Droopy, curling leaves in HYDROTON? PIKS


New Member
Solo Bubblicious 3 weeks in flower.

100% Hydroton in Ebb/Gro bucket system

GH LUCAS formula 1:2 Micro/Bloom 1000 PPM @.5 Dutch Zone

Watering 30 min 3 times a day lights on only.

600 watt HPS, 77F, 30% RH Good vent. PH 5.7

This problem has plagued her since she was 1 month in Veg. Her 2 brothers did not display this symptom but were 25% more vigorous. Every other aspect of growth is good: Roots white, plentiful (thanks to that Kick ass Dutch Master ZONE), normal bud development, no deficiency scars on the leaves. Only droop. Stems are nice and firm. Only the leaves themselves are curlung/drooping. I have tried backing off on the nutes, adding more nutes, increasing/decreasing the watering along with the rate. Kelp Folier spray. Flushing with that GH shit. I just sprayed a couple leaves with Mag solution as my latest experiment. I am worried that when it comes down to the last 2 weeks, this problem may affect the Soneyiciousness or yield. I have not tried any hard core additive yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated



Active Member
The only thing I can think of is possibly your pH or maybe over watering. If your over watering then she wont be able to breath and drooping can occur. The leaf still looks very healthy though.


Active Member
Man thats a god damn healthy plant, I think they might just be drooping, cause she needs a hair cut. Pluck a few of the older leaves off.


New Member
I forgot to put the PH in thanks, I'll edit. Its 5.7 . That just it, it looks overwatered yet its in Hydroton . I tried watering with light nutes thinking too much salts in the water so osmosis sucking the h20 out of the plant. No change!! Thanks for the reply


New Member
Thanks cowboy. So an overall overnute? Is that cuz of the color or curl? I backed off my PPM's to 750@.5 today. Thanks


Active Member
If the Hydroton is not rinsed thoroughly with ph balanced water then it will cause a severe fluctuation in the Ph level. This happened to my buddy and his plants looked similar. Good luck


New Member
Thanks Jon .I flush every 2 weeks with GH Florokleen before a nute change out. Also I cleaned the new hydroton with peroxide before use.


Well-Known Member
Is florakleen an enzyme? If not you may want to add hygrozyme or something comparable to your res. Keep those old dead roots eaten up and out of the way. And your welcome sir. Thats going to be a nice big plant when you flower it.


New Member
She is a fat bitch. I haven't grown in years and was too chicken shit to prune. Floracleen just removes salts. I also run ZONE which has chemical gee-whiz shit that acts like H2O2 but will not leech iron out of the roots. I think between the 2 it would kill the hygrozine. I hear its some good shit for soil though.


New Member
Cowboy you are right on!! Check out this post in IC Mag Author MYNameSTitch:

Now for having too much nitrogen in your growing mediums or soil. The plant will have like an overall DARK green look and have delayed maturity. Due to Nitrogen being involved in vegetative growth, to much nitrogen will result in tall plants with weak stems. New growth will be very lively and plant transpiration will be high, but not always. Nitrogen toxicity can be seen when there are very very dry conditions almost as if there was a drought, which may show a burning effect. If you give your plants ammonium based nutrients they may show NH4+ toxicity, which will show a smaller plant growth and lesions that occur on stems and roots, leaf margins that will roll downward. Also the big fan leaves will have “the claw” look. The tips will point down but the leaves will stay up as if when you bend your fingers downwards. Leaves can be twisted when growing… mainly new growths. Roots will be under developed along with the slowing of flowering. Yields will be decreased, because to much nitrogen in early stages of flowering slows down bud growth. Water uptake is slowing down from the vascular breakdown of the plants as well. Too much potassium and nitrogen will lock out calcium as well.

