LEDS do they work?

I have limited power for my flower room 4x8 @ 20 amps. I was thinking of using 2 600watt lights but when I start to add all the other power etc... I'm close to tapping out my power. My next thought was to go to LEDS due to low power consumption. Is there another alternative? Have you tried LEDS and what was your results? Any help would be greatly appreciated.




Well-Known Member
I have limited power for my flower room 4x8 @ 20 amps. I was thinking of using 2 600watt lights but when I start to add all the other power etc... I'm close to tapping out my power. My next thought was to go to LEDS due to low power consumption. Is there another alternative? Have you tried LEDS and what was your results? Any help would be greatly appreciated.


have not tried leds but i wouldnt want to either they are mad expensive and still experimental you cant add another circuit


Active Member
Well most led lights are better used with a hps. If I were you id ad a few 100 watt cfls t5's or something like that. I use hps t5's and a few 100 watt cfl lights works for me :weed:
I'm tapped out on power unfortunately. I'm looking at the Stealth Grow LED with 2 watt chips. The cost is a bit much but if you are dealing with high electrical costs, changing your bulbs every two cycles it adds up also.
I'm tapped out on power unfortunately. I'm looking at the Stealth Grow LED with 2 watt chips. The cost is a bit much but if you are dealing with high electrical costs, changing your bulbs every two cycles it adds up also.

I too have been looking to change over to LED's from HID's for a number of reasons, and one of the company's I stumbled across is Stealth Grow. From the data provided, and the fact that this is 2010, I can see LEDs performing inline with HIDs. Heat, which leads to high moisture, low noise, low heat signature, AND most importantly lower energy costs.

Anyone using LED's, especially Stealth Grow LED's, please sound off! Thanks in advance...


Well-Known Member
Yes. LED's work. I am on my 2nd grow with LED's and they work fine and the buds seem to have more resign production with LED's


Active Member
well heres what i always say. what are you trying to get out of your grow?
if you wanna have fun and take care of a plant and get some bud at the end then LED/cfls are for you.
what you put in is what you get out. if you want to smoke or even sell tons of herb you gotta put the money in.
LEDs can even get pricey ive seen the decent kind on ebay for 75$$


Active Member
I wondered the same thing. I got a lot of conflicting answers and not a whole lot of concrete proof either way.

Some claimed to have grown a whole crop start to finish on nothing but led's and great results...

others claimed they used led's and they got less than what they expected and were not pleased with the results.

I didnt want to take the gamble and it not payoff...especially with the cost of the led's i was interested in.

If you want to go the LED route i'd advise going to someone with a good reputation and a money back warranty/guarantee type of deal so in the event they do not work out they way you want them to you can simply return the LED'S and get your money back.

I chose to experiment the CFL route...only on my first grow so i will have to get back to you on if it was worth it.

If you go the CFL route the 23W bulbs are the best in lumen to watt output ratio (fyi). They are pretty cheap...you can find a box of 12 23W 2700K CFL's at home depot for just over $20. you can make your own light fixture with a few power strips and socket adapters (to screw the bulbs into the strip). also pretty cheap...power strips were $5 something for 2 at lowes and the connects go for about $2 each.

cheaper way of growing indoors if you ask me (over HPS and MH) which require ballasts and they use a lot of energy.

give CFL a try.