Been a Long Time Coming ~ Been a long Time Gone

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Great video Harkin.... :)

I like your idea with the timing....

Can't wait to find out prelim. results.

After watching weedman's THC,UVB and Me video on Youtube from Tahoe(YouTube - THC, UVB and Me) I think what you are saying makes sense. The way I see it (which is probably wrong) is that the resin that is being prouduced during the flowering stages is to capture more light due to the dwindling sunlight(Autumn and Winter). So in theory the less light that the plant gets during the flowering stage the more resin it will produce. But then again if the light is too little then the buds would turn out small but maybe full of resin. So what I am going to try with my current grow is carry on the 12/12 light until I have nice, juicy, fat buds, and then for the last 2 weeks I will give it 10/14 so the plant produces more resin to catch more light. Maybe even the last week try 8/16, but only once the buds are big and well formed. I know some peolpe even say leave it in the dark for a few days once you are ready to harvest but personally I think thats overboard, and not natural in any way.


Well-Known Member
interesting postulation....the scheduling thing....I like the idea...gonna think a little more 'bout that....thanks Harkin!


Well-Known Member
Great video Harkin.... :)

I like your idea with the timing....

Can't wait to find out prelim. results.
Thank Tahoe, great find that video

interesting postulation....the scheduling thing....I like the idea...gonna think a little more 'bout that....thanks Harkin!
No No thank you, without your perserverance I would be none the wiser(or something like that). Will have to see if the bud agrees to it aswell:blsmoke:

Think I'm going to the reptile store and looking at uv B lamps :) :lol:
HaHa that what I've been doing for the last hour or so, looking on the net at pet stores. Got one just around the corner so will have to visit them tomorow. Damn my girlfriend is going to kill me, this habit is soo addictive, then again I suffer from OCD:peace:

Oh yeah about the UVB's, so I'm guessing the higher the UVB value the better right( I see ones that are 2, 5, 10)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Well, you can see the blue 'control box'. 3 switches control, at the preset time, 3 CFL's placed low on the inside of the box_the provide up lighting into the lower levels of the plants.

The black wire going in to the 4" inline fan is the humidity / temperature probe wire.

The screen is used to buffer the air from the oscillating fan, otherwise it is a bit too strong for the younger plants. Older plants have no problem with the fan.

For what it is worth, the inline fan pulls moisture into the box_doesn't work that well, I'm gonna put it inside the box and see if that makes a difference.

Also, you can see the 6" inline fan that I use for exhaust. Between the 4" input and the 6" output fans, I'm really satisfied with the amount and quality of air that is moving around.


New Member
My timer broke grandfather. I wish I had the option to watch videos but I am still on dial up. And no we don't have any rotary telephones. Ugh! :)


New Member
After watching weedman's THC,UVB and Me video on Youtube from Tahoe(YouTube - THC, UVB and Me) I think what you are saying makes sense. The way I see it (which is probably wrong) is that the resin that is being prouduced during the flowering stages is to capture more light due to the dwindling sunlight(Autumn and Winter). So in theory the less light that the plant gets during the flowering stage the more resin it will produce. But then again if the light is too little then the buds would turn out small but maybe full of resin. So what I am going to try with my current grow is carry on the 12/12 light until I have nice, juicy, fat buds, and then for the last 2 weeks I will give it 10/14 so the plant produces more resin to catch more light. Maybe even the last week try 8/16, but only once the buds are big and well formed. I know some peolpe even say leave it in the dark for a few days once you are ready to harvest but personally I think thats overboard, and not natural in any way.
Exactly... the lower light conditions will cause the plant to explode in trich's in an effort to catch as much sunlight as it can the next day. Yet these trich's do not contain the sufficient chemicals to get us high. They are merely for the primary purpose of catching light. Then as light reacts within the cells of the trich's, a reaction is caused. This reaction benefits cannabis in that it acts as both a deterrant and an attractant to certain types of insect/wildlife.

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
My timer broke grandfather. I wish I had the option to watch videos but I am still on dial up. And no we don't have any rotary telephones. Ugh! :)
Major bummer :( If I can distill it for you. Basically MM_the video_reaffirms what Skunk has been advocating.

If you get a chance, check it out, it is a great video.

PS. Thanks for stopping by, we appreciate it :)


Well-Known Member
Exactly... the lower light conditions will cause the plant to explode in trich's in an effort to catch as much sunlight as it can the next day. Yet these trich's do not contain the sufficient chemicals to get us high. They are merely for the primary purpose of catching light. Then as light reacts within the cells of the trich's, a reaction is caused. This reaction benefits cannabis in that it acts as both a deterrant and an attractant to certain types of insect/wildlife.
Wouldn't adding some UVB to that equation, like Weedman said, produce stronger amounts of THC?

Hey Grandfather, sorry I took so long to answer your question. I think we are in different timezones. Anyhoo, I went out and bought a Lizard light today, it's a Repti-Glo- 10.0 UVB -25w flourescent. It has 10% UVB and 33% UVA. It's the highest UVB light they had or that they produce.

I found a site last night that compared the amounts of UVB that these lights produce compared to natural sunlight, and even the really high UVB lights only just produce the same amount. So I 'think' you would be safe either way, try and get the highest Reptile UVB light you can, or at least thats what I did. Only thing I have to work out now is how long do I keep it on for during the 12/12? I was thinking maybe 3 hours or so as a complete guess but I'm sure we will figure a more natural time scale.. hope this helps in some way:peace:

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
Only thing I have to work out now is how long do I keep it on for during the 12/12? I was thinking maybe 3 hours or so as a complete guess but I'm sure we will figure a more natural time scale.. hope this helps in some way:peace:
I'm inclined to follow the lead of mother nature. When does she have the UV light on?