My leaves were so green and the new shoots came up all distorted. How can you describe how the leaves look any better than that? She is short, only 23" after the flower stretch. I vegged for 7 weeks too!! I guess there's nothing I can do about it now since flowering requires less N anyway. This is so fricken classic. A textbook example. Sometimes hints stare you in the face but you don't see it. No shit GREEN GREEN = High Nitrogen. I even recommended that to another poster that had a simular problem a couple days ago , yet I didn't pick up on my own problem!! Well I'm going to modify my nutes for the remainder of this flower stage.

Eagle eye Cowboy, damn! Thanks ++++rep


Well-Known Member
Looks like to much nitrogen to me. Possibly phosphorous also.
3 weeks into flower I have the same exact problem. Plant seems healthy as hell but im getting claw like curl.
PPm and PH are good. No sign of nute burn. Im going fuckin crazy.

Should i flush for a day then change rez with real low N ?


Active Member
Solo Bubblicious 3 weeks in flower.

100% Hydroton in Ebb/Gro bucket system

GH LUCAS formula 1:2 Micro/Bloom 1000 PPM @.5 Dutch Zone

Watering 30 min 3 times a day lights on only.

600 watt HPS, 77F, 30% RH Good vent. PH 5.7

This problem has plagued her since she was 1 month in Veg. Her 2 brothers did not display this symptom but were 25% more vigorous. Every other aspect of growth is good: Roots white, plentiful (thanks to that Kick ass Dutch Master ZONE), normal bud development, no deficiency scars on the leaves. Only droop. Stems are nice and firm. Only the leaves themselves are curlung/drooping. I have tried backing off on the nutes, adding more nutes, increasing/decreasing the watering along with the rate. Kelp Folier spray. Flushing with that GH shit. I just sprayed a couple leaves with Mag solution as my latest experiment. I am worried that when it comes down to the last 2 weeks, this problem may affect the Soneyiciousness or yield. I have not tried any hard core additive yet. Any suggestions would be appreciated

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you sure your ph is right?


Well-Known Member
3 weeks into flower I have the same exact problem. Plant seems healthy as hell but im getting claw like curl.
PPm and PH are good. No sign of nute burn. Im going fuckin crazy.

Should i flush for a day then change rez with real low N ?
A good fush of the system and then probaly just a P-K for a few weeks. Got plenty of N for now. Just watch your new growth, you will see it begin to lighten. You can add a bit of N then for a couple of weeks. Then finish. Its very true guys, highN plants do take longer to finish. But you are both in the first half or so of flower. It really should not be a very big factor.:weed:
I have this exact same problem. It started with some blue dream clones i brought in from a club, they did fine for the first couple weeks, then this curling droopy shit came in. and then it spread to my other strains. i have been dealing with this issue for 3 months now. no matter what i do, hydro with coco, rockwool, or soil, i keep getting it, ESPECIALLY with the blue drean, seems to be extra susceptible to it. I do not think its something we are doing wrong because I have been growing these plants so many different ways and there is not one consistent factor. I'm happy im not the only one with this problem. I think its a relatively new disease that people are just starting to deal with and we dont know what it is yet. praying for a cure, this stuff is nasty! and contagious!


New Member
Thanks again Cowboy. I will flush and go with nothing but GH Bloom 0-5-4 and it has 1.5 Mg. Got it!!
and even when i put them in ocean forest and give them nothing but plain water it still comes so i dont think its a nute thing. one thing i did notice is that when i put them outside they are all better after a few days, wierd isnt it? maybe its an environmental thing, but i dont know.


Well-Known Member
A good fush of the system and then probaly just a P-K for a few weeks. Got plenty of N for now. Just watch your new growth, you will see it begin to lighten. You can add a bit of N then for a couple of weeks. Then finish. Its very true guys, highN plants do take longer to finish. But you are both in the first half or so of flower. It really should not be a very big factor.:weed:
Thanks man. I feel better hearing your opinion. The worst part is somebody told me to add N last week and it made it worse.

Is one day of flush sufficient ?

I drip 15 min every 1-2 hours.