I am currently trying to water it a lot less often per Jonus' suggestion. I last watered it on the 24th and was going to wait until sunday or monday to water it again. When I do I am planning on giving it 1-1.5L with 2 drops of PH down. Ill try just more water less often from now on because Jonus was probably right in that my roots were always wet. She is still growing though so thats good.
Its not so much working out the right days between watering/feeding, its letting the plants determine that and they will eventually shift into a pattern. By only watering when pots a light this allows plants to get into a rythm. So in that I mean, you do not need to wait longer if the pot is light already, let the light pot determine the watering time.
As for the 1.5l, it is more important that when you water, you thoroughly soak the pot and water comes out the bottom - you can remove any excess water in pot footers rather than let plants sit in the runoff. In watering using this method you allow even moisture throughout the grow medium, this allows roots to fill out the entire pot, not just head to the bottom as it looks like they might be doing.
Roots congregating around the bottom can easily lead to root bound plants, but also, the majority of the plants roots sitting in the soggiest part of the pot.
Thorough watering does away with this by allowing even distribution of roots. The outward sign roots are evenly distributing is the apparence of the fan leaves. They will spread out, stretching outward past the edge of your pots.
It is then that the plants are ready to switch to flower.
I'll be starting to flower in a week. She is currently 4 weeks old.
4 weeks from seed is too young to switch in my personal opinion. Assuming this is a seedling and not a clone, seedlings take 6-10 weeks before all the adult parts are properly formed which then they are ready to switch to flower. You can still switch to flower at 4 weeks but you risk incurring more complications because you are essentially switching an adolescent plant into a very adult pursuit.
Also your plants need time to recover from the shock of over watering, this may take a week or two. If I were you I would wait until the majority of the fan leaves have extended out and are just over the edge of the pots. This means that at least the roots are ready for flowering. That would be the earliest I would switch a seedling. The best time is to wait until the female hairs show which can be between 6-10 weeks.
Clones of course, are cuttings from already adult plants and can be switched at 3-4 weeks of vegging because all their adult structures are in place. With clones then its just a matter of waiting for a solid rooting system to develop.