Tahoe's doing it - stepping up to the plate....we're ready.....

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New Member
wow tahoe, those are some handsome plants you got there, just imagine what beast they will be when you get that co2 hooked up and cabinet fine tuned...:blsmoke::joint:


Well-Known Member
Speaking of blowing the doors, what the hell is ur avatar sucking on? Doesn't look like a spliff to me.


Well-Known Member
just use ur imagination.....that's the whole idea!

Actually no...she's just making sure she didn't miss an BUD GOO!


Well-Known Member
Thats what Tahoe does after she feels her plants up... where do you get your Avatar from anyway, I got to get me some of that:mrgreen:

On another note, with you HPS section, do you leave the door open or is the only airflow the cab gets is that fan at the back? I'm trying to figure out how it works...


Well-Known Member
there are four fans....altogether....one within the confines of the flowerings chamber...it sucks air out the the chamber and exhausts it through a carbon filter. there are two in the compartment above the flowering chamber that houses the light. one sucks and one blows...either would work for me...hehehehehehe...and then there is the fourth one in the vege chamber....and I do believe it also blows air inside but I need to check that


Well-Known Member
hahahahahaha Hum...thanks for that narrative...interesting thought...so your's was a great plant though right! if I remember correctly. I guess maybe I really am in for a treat!.......thanks again...I'll keep posting.
lmao, I was very high and somewhat bored, now looking back on it, I feel silly, lol.. why did you have to go and quote it? bushy I think is doing great, I updated my journal recently, check it out when you get the chance...


Well-Known Member
Tahoe!! things are looking greeeat! I love the look of the small fat boy type plants, they look so much more substantial and healthy!! At what point did you cut the tops??


Well-Known Member
I only topped it once....I can't remember exactly...i journaled it and took pics......then there are now tow main central stalks. but this palnt have sooo many dominate stalks I can't count them all. There is absolutely no need to top or anything....its growing sideways as fast or faster than it is growing up....Like I said in antoerh place, I can't imagine what its gonna look like in aonther 30-45 days!


Well-Known Member
what....I just put ones up yesterday? you want more again....are you never satisfied....hahahahahaha....j/k.....I'll go and take a couple again right now...brb....cheers!


Well-Known Member
these are some additional photos taken this morning. today is Day 21 since sprout (19 days vege and day 2 of flowering). The preflowering almost seems to have stalled somewhat....maybe the switch to 12/12 was too early....but I'm ok....I getting to the point of just being ok with waiting....though I expect that I will make sure that preflowers are more underway in my next gro...that just seems to make more sense to me. At the moment I would not have had room in my vege chamber the way I started this so...for this time....we'll keep walking forward....I think she's still doing purdy well....ENJOY!



Well-Known Member
Good lookin' lady there :)

Yours look a lot better than mine for 19 days, my guys are still very small LOL they're right behind you
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