typical libs in berkeley

jeff f

New Member

protesting public funding costs? correct me if i am wrong, cali is one of the highest taxed states and is completely fucking broke. and these snotnoses think its SOMEONE ELSES responsibility to pay for them to go to college? these stupid fuckers dont know how to balance a checkbook but they want other citizens to pay their way.

i love the signs too. check the one that says "climate justice". if that doesnt tell you how poisened our youth has become by dopes like al gore, nothing does.

and the profs are cheerin em on....boy oh boy statists everywhere must be happy.

i love the dick at the bottom writing greed on the flag. HE wants ME to pay for HIS schooling and i am the one whose greedy? fucktard! :evil:


New Member

protesting public funding costs? correct me if i am wrong, cali is one of the highest taxed states and is completely fucking broke. and these snotnoses think its SOMEONE ELSES responsibility to pay for them to go to college? these stupid fuckers dont know how to balance a checkbook but they want other citizens to pay their way.

i love the signs too. check the one that says "climate justice". if that doesnt tell you how poisened our youth has become by dopes like al gore, nothing does.

and the profs are cheerin em on....boy oh boy statists everywhere must be happy.

i love the dick at the bottom writing greed on the flag. HE wants ME to pay for HIS schooling and i am the one whose greedy? fucktard! :evil:
These protesters seem to be pretty ignorant. California is one of the most generous states when it comes to subsidizing college education. I think it is important that government do what it reasonably can to further advanced education and keep us competitive in a global economy. Government can't nor should it provide a free "Harvard" quality education to everyone!

The fact is that a major part of responsibility is on the individual to further his or her own education. This is the way it should be. There are loans, grants, and other means to achieve this. This is open to all members of society. Not only that, some minorities (some would say unfairly) receive special access and consideration when it comes to funding.

Is this as easy as having a rich mommy and daddy to pay for it all? It is not, nor was it ever meant to be, nor should it ever be. Getting ahead in society is and needs to be based on individual achievement, ability, and willingness to get there.

These protesters need to grow up and realize this.


Well-Known Member
^^^My friend out in Cali told me college is pretty much free compared to the rest of the country, these protesters don;t get any sympathy from me.


it sounds like you guys dont know what the fuck your talking about

last year, BEFORE their rate hike... for 1 semester of tuition, my girlfriend had to pay 30,000 at UCSD

you dont think 30 grand x 4 x 4 is a little fucking steep?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
it sounds like you guys dont know what the fuck your talking about

last year, BEFORE their rate hike... for 1 semester of tuition, my girlfriend had to pay 30,000 at UCSD

you dont think 30 grand x 4 x 4 is a little fucking steep?
The price IS steep. But the point of the comments above is that it is not the responsibility of others to pay for the increase. Who do you think should pay for things you choose in life?

jeff f

New Member
it sounds like you guys dont know what the fuck your talking about

last year, BEFORE their rate hike... for 1 semester of tuition, my girlfriend had to pay 30,000 at UCSD

you dont think 30 grand x 4 x 4 is a little fucking steep?
so dont go.....

so go to a different school....

so get a job....

so go climb trees....

do whatever but you asking others to pay for it is immoral as fuck.

gather at my house this evening...i am having a protest to subsidize the new truck i want to buy. should be massive turnouts...


New Member
Cali is BROKE.... it's their own fault. Look at any state that has been dominated by Democrats...and I'll show you a state which is BROKE.

Hey, let's all try it!! Maybe if we elect a socialist with no business experience it might happen. Bet that's never been done before.

You guys see where Princeton hired Van Jones?

So much for the Ivy league..... wow.


New Member
What you righties really want is to be left alone and not have any civic responsibility. The reason the middle class evolved was through public schooling and unionization. Now that you've all made it, it's fuck everyone else. Typical right wing selfish greed. Most Every other first world country has paid for public schooling through 4 years of college, free, Government supported, healthcare, and a citizenry that actually likes the government. I wonder how that would go over here in greedville .


New Member
I'm not a rightie, but I would like to see the ppl's money spent wisely.

Liberals are incapable of it....that much is now PLAIN for all to see.

Liberal state equals a fiscal nightmare. Oh, it must be OUR fault... :roll:


Well-Known Member
What you righties really want is to be left alone and not have any civic responsibility. The reason the middle class evolved was through public schooling and unionization. Now that you've all made it, it's fuck everyone else. Typical right wing selfish greed. Most Every other first world country has paid for public schooling through 4 years of college, free, Government supported, healthcare, and a citizenry that actually likes the government. I wonder how that would go over here in greedville .