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member

Hmmmm I wonder if you vary the current, does the amount/intensity of UV varies? If so, then, put that baby on a bell curve :)

As I see it, one of the big problems we have is we don't really know what the DNA of a particular plant is trying to do. Is it trying to adjust for indoor growing? How many generations of 'similar conditions' has the plant's DNA experienced? Is it trying to evolve into your grow situation?

I consume data like some people smoke weed - in gigantic lung filling hits :)

Your Grandfather

Well-Known Member
More eye candy and also the coming out of my 10 day old newest little girl - Brunhilde.

FYI, I feed her water until 3 days ago, when I put her on fox farms, Grow Big, I've also added 1/8 teaspoon of mycorrhizae to the soil mix after the 7th day of growth. Comments?

You are already familiar with the other girls of my bordello :)



New Member
I think cannabis just makes the best of it. Whatever you give it will be all good. I don't think cannabis would need to adapt as such, as it has already adapted to make these certain processes. Just as it has adapted to live without them, I think it would rise very quickly to the occasion, so to speak, lol.

The thing we can do better than nature, is give the plant its maximum potential of UV radiation for as long a time as the plant can take... with adaptability we could get strains that a have very high potential for UV, and therefore create ever more potent bud.

Even strains grown under a fluoro', come to think of it.


Well-Known Member

Hmmmm I wonder if you vary the current, does the amount/intensity of UV varies? If so, then, put that baby on a bell curve :)

As I see it, one of the big problems we have is we don't really know what the DNA of a particular plant is trying to do. Is it trying to adjust for indoor growing? How many generations of 'similar conditions' has the plant's DNA experienced? Is it trying to evolve into your grow situation?

I consume data like some people smoke weed - in gigantic lung filling hits :)
Not too sure about the current, actually I have no idea:mrgreen:

As for the plants evolving, wouldn't that take more than just a few years? I've just started growing, but as far as I can tell, HID lights and such haven't been around for that long, maybe 15 yrs?? Maybe the plants have evolved a bit with different strains etc.... like Weedman said, naturally UVB doesn't occur in many places, actually just a few. But from those places where it is, the weed seems to be that much more stronger and stonier, even guys on here will say that weed grown outdoors at the right time will be stronger. Whether some strains react more or less to it is another guess

Btw you can buy UVB cfl's aswell light this Repti Glo 10.0 Compact 26w - Garden Site, at least you wouldn't have to buy a starter or anything like I did, if you are still considerinjg it


New Member
Not too sure about the current, actually I have no idea:mrgreen:

As for the plants evolving, wouldn't that take more than just a few years? I've just started growing, but as far as I can tell, HID lights and such haven't been around for that long, maybe 15 yrs?? Maybe the plants have evolved a bit with different strains etc.... like Weedman said, naturally UVB doesn't occur in many places, actually just a few. But from those places where it is, the weed seems to be that much more stronger and stonier, even guys on here will say that weed grown outdoors at the right time will be stronger. Whether some strains react more or less to it is another guess

Btw you can buy UVB cfl's aswell light this Repti Glo 10.0 Compact 26w - Garden Site, at least you wouldn't have to buy a starter or anything like I did, if you are still considerinjg it
Why does UV B only occur in a few places? Doesn't it occur everywhere? I imagined it to occur everywhere but merely be more available in certain spots on the map.

If you were to see a farm yard pig, and release it into the wild it would very quickly adapt to a wild pig... bring it back and it'll go all pink and fat again very quickly. Certain life has a remarkable ability to adapt to given changes in environments. Cannabis has always amazed us with its adaptability.

If you take an indica plant's resultant seed out of afghanistan, and placed them in an indoor grow you will not achieve the potency of the original mother. Even if you kept the same seed in afghanistan and planted them further down the hill from the mom, the seed would not be as potent.


Well-Known Member
Why does UV B only occur in a few places? Doesn't it occur everywhere? I imagined it to occur everywhere but merely be more available in certain spots on the map.

If you were to see a farm yard pig, and release it into the wild it would very quickly adapt to a wild pig... bring it back and it'll go all pink and fat again very quickly. Certain life has a remarkable ability to adapt to given changes in environments. Cannabis has always amazed us with its adaptability.

If you take an indica plant's resultant seed out of afghanistan, and placed them in an indoor grow you will not achieve the potency of the original mother. Even if you kept the same seed in afghanistan and planted them further down the hill from the mom, the seed would not be as potent.

I meant that UVB only oaccurs in large amounts in a few places, just going on the map that Weedman showed. Few places I remember were mexico, Thailand at thats all I remember. I see what you're saying about adapting, if the plants in the past few years have been receiveing really low amounts of UVB, then they must have adaptly, and quickly otherwise we would be smoking lawn at the moment. But surely it must still retain some of its ability to use UVB well? I hope anyways..


New Member
In all HPS lamps there is a modicum of the blue spectrum emitted. I believe that if you just use HPS you are asking for yield, not potent bud.

I also believe something else I read, that hps grown plants are full of cbd. This ties in perfectly with my theory on the 2 cells in the trich'. One cell is for thc, the other cbd. One blue, one red. Which is why we need a combination of lights. Every light from the spectrum would be good, even far red might be good. With the right manipulation of light spectrums we could force the plant to evolve into something like the world has never seen.

Am I mad?