Active Member
12 holy images from christ and mary in an orange to jesus in burger grease??? are ppl crazy are is this divine and to think everyone frown's on stoner's perhaps it's all the drug's the government pushes lol.
now don't get me wrong i see what there talking about and i am a christian and am glad to be alive have felt the touch of death almost died only reason i survived was god was on my shoulder and i was ony 5 mins from the hospital any further and i'd have died that night. but i mean if u look hard enough u can see whatever youre imagination want's u too see and the bad thing is ppl are selling these items and makeing cash off christ is this wrong or do i have a stick up my ass???


New Member
I saw this live on Kimmel a few years ago.... very funny with Donnie Osmond... one of Kimmels best skits.



Well-Known Member
If you like astronomy or just looking at the stars after a fatty watch this and realize just how small we really are

[youtube]<object width="640" height="505"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="505"></embed></object>[/youtube]

click the link if the embed didnt work


Well-Known Member
So this is the YouPoop video page now? What happened to 100 posts per day... Lol...

All my off topic subscriptions are long gone... Suprised to see this one kicking, with all the filth within!

nice to know you're all here... still wasting time one doobie after another...