And this is exactly why America is heading towards being a 3rd world country. I spent some time in Switzerland in the 80's and one of the biggest things I noticed were by the time the Swiss turned 18 they were already trained or well on their way to being trained for whatever career they chose, whether it be a nurse, computer programmer, etc, all by their public education system. By the time someone turns 18 here they're lucky if they can write a complete sentence properly.


Well-Known Member
The reason the middle class evolved was through public schooling and unionization.
that may very well be, but too much of even a good thing can kill you. the unions evolved into a force for the same greed they were originally formed to fight, forcing management into the position where they had no choice but to cave in to ever increasing demands and passing that cost on to consumers. public education has become a sop for those who claim a right to expression for their real or imagined victimhood, embracing mediocrity at the expense of useful information and draining their tax base with overly politicized, agenda driven waste. the demands of the working class for the same perks as the wealthy have burdened us all with a massive bureaucracy designed to redistribute wealth based on jealousy and a cult of entitlement. we have believed our own hype for too long and seem to expect that we are all entitled to a standard of living that is the envy of the rest of the world. this is so obviously a crock of shit, there will always be those who go without and those who prosper. just as anywhere else in the world, there will always be those who fail.


Well-Known Member
And this is exactly why America is heading towards being a 3rd world country. I spent some time in Switzerland in the 80's and one of the biggest things I noticed were by the time the Swiss turned 18 they were already trained or well on their way to being trained for whatever career they chose, whether it be a nurse, computer programmer, etc, all by their public education system. By the time someone turns 18 here they're lucky if they can write a complete sentence properly.
i double dog dare you to start asking 18 year old kids what two countrys border their own.:hump:


New Member
Not sure about the protesters specifically, but since this has degenerated a bit, let me chime in my thoughts on the issue....

Society benefits when more folks get educated. There is no denying this. So it would seem to behoove society to provide some incentive for higher ducation and learning. To me, it seems like economics 101 to subsidize things that benefit society and tax those that harm society, could just be my whole progressive slant though

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Education is a good thing. How it is FUNDED is a different matter though. Shouldn't part of the education process be to teach self reliance and humility? Should kids be taught that others "owe" them?


New Member
Education is a good thing. How it is FUNDED is a different matter though. Shouldn't part of the education process be to teach self reliance and humility? Should kids be taught that others "owe" them?

How should it be funded? Knowing you, you will say 'don't send me any part of the bill for it', or something to that effect. Yet you will (almost 100% likely) see the positive effects left by those who received higher education. Only if you live isolated, all alone, never having any contact with advanced medicines or new technology will you not see some positive effect. So it is fine to have a discussion about how education gets funded, and how much do we as a society subsidize it, but you can't say you haven't benefitted from folks getting a higher education while typing on a computer


Well-Known Member
Society benefits when more folks get educated. There is no denying this. So it would seem to behoove society to provide some incentive for higher education and learning. To me, it seems like economics 101 to subsidize things that benefit society and tax those that harm society, could just be my whole progressive slant though
you don't tax society, you tax the individual under threat of violence from the government. education may benefit society, but the individual's responsibility to society is limited and more a matter of ethics than of law. it seems only natural that any subsidization of higher education should be a voluntary matter of personal choice and that, in the end, that burden should be shouldered by those who reap the benefits of that education, the students themselves. the use of force for "the good of society" is a familiar tactic of many totalitarian regimes throughout history. the dictatorship of the proletariat is still a dictatorship and there is no "progress" in this regression to mob mentality.


Well-Known Member
it sounds like you guys dont know what the fuck your talking about

last year, BEFORE their rate hike... for 1 semester of tuition, my girlfriend had to pay 30,000 at UCSD

you dont think 30 grand x 4 x 4 is a little fucking steep?
your math is all off.

maybe you girlfriend is not from California, in which she pays full tuition without government assistance.

IN State tuition is 5k per year.

Its being raised to like 9k per year with the new legislation and cuts going forward.


New Member
Unions have outlived their usefulness.

Govt. employees should NOT be allowed to unionize ... period.

Guess who runs the ducation system? Unions..... and that is why kids CANNOT tell you which two countries border the USA....


Well-Known Member
Govt. employees should NOT be allowed to unionize ... period.
Guess who runs the education system? Unions..... and that is why kids CANNOT tell you which two countries border the USA....
i never did understand why teachers and other government employees felt it necessary to unionize. they work for the very people that are supposed to be protecting the rights of average citizens. just who is it they need to protect their rights from?:rolleyes: