Hey Joel
"I clipped off a few fresh buds and let them dry for 2 fulls days."
Your buds should [hang dry]/[bag]/[jar] for 4 weeks to gain good potency. There are few psycoactive cannaboids in your bud after two days, the bud is just dry.
To decarboxylize your THCA for immediate use - bake the bud at 106 Celcius for 15 minutes longer than it takes to dry. I put mine in for an even hour on the dial because I'm lazy. You will need to either: vaporize the bud; smoke it in a pipe; rehydrate the bud for joints; make cannabutter.
The vapor will still be harsh, some of the flavor will be baked out, but you will have better potency.
Use an oven thermometer!
"I read numerous tutorials and tried to make sure I grew my plant the right way so I am confused as to why my weed is such poor potency. "
I've grown sisters side by side from the same seed pack, same nutes, water, air, light - and they can be totally different. As well, all breeders versions of a strain are not created equally - buy the breeder not the strain.
"I only clipped off a few buds from my plant and so there are still some left on the plant is there any advanced harvest methods or tips I can use to increase the potency of what is left on my tree?"
We'd have to know more about your set up but I'd look at Overdrive and Kool Bloom, two supplements that I've had great success with. But at this point don't expect great changes, you're not going to get buds that look like they've been dripped in sugar. Growing is a learning process, be happy that you got such great looking buds, maximize your potency, and move to your next grow.
What's your set up? Lights, nutes, supplements, water (tap, RO, let the water sit, use out of tap), air circulation, etc.
Super Skunk - what breeder?
This is probably the most important thing for you to do now - get a hand microscope to check out your trichomes. If you do this you may improve your bud, maximize the potency.
If the trichome chart shows up as a black box check it out here:
"should I dry it another way or let it dry longer?"
If you want to use the bud in:
1 hour: bake at 106C - not great but not bad.
7 days: Water cure - good for cooking but bland, I'd rather vape microwaved fresh cut.
4 weeks: hang/bag/jar - nothing is better except a 6 week cure. Soo smooth, potent, flavor.