This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
Funny you say that, I was just gonna mention I see purple stems.
From what i understand theres basically two reasons. One is that it's just in the genetics the other is stress. Your plants look extremely healthy maybe your night temps are dropping. That happened to me before, took a while to figure it out but that was it when it happened to my plants.


Well-Known Member
heater has a thermostat. it stay 74-78 all the time. wonder if maybe the water i use last time was to cold. thing is all got the same water and no others turned. could be the stress from the mite treatment, that was the one that had all the mites on it. its growth got stunted, and reallly has'nt grown alot sence.


Well-Known Member
heres some pics what yall think.



Well-Known Member
thank you getting better! at it. buds are way bigger than the first grow. plants are healthyer. nexts grow can only get better. but in the grow now it is looking good. Got another male in the auto grow. will pull him out and put him with the other two males. buds have started to form, on 3 of them the others seem to be getting quit tall looking for those to give a good yield. they are the afgan koosh. the blue berry have good veg growth as well, santa mariea x lr2 are small. the blue hymalayen is small as well.
all the white widow and northern light clones are grow very fast, looks like ill be cloning off them next week. then putting them in flower. problem is no room left.
all the hairs have sucked back in to the bud on the hawaiian snow. its about ready, going to give it one more week. 12 weeks in flower when finnished.


Well-Known Member
Have to say those NL and WW look really good, nice fat colas, keep up the good work..Im scribin way late but Im interested to see how things progress with your auto's. Im about the germ 5 auto ak's to go under 1000w hps and Im also going to try another 5 or so outside probably start those in may or june, try to maximize the amount of light they get. Great journal, like how you have kind of a staggered perpetualy thing going on, keep up the good work, peace


Well-Known Member
Welcome Cali. Glad to have here. Autos are very easy to grow they dont need alot of nutes, and give me smoke alot sooner than reg... plants, but cant get the yield i want. This grow should give me more this time, as of the last one, simply because i got more going then last time, Yes them colas on my w.w and n.l are getting fater by the day. loven it tooooooo. They should be bigger than my hawaiian snow when they are done.


Well-Known Member
ok i had a problem with one of my regular plants. the one with the spider mites that i treated for. now after time has passed this plant really as not done alot as for getting a lot of growth. I did take some clones from this plant before she flowered. and now looking at the clone im starting to think that this plant has a genetic flaw... clones seem to be doing the same as the mother in flower. no mites but its growth is just not there.


Well-Known Member
On the light test of the m/l - hps 400s. Ok the hight is starting to get to high. Really dont want to pull them down, so i will be moving them over to my other flower area soon. As for the plant , what i can see, is that, the ones under the m/l light seem to have a more fulfilled green on them, they seem to be light and dense in bud. I have two that the hight wont be a problem so they will stay there. The ones under the hps lights plant is light on green, but buds seem to be thicker to the touch and look more defined. Although the buds will get there, i believe under the m/l. hps gets them there faster. Just less bud. I had to move two out under the hps because of hight problems. They are still under an hps. 400. Now the m/l plant seem to be more limp than the hps. Either the but are heavyier or the stem is weaker. but idk


Well-Known Member
The 1rst 3 pics are showing you the diffents in the to lights m/l, and hps. The next were of my corner of buds lol. The Hawaiian is still living, just waiting on the top of colas to finnish, had some new growth that made this plant half to stay in there alittle longer. buds are so heavy she cant hold her self up. w.w is getting fater as well as the n.l. there a pic of pig bud and it growing well. Ready to see it fill out now. Theres a couple shots of the autos, and little buds on them. Then theres my males, in there as well. Have 3 males in all. Then there some shots of my w.w and nl and big bud clones. Looks like an jungle up there. Then there a shot of the clone that i think has a genetic problem, all the clone off her look the same. dont now what im going to do with them. And even if they are worth the time to grow them.



Well-Known Member
ok i dont know how but the hawaiian snow got some pollen. she still growing, havent pulled her yet. waiting on the very top of the colas to finnish. now today i had my magnifiying glas out looking at her and found a seed. its still green. but dont know how it got the pollen on her. but it came from some were. im fucked up got to crash lol who the fuck cares right. im talking to my self lol....... texas style. smoke on and lest get drunkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


Well-Known Member
ok i moved the hawaiian out and put her in darkness . for 2 days. shes done althought the new growth on top of buds seem to be still growing. but had to, just ran out of height room in not only the small flower area but as well in the veg area.Now those clone i pulled down are looking very nice.Will clone of them soon. those clones are w.w , n.l are and big bud. they are ready for flower now. Figure i will clone and wait till friday to change light back to flower. I moved all the other hawaiian over to the taller flower area. so its pretty packed in there right now. hopefully il be able to harvest the ww and nl soon. both look allosome. cant wait to see these clones flower out.
autos are looking nice as well. bud are forming good. and there a pics of baby autos. as well as my auto males.


Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
ok i dont know how but the hawaiian snow got some pollen. she still growing, havent pulled her yet. waiting on the very top of the colas to finnish. now today i had my magnifiying glas out looking at her and found a seed. its still green. but dont know how it got the pollen on her. but it came from some were. im fucked up got to crash lol who the fuck cares right. im talking to my self lol....... texas style. smoke on and lest get drunkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
did you take a close look at her? does she have male flowers? some strains tend to push out a few male flowers here and there late in flower/season. it's they're survival mode to escape extinction in nature. to reproduce and carry on down the generations.......not saying that's what happened here, but just a thought.:leaf: ...... or you could of fucked up the light cycle and stresssed it into a hermie:lol:lol


Well-Known Member
good to see ya green, and no light cycle has stayed the same. and the seed i found was in the middle of the bud and there are no signs of any more. maybe it trying to live on with that one seed. either way i put her in the dark today and in 2 days she getting choped. all those clones are going to flower. ill still clone this week. and trim what i dont clone and get them ready for buds. figure they are tall enough if i wait they will out grow this flower area.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
if that one seed is viable seed, you should grow it out later and do a journal with it. I would be interested just to see what happens:leaf:

edit~ never mind. just re-read what you wrote and it won't be good in 2 days:lol:


Well-Known Member
it wouldnt grow seed is to green any way. and i really dont want to grow any more of this strain. thinking this white widow and northern lights is what im going to grow for the time being. well along with all these autos i have. soon as im able i will do a seed run on one of my best lady. beside growing from seed just takes to long. .


Well-Known Member
have a ? when do i introduce the pollen to my lady? at pre bud, when bud is half grown, or full grown ?
Ok autos. These autos are growing very fast, i think the afgan kush autos are going to give me a good yield. they are alot taller then the lr2x ak , the blue berry,and the double diesel, but the d.d. is bigger than the lr2 as well. i think ill pollinate the af... kush and the d.d. to. both are nice size plants. It look like the af... kush will take longer than the others, others are budding now but the afgan is just now showing sex all are lady. the males are blue berry and blue hymalian. o i installed more lighting in one flower area, i put sunblaze 2' ft ultraviolet 6500 in there but did buy the red bulbs to figure it would help lower growth. use one of the new lights for a new little veg area. figure it will work good for the autos babes.