for those who despise hydro


Active Member
hydroponics is a load of shit if you ask me, its just pushing mj to its limit, theres nothing chilled about it, im an organic grower in aus and i recently found, that palnting seeds directly into dirt is much faster and more natural than even potting mixes, i planted 6 in australian light brown dirt, 6 sprouted in 5 days, the seeds that i planted in pots took seven days and are tiny in comparison, i water them all with rainwater. i beleive that the more organic and the less chemicals involved, the greater the results, larger yeild and less chance of failure.:peace:


Active Member
Howdy, I grow hydro pretty much cuz I'm clumsy most of the time, nothing at all to do with trying to grow my herb like steroid-pumped freaks.
I used to spill dirt in the house a lot and my chick would be grumpy at me over it. I still keep my moms in soil since they don't get moved around much and are pretty safe from me. But since I started flowering in rockwool/hydroton I have never had to deal with her getting pissed at me dropping a whole pot on the carpet. Just a little cleaner for inside grows IMO.
Also hydro can be fed with organic ferts just as easily as mineral ferts.

Don't get me wrong, when I grow the same strain inside and out, I usually feel the outside bud has a bit more flavor, but I understand that could be completely psycological.


Well-Known Member
I'm interested in hydro

but I'll stay with soil just started some ff ocean Forrest so I hope I like the results:)


Well-Known Member
I found this quote, but dont kill the messenger...

"A grower that feeds 100% organic components will never maximize their crop". -Geary Coogler, B.Se. Horticulture. 2009.

Chronic Connoisseur

Well-Known Member
hydroponics is a load of shit if you ask me, its just pushing mj to its limit, theres nothing chilled about it, im an organic grower in aus and i recently found, that palnting seeds directly into dirt is much faster and more natural than even potting mixes, i planted 6 in australian light brown dirt, 6 sprouted in 5 days, the seeds that i planted in pots took seven days and are tiny in comparison, i water them all with rainwater. i beleive that the more organic and the less chemicals involved, the greater the results, larger yeild and less chance of failure.:peace:
of course they are going to grow faster, and bigger if they are in dirt...OUTSIDE.. rather than pots.. thats just plain ignorant.


Well-Known Member
just like burninjay, thats the same reason i do hydro.
i've done soil in the past, thats how i learned, but hydro is cleaner, especially in an apt.

i definitely don't think hydro is a load of shit tho.


Active Member
To each his own, I think soil taste/smokes better especially organic. Not everything is black and white though.


Well-Known Member
plus i live in the inner city, i'm sure it looks weird to my neighbors when some kid is luggin 8 sacks of soil into a 2 bedroom apt haha


Well-Known Member
My first few grows were hydro.. I learned it all there and now i have moved to organic soil grow. I loved both because they involved marijuana but for what is the easiest.. soil. Hydro was more "cutting edge" and cool to be like yea its hydro.. but for the work involved im freaking LOVING this organic soil grow... also my first MH/HPS grow.. i was all CFL before and there still is nothing wrong with them but damn 1 400 watt MH/HPS is SOO much easier to adjust. lol Also now I got a ton of supplemental lighting that I plan on using to assist the HPS once my babies mature!!


Well-Known Member
Hydro and soil...

Pro's and Con's.

Its way cleaner, and i believe its much easier than growing in soil.

Its ideal for people living in apts.

Its more stealthy.

My back yard has a pile of dirt so tall, that if anyone had common sense, they would know what I do in a second.

Ill make a garden out of it this spring.

I hated going down to my hydro shop and lugging many bags of soil into my truck. It got old...And FAST!

My house is so clean now..

Carpets are immaculate.

Hydro is the fastest way to grow a plant.

Its cool to look at the root mass, instead of the roots being buried in soil with low oxygen levels.

Soil is great for beginners, because it is much more forgiving.

With hydro, you have to maintain your grows, and taking a vacation is pretty much outta the question.

The yield is usually much higher in hydro..

But, the taste in soil grown plants might be a touch better.

Personally, I like all the cool toys that is required to grow in hydro.

Digital Meters, and such..

Once again.. The Pro's and Con's....

Each to their own :hump:

trichlone fiend

New Member
...I'm not believing what I'm reading here. I've grown with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest for a couple years now, and I've worked my ass off! When your watering many plants it takes hours to water properly. Since I've gone hydro I've got my life back....LOL! I follow the Lucas Formula, I only change out my res @ the end of each crop....simple dank, yield seems larger, I reuse my hydroton rocks over and over, unstead of having shitloads of soil that I can't reuse...hydro is easier!...or is it just me??????


Active Member
I love organic! :-) And I don't have a heavy hand when it comes to nutes.

But hydro has many advantages and those advantages are the main reasons why hydroponic growing was innovated.

Our government is now teaching local farmers how to grow in hydroponic medium because it is more efficient.

Closetgrowth has a very good point :-)


Well-Known Member
WOW, u must not have EVER used hydro if u think this.:lol: VERY closed minded of u not to see the difference between the skills involved, i use DWC with NO PH METER. my plant is beautiful, OH and ive never owned OR used a PH meter. it is MUCH cleaner by the way.


Well-Known Member
WOW, u must not have EVER used hydro if u think this.:lol: VERY closed minded of u not to see the difference between the skills involved, i use DWC with NO PH METER. my plant is beautiful, OH and ive never owned OR used a PH meter. it is MUCH cleaner by the way.

Who? seems like everyone just said their


Well-Known Member
...I'm not believing what I'm reading here. I've grown with Fox Farm's Ocean Forest for a couple years now, and I've worked my ass off! When your watering many plants it takes hours to water properly. Since I've gone hydro I've got my life back....LOL! I follow the Lucas Formula, I only change out my res @ the end of each crop....simple dank, yield seems larger, I reuse my hydroton rocks over and over, unstead of having shitloads of soil that I can't reuse...hydro is easier!...or is it just me??????

Well im sure its a matter of how much did you have to deal with. I have 8 plants.. under one 400 watt MH/HPS and a total of ONE bag of the fox farms organic ocean forest.

see my journal, doesnt get easier than that.. plus its an open grow, no need to stress about temps.


Well-Known Member
hydro is WAY compicated?

FALSE. hydro is quite simple with a LIL thought and a realist plan fer ur growing goals.its simple science of growing without soil.

hydro doesnt produce the smell/aroma of soil??

FALSE. this is a touchy subject so well treat softly, while it can be more challenging to achieve full bodied taste and aroma, it CAN b done. some strains actually enjoy and YIELD higher in hydro than soil (they should post that on the seedbanks)! while sum vetrans from soil will contest that they can match the yields, hydro grows can argue that they get more flavor and aroma from hydro.

hydro produce r all full of chemicals?

FALSE. nutrients come in all shapes and sizes, growers can certainly grow purely organic in hydro, as a technique known as "BIO-ponics"

hydro produce LESS nutrition?

FALSE. if u feed them well they will feed u right back, JUST as good.

root systems DONT thrive in hydro?

FALSE. root systems tend to b smaller in hyrdo than soil, NOT because they dont thrive tho strikly because they r doing WAY less work to dig throo water than dirt!

(MY FAV) ALL MY FRIENDS r growing in soil, so i should too?

FALSE FALSE FALSE FALSE. growers learn from other growers, BUT just because womeone u kno is doin soil DOES NOT mean u should OR need to. the past ten years there have been TONS of new mixes of guanos, and wat not in all kinds of new soils, to b more airatedd, and made from BETTER sources of organic materials. HOWEVER a good hydro grow will produce a higher yeild, and wen done properly, BETTER tsate and aroma.

