Well-Known Member
California State University Walkout
Thursday, March 4
CSU students, voice your right as a consumer and a future cog in the machine: Walk out of your classes this march 4 to protest the budget BULLSHIT and those fucking furloughs. This protest will be against the unethical budget cuts that are fucking up my tuition and leaving many hopeful students without a way into higher education. CSU Monterey, the cheapest of the CSUs just denied 1000 people from admittance this fall. UCSF, UCSC, now the entire CSU system is standing up for our collective need for societal and cultural education. Also, by bailing on class, there can probably be a huge smoke session, lol.
Check with your local campus, and non-students PLEASE SUPPORT THIS MOVEMENT however possible. Our future as a society is at stake.
check out the movement on facebook - "education action now" or send me a pm
Thursday, March 4
CSU students, voice your right as a consumer and a future cog in the machine: Walk out of your classes this march 4 to protest the budget BULLSHIT and those fucking furloughs. This protest will be against the unethical budget cuts that are fucking up my tuition and leaving many hopeful students without a way into higher education. CSU Monterey, the cheapest of the CSUs just denied 1000 people from admittance this fall. UCSF, UCSC, now the entire CSU system is standing up for our collective need for societal and cultural education. Also, by bailing on class, there can probably be a huge smoke session, lol.
Check with your local campus, and non-students PLEASE SUPPORT THIS MOVEMENT however possible. Our future as a society is at stake.
check out the movement on facebook - "education action now" or send me a pm