It figures that when Obama fucks up in a major way, some moron brings up something Bush said without missing a beat.
Bush didn't even screw up that saying - he intended to modify it. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice - well, you can't fool me twice. Perfectly good statement that makes perfectly good sense spun into something it was not. That is the way of the Left. Perhaps his delivery was off but the line was solid.
Anyway, this is not about Bush, it's about Obama, and the fact that the fucking Commander in fucking Chief does not know how to pronounce a common word that every average American should know is pathetic - these are the men he leads into combat for crying out loud. How exactly does someone graduate from Harvard law, become a Senator and then president not knowing how to pronounce the word Corpsman? This is a National embarrassment and proof that this President is woefully unqualified to hold this position. And, it is a slap in the face to our military.