The Official Canna Coco & Nutrients Thread


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone. I am using the BIO line and am wondering is there a huge difference between the regular boost and BIOboost? I know its 100% organic and all but production wise. Keep the advice coming everyone. $800 of my wallet is on the line.


Well-Known Member
ive been told that the Bio it is only one ingredient different from the regular Boost...


Well-Known Member
J berry, I am using the bioterra plus soil. Would it fuck me to switch over to the terra line of nutes? Ive put one run on the soil with the full bio line. Do you think its possible to get bigger yeilds with the chemical terra line vs the bio line? I'm just tired of paying the high price for BIO and want to switch to the Terra.


Well-Known Member
yea go ahead and switch, not sure if yields will go up or quality will go down but i would bet things wont change much.


Active Member
this is my first time using coco. what ppm would you start your cuttings on once they've been planted in the coco? im running cana coco a+b


Well-Known Member
this is my first time using coco. what ppm would you start your cuttings on once they've been planted in the coco? im running cana coco a+b
i usually roll with 600 - 800 for the first watering then i pump it up.


Active Member
I love Canna products.. I am using them currently in my hydro system with a bottom fed resivor where nutrients are mixed to feed water. I have been using their nutrients for about 2 years now (or Home and Garden if I can't find Canna) and I just started using Boost for the first time in this crop. Boost is pretty expensive and I am hoping it is worth the additional costs. What are your thoughts on their "Boost" product?


Well-Known Member
I love Canna products.. I am using them currently in my hydro system with a bottom fed resivor where nutrients are mixed to feed water. I have been using their nutrients for about 2 years now (or Home and Garden if I can't find Canna) and I just started using Boost for the first time in this crop. Boost is pretty expensive and I am hoping it is worth the additional costs. What are your thoughts on their "Boost" product?
it is not worth the money imo


Well-Known Member
with all the gnats it produces you might be right; I was thinking I might have to run boiling water as a flush to kill off all the gnats, then start running a flush with cannazyhme and sit... it's a lot of effort..


Well-Known Member
gnats love wet coco and anything organic that decomposes... try letting the medium surface dry a little and using "Gnatrol" if it becomes a real problem.



The website Canna says to add - CannaZym (with every watering, but my friends have been told + in the shop that is much, and I must take it easy on it.
Whats do you say from For 10 liters I got 18ml Canna A, 18ML CANNA B + Rhizotonic 14ml. CannaZym 40mil

I know they are my friends, and have been doing it for a while, but if the webiste, and Canna says Cannazym everytime, but they say no do it 1/10 or so

Need som input :)



CannaZym I have been told it kills of bad roots, etc