider mites but i havent found 1 yet. still not sure why the leafs are browning like this however i hasnt seemed to stop the production of the plant. the usual yellowing of the under leafs has been happening for a few days now, dropping as they go. I imagine the brown spots arent helping any anyone know why???

-= The big girl =-

-= The skinny girl =-

-= Fat girl^2 =-

-= Fat girl^3 =-



Well-Known Member
The brown spots are just about all over 3 plants excluding the big girl. nothing on the clones either... Every day i look randomly on the under side of the leafs for spider mites but i havent found 1 yet. still not sure why the leafs are browning like this however i hasnt seemed to stop the production of the plant. the usual yellowing of the under leafs has been happening for a few days now, dropping as they go. I imagine the brown spots arent helping any anyone know why???
I can answer that. I'm growing the same stuff you are. Same gorgeous stuff Abnjm
was trucking away at before he disappeared.

After many headaches and spending hours pondering I've learned something about Ak-48. It likes phosphorous. It's very vigorous and not more than once I've hit phosphorous and calcium decencies.

If your using good nutes with a nice NPK ratio (Fox Farm for example) then just lower you ph a little. My babies grow about 1/2" a day @ 6.2 vs. almost 1" a day @ 5.7.

I may be wrong but it's the same thing I'm running into so just letting you know.

They are looking gorgeous, how many phenos have you noticed?


Well-Known Member
Thanks hazyintentions, I use fox farm 3 part as per the feeding schedule that came with it. I feed every watering 1/2 strength instead of off and on. I also foliar feed with snow storm ultra but do that with about 1ml per gal twice a week. I dont have a ph tester just yet, soon though as im going to start ebb&flow.

im thinking it will only be about 11 more days before it comes down so if I grow this again i will take note to the ph as you stated. kinda weird about Abnjm huh? said his laptop went down then he was off...

Im still a noob when it comes to growing so I dont think i can accurately identify phenos. if you have any links of literature on this I would be more then willing to try and figure that out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks hazyintentions, I use fox farm 3 part as per the feeding schedule that came with it. I feed every watering 1/2 strength instead of off and on. I also foliar feed with snow storm ultra but do that with about 1ml per gal twice a week. I dont have a ph tester just yet, soon though as im going to start ebb&flow.

im thinking it will only be about 11 more days before it comes down so if I grow this again i will take note to the ph as you stated. kinda weird about Abnjm huh? said his laptop went down then he was off...

Im still a noob when it comes to growing so I dont think i can accurately identify phenos. if you have any links of literature on this I would be more then willing to try and figure that out.
Hey man, you should definitely invest in at least a ph test kit, no grower is complete without one. How did you manage to come forth with such good looking plants without a solid and accurate way to test ph?

A soil ph tester goes for about$6
A ph test kit for hydro ran me $20 after tax.

The way your leaves are folding back look exactly like mine did a week ago. Being as your in soil it would be reservoir related.

I'm 99% percent sure that's probably from your ph being a smidgen too high. I mean if I accidentally didn't do my math right and only ph treated my tap water to 6.5 I'd be having gripping plants within 12 hours.

AK-48 is a great strain though, extremely forgiving. I'm looking for ward to seeing mine during flower in my scrog screen.

As for phenos, although you've truly got not bass line plant to base your analysis on you've already identified their differences. (Tall, Short, Bushy, etc) I believe the F1 AK-48 is a slightly bushy plant that is a more squat stature. When I saw the picture Nirvana sent me of a quote " true Ak-48" it's leaves where more on the indica side but not overlapping as mine are.

You'll truly notice a pheno when you smoke it, if it doesn't smoke like described then you've got yourself a phenotype (:

And if you've only got 11 days left then your problems shouldn't slow you down being as that's only really 4 more days of nutes. (assuming your going to flush with water the last week that is) .


Well-Known Member
I will invest in a ph tester but im saving for a ph/ppm/tds whatever whatever constant tester. something i can leave the probes in the res and monitor at all times. The water here is great, we are on a natural spring well so the only times i dont use it is when it smells like sulfur *which is rarely*. personally if i go to the store to buy water its usually fiji or smart water, i like the taste but i will drink water from my tap any day its just that good. I have never tested the ph of it but as you can see the water is untreated yet has gotten me this far.

The power went out today, not really sure what i should do... their light cycle is 8am-8pm but the power went off at about 10:45am and came on around 6:30pm. I dont want them to go without so I let the lights resume from when it went off

I hadnt read too deeply into the ak-48 before i grew it, did the aurora indica outdoor this past summer so i figured i might as well try something else from nirvana. It was an easy grow, they didnt get any damage or problems the whole way through until recently so i was happy with them over all. I will reconfirm that statement after i blaze the finished product.

I did a bit of reading on the subject of phenotypes last night, I havent really grown them that long *1 harvest* to define the true ak-48 let alone how many phenos but to me I see 3 different ones in that cabinet. 2 are almost identical in size and shape, another is thin and a couple weeks behind, the other is gorgeous and i wish i cut a mother of it.

well i flushed last week as well since the whole leaf issues, wanted to make sure it wasnt fert damage so i fed only water for a week then gave them some more ferts this week then friday or so i will go back to plain water until harvest. was making sure that i gave them a nice dose of snow storm ultra in the soil, the buds are so nice now it almost worries me to spray around them so im no longer misting the canopy just applying the ferts to the soil.


Well-Known Member
hey bro beautiful girls....how long do u reckon till harvest??? 8 week?
well its day 56, which reminds me to take some photos later when the lights come on. They are getting very very close but I dont think they will be ready on day 60... The plan is just to wait, Havant checked them with a scope yet but about 1/2 the hairs are the main colas are still white the other half is orange. I will check that today some time as well